Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

How Transparency in Estate Planning Prevents Family Conflict

Estate planning is more than just drafting legal documents—it’s about preparing your loved ones for the future. As Warren Buffett explained in a letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders, as The Wall Street Journal shared, having open discussions with your family about your will is one of the most effective ways to avoid confusion and conflict after your passing. Despite its difficulty, transparency in estate planning fosters understanding, accountability and alignment with your values and intentions.

Why Transparency Matters in Estate Planning

Family conflict often arises from misunderstandings about estate plans. Buffett’s advice to share the terms of your will with your adult children before signing it underscores the importance of clear communication. Estate planning attorneys echo this sentiment, highlighting several benefits:

  1. Prevent Misunderstandings: Explaining your decisions reduces the likelihood of disputes among heirs.
  2. Clarify Responsibilities: Discussing roles, such as trustees or healthcare proxies, ensures that everyone understands their duties.
  3. Align Expectations: Transparency helps beneficiaries prepare for their roles and responsibilities, minimizing surprises during an already emotional time.

The alternative—keeping plans under wraps—can leave loved ones unprepared, as seen in the story of Ebonee Moore, who didn’t learn about her inheritance until after her father’s passing. This delay hindered her ability to plan wisely, underscoring the value of proactive conversations.

Strategies for Discussing Estate Planning with Family Members

While the conversation may feel uncomfortable, families must address estate planning openly. Drawing insights from The Wall Street Journal and estate planning experts, here are actionable tips for meaningful discussions:

1. Choose the Right Time

Avoid initiating these conversations during stressful periods or family gatherings where emotions run high.  You should instead opt for a calm setting, like a private meeting or a dedicated family event.

2. Start Small

As Warren Buffett did with his children, break the conversation into manageable pieces. Discuss overarching goals first, then dive into specifics over time.

3. Involve Professionals

Consider including your estate planning attorney in family meetings to explain complex terms, answer questions and provide reassurance about legal safeguards.

4. Address Common Concerns

Reassure your loved ones that estate planning isn’t just about financial matters—ensuring that your values, legacy and healthcare preferences are honored.

Key Elements of an Effective Estate Plan

An estate planning attorney can guide you in crafting a plan that secures your legacy, while fostering family unity. Critical components include:

  • Wills and Trusts: These documents outline how assets will be distributed, reducing ambiguity and potential disputes.
  • Powers of Attorney: Appoint someone to manage your financial and medical decisions if you become incapacitated.
  • Healthcare Directives: Specify your preferences for medical care to ease decision-making during emergencies.
  • Beneficiary Designations: Regularly update these to reflect current relationships and intentions.

Overcoming Emotional Barriers

Many families avoid estate planning discussions due to the emotional weight of topics like death and finances. However, avoiding these conversations can lead to greater challenges later. Reframing the discussion as a way to strengthen family bonds and create peace of mind can help overcome hesitations.

Estate planning is an opportunity to share stories, express values and build a legacy of unity and understanding. Writing a letter to beneficiaries, as some estate planners suggest, lets you articulate your values and the reasoning behind your decisions in a heartfelt, personal way.

How an Estate Planning Attorney Can Help

Navigating the complexities of estate planning requires expertise and compassion. An experienced estate planning attorney can provide the legal framework to secure your assets, while helping you facilitate meaningful family conversations.

By working with an estate planning attorney, you can:

  • Ensure that your wishes are legally documented and enforceable.
  • Identify the best strategies for minimizing taxes and maximizing your legacy.
  • Create a comprehensive plan that protects your loved ones in unforeseen circumstances.

Estate planning is more than preparing for the inevitable; it’s about taking control of your future and ensuring that your family is cared for in alignment with your values. Don’t leave your legacy to chance—schedule a consultation with our estate planning attorney today to create a plan that protects your loved ones and fosters peace of mind.

Key Takeaways:

  • Transparency Prevents Conflict: Openly discussing your estate plan with family members minimizes misunderstandings and strengthens bonds.
  • Key Documents Are Essential: A comprehensive plan includes wills, trusts, powers of attorney and healthcare directives, ensuring that your wishes are honored.
  • Professionals Provide Guidance: Involving an estate planning attorney facilitates clear communication, resolves questions and ensures that your legal documents are up-to-date and enforceable.
  • Legacy Conversations Matter: Sharing your intentions fosters understanding and prepares heirs for their roles, reducing emotional and financial stress during difficult times.

References: The Wall Street Journal (Nov. 29, 2024) “Warren Buffett Talks to His Kids About His Will. You Should Too.” and J.P. Morgan Wealth Management (April 22, 2024) How to talk to loved ones about estate planning”

Discussing Estate Planning in the Holiday Season

With so many families living in distant states, the holiday season is often the only time everyone is together. A family gathering can provide a chance to talk about major life changes and plans for the future, including estate planning issues. It can be tricky to navigate. However, some conversations are simply better in person. A recent article from Independent Record, “How to tackle estate planning with loved ones this holiday season” outlines topics to cover.

Beneficiary Designations. Upon opening savings, investment and retirement accounts, an option is usually provided to name a beneficiary. This tells the financial institution who is to receive the asset upon the owner’s death, similar to how a beneficiary is named on a life insurance policy. There are often contingent beneficiaries if the primary has died or does not want to receive the assets.

Beneficiary designations should be checked every few years and when certain triggering life events occur, like death, divorce, or marriage. Some financial institutions have default beneficiary designations, so the owner should also have this information. The beneficiary receives these assets outside of the will, avoiding probate in most cases. Tax treatments of these instruments may differ, so they should be reviewed with an estate planning attorney to see how they work with the estate plan.

Power of Attorney. The POA is a document allowing an individual to name someone to make decisions on their behalf if they are incapacitated. This document should be discussed with the chosen person, usually a spouse, adult child, trusted friend, or an estate planning attorney, with their consent. If there are issues with family members, a non-family member may be a better choice.

There are different types of POA. A durable POA takes effect immediately and doesn’t expire. A non-durable POA is valid for only a specific period of time. The healthcare POA, also known as a healthcare proxy, is also needed for another person to be involved in medical care: spouses are not automatically given these rights. A HIPAA release form should also be in place, so the POA can talk with doctors and others involved in medical care.

Wills and Trusts. If there is no will, the person’s assets are distributed according to the laws of the state, which, in most cases, is decided based on kinship. Most people opt to have a will to decide how their assets are distributed.

Trusts establish a separate legal entity managed by a trustee, who also oversees distribution at the time indicated in the language of the trust. Unlike a will, assets in a trust are distributed privately and outside the court system, meaning they don’t pass through probate. An experienced estate planning attorney creates a trust to meet the specific needs of the grantor.

It’s a good idea to talk about these issues while the family members are well and able to discuss them with a clear head. An estate planning attorney will help with guidance and could also help figure out how to navigate issues when potential conflict exists. During and after the holiday season, estate planning protects loved ones and ensures that wishes are followed.

Reference: Independent Record (Nov. 25, 2024) “How to tackle estate planning with loved ones this holiday season”

How to Avoid Estate Planning Mistakes in 2025

Even if you could remove all of the emotions about estate planning, like considering your eventual demise and the possibility of incapacity, it can still feel a bit overwhelming. Having an experienced estate planning attorney on your team makes the process far easier, with the knowledge you’re in good hands. A recent article from GO Banking Rates, “4 Expert Insights on Avoiding Estate Planning Pitfalls for 2025,” explains how estate planning helps to avoid family fights, lost assets and legacies.

Estate Planning encompasses your entire life. Wills express how you want assets to be distributed, and trusts minimize taxes by taking assets out of the probate estate. However, an estate plan is more than these two pieces. Estate plans include incapacity plans, caring for children and transferring wealth in a number of ways.

If someone becomes incapacitated and hasn’t created a Durable Power of Attorney, no one can manage non-healthcare matters, from paying utility bills to maintaining their home. A family member must go to court to obtain guardianship to do anything.

Every estate plan should include a Healthcare Power of Attorney and HIPAA release authorization so a designated person can be involved with their loved one’s healthcare, talk with their doctors and be involved in any medical decision-making.

Keeping beneficiary designations up to date. Beneficiaries aren’t just the people you name in a will. Designated beneficiaries are those listed on retirement accounts, investment accounts, life insurance policies and other documents to receive assets when you die. Make sure these names are up to date, especially if you haven’t reviewed them in years. Any account with a beneficiary designation does not go through probate, and your will has no control over these assets.

Things will get messy if beneficiaries on your accounts are no longer in your life. Assets could go to an ex-spouse, an estranged family member, etc.

Choosing your executor with care. Many people get stuck when there is no obvious person to manage this task. An experienced estate planning attorney can help you work through this issue, since a poor choice could put your entire estate plan at risk. Whoever you choose to serve as executor—the person who manages your estate—will need to deal with financial institutions, family members, government agencies and every facet of your life. Many automatically name their eldest child or best friend, which might lead to disaster if they are not available, good with details, fiscally knowledgeable, or able to manage your family’s personalities. Ensure that they are up for the task and also have a backup executor named.

Introduce your family to your estate planning attorney, financial advisor, CPA and other professionals in advance. The people who help you manage the business side of your life will be able to help you better if family members know who they are, how to contact them and have already met them. They don’t have to be friends. However, making introductions in advance can make their work together easier.

Reference: GO Banking Rates (Nov. 17, 2024) “4 Expert Insights on Avoiding Estate Planning Pitfalls for 2025”

Millennials and Gen Z Need Estate Plans Now

People with modest assets, young adults and parents should all have estate plans to protect themselves while they’re living, protect their children and provide a means for transferring assets of any size to heirs of their choosing. This is estate planning in a nutshell, with details furnished in a recent article from yahoo! finance, “Why millennials and Gen Z should have a basic estate plan.”

Most people first think about estate planning when they have children. It’s a good reason, as a will is used to name a guardian who will raise the children if both parents should die. Otherwise, a court will decide who should raise the children, and it isn’t always a family member. However, this is far from the only reason to have a will.

All adults should have two essential documents: a durable power of attorney and a healthcare power of attorney, also known as a healthcare proxy. These documents give other people, referred to as “agents” or “representatives,” the legal power to act on behalf of the adult if they cannot do so. We don’t like to think about becoming incapacitated. Nevertheless, it happens, and when it does, having these estate planning documents makes it possible for another person to act on your behalf.

If there is no power of attorney, the family will need to go to court to have someone named as a guardian of the incapacitated person. The process is both stressful and costly. Having a POA is far easier. When you have an estate planning attorney create a POA, you also get to name the person you want to be in charge. The court may not choose the person you would have wanted.

Wise parents have their children sign a healthcare power of attorney when they turn 18. Unless this happens, the parent may no longer be part of the newly-minted adult’s healthcare, including talking to doctors, discussing health insurance issues and being involved with decision-making.

If it seems unnecessary for an 18-year-old to have a last will and testament, there are more than a few reasons for doing so. First, an 18-year-old who has been accumulating cryptocurrency might have assets to protect. In the same way, parents don’t have the right to make medical decisions for an 18-year-old; they don’t have any say over their property. If the young adult has bank accounts, digital assets, car loans, or student loans, the parent will be better protected if there is a simple will. If there is no will, the grieving family will have to go through probate, the court process of determining who will receive the young person’s assets.

Having a young adult think about having a will is a good life lesson. As they age, they must update their plan to reflect life’s milestones. Estate planning is an evolving process similar to owning and maintaining a home.

Young adults working and with retirement accounts should be mindful of who they name as their beneficiary on retirement accounts, insurance policies and any other financial account allowing a beneficiary to be named. These assets don’t pass through probate but go directly to the designated beneficiary. Keeping a list of these accounts and who was named as a beneficiary is also good practice for young adults.

Younger adults who tackle estate planning early on are setting themselves and their families up for success in the future. Many estate planning attorneys start working with one generation and are happy to advise their children as they grow into adulthood.

Reference: yahoo! finance (Nov. 18, 2024) “Why millennials and Gen Z should have a basic estate plan”

Why Gen Z Needs to Pay Attention to Estate Planning

Gen Zers may still be young, ages 17–27. However, this doesn’t mean some don’t have ownership and assets to protect with estate planning. Medical emergencies and car accidents happen to people of all ages. An estate plan protects the person as much as their property. The sooner you have a plan in place, says a recent article from yahoo! finance, “Why Gen Z Should Be Thinking About Estate Planning,” the better.

For many young adults, estate planning is like buying rental insurance. You don’t expect to deal with a fire or have your home broken into. However, having insurance means if such events happen, your possessions will be insured, and you’ll be made whole.

Gen Zers who are signed up for employee benefits like 401(k)s or retirement plans already have assets to be passed to another person if they should die young. These accounts typically feature beneficiary designations, so they should be sure to have those completed properly. Many Gen Zers name their parents or siblings as their beneficiaries at this point in their lives. The future may bring new relationships, marriage and children, so they must update these beneficiaries throughout life.

While practically everyone using a cell phone or computer has digital assets, Gen Zers are likely to have more digital currency and crypto in digital wallets. They may have intellectual property on platforms, including TikTok or YouTube. These assets need to be protected in a digital estate plan. The information required to access these accounts should not be in a last will and testament. However, they should be documented so the assets are not lost.

Other digital assets don’t have any value. Users don’t have the right to transfer the assets, like social media accounts or music files. Having a conversation with a digitally savvy person about these assets and providing them with login and account information is an integral part of an estate plan.

Gen Zers do need a will. Without a will, the estate will get tangled up in probate, a court process where the laws of your state determine who inherits any possessions. This takes time and court fees can add up quickly.

Having a will created with an experienced estate planning attorney encourages a review of assets, providing a perspective of finances that one might not otherwise have early in their career.

Estate planning also includes planning who will make medical and financial decisions in case of incapacity. These documents, including a Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy, Living Will and other documents, are state-specific. Once someone becomes a legal adult, neither parents nor siblings can be involved with medical care or handle finances, unless these documents are created and executed. Trusted friends can also take on these roles.

A young adult should make an appointment with a local estate planning attorney. They’ll provide guidance through the process. Regardless of age and stage, having a plan creates peace of mind for young adults and their family members.

Reference: yahoo! finance (Sept. 17, 2024) “Why Gen Z Should Be Thinking About Estate Planning”

Your College Student Needs a Power of Attorney for Finance and Healthcare

Once a child reaches the age of legal majority, they are considered an adult with privacy rights.  This means that parents lose access to private information. This can have dire consequences if the student is involved in an accident or gets seriously ill, explains the article “Navigating The Transition To Adulthood: A Legal Guide For Parents” from mondaq. With proactive steps, parents can address these situations before they occur.

Whether or not your insurance covers your child’s healthcare doesn’t matter. Without a Healthcare POA, parents cannot make medical decisions, speak with healthcare providers, or talk with the health insurance company. Parents are strongly urged to have their college-bound student complete a Healthcare Power of Attorney.

If there is no POA and the child is incapacitated, parents will have to go to court to be able to make medical decisions for their child. Hospitals and healthcare providers are extremely strict about following these rules to avoid litigation and fines. No matter how bad the situation is, don’t expect any rules to be bent.

Your adult child should also have a Living Will. This is a document controlling decisions about end-of-life. It only becomes effective when a person is in a state of permanent unconsciousness, like a coma, or if they are terminally ill. The student uses this document to express their wishes concerning care: do they want to be artificially fed, hydrated, or kept alive by extraordinary means? Do they want to become an organ donor? This document conveys their wishes and can save the family an unimaginable amount of added stress during a trying time.

A Durable Power of Attorney is used to name a person, known as an “agent” or “attorney in fact,” to act on their behalf. The agent can take care of legal and financial matters. This is needed in case of incapacity so the parent or trusted person may deal with financial institutions, colleges, courts and any other company or organization on behalf of the student. Without it, parents cannot access account information or act on the student’s behalf.

Does your student need a will? The estate planning attorney who helps create the documents listed above can help you answer this question. Depending on their situation, if the student owns a car, has a bank account, an inheritance, or sizable cryptocurrency accounts, they may need a will.

The documents mentioned above should also be in place for parents. If parents don’t have a will, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will and trusts, if appropriate, their newly minted adult will have a lot to deal with if they should both die unexpectedly. A visit to the estate planning attorney for all generations is a good idea.

Reference: mondaq (June 24, 2024) “Navigating The Transition To Adulthood: A Legal Guide For Parents”

What are the Important Steps in the Estate Planning Process?

Estate planning is about taking charge of your legacy and your life. Despite all good intentions, only one in three Americans has an estate plan, according to a recent article from Kiplinger, “10 Things You Should Know About Estate Planning.”

An estate plan does not prevent death or illness. However, it does protect the family from stress and grief. By creating an estate plan, you provide your loved ones with clarity about what you want to happen to your property upon your death.

Equally importantly, the estate plan explains your wishes if you have a serious medical condition and can’t make decisions or communicate yourself. A financial Power of attorney (POA) names someone to oversee your finances and do tasks like paying bills if you are alive but incapacitated. A healthcare POA names someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf. A healthcare directive explains your wishes for medical treatment in different situations.

What happens if you don’t have an estate plan? Each state has its own laws for what to do when someone dies or if they become incapacitated. Having an estate plan means you are making those decisions yourself. The court may assign someone to make healthcare and/or financial decisions for you. However, they may not be the person you would have selected or make the decisions you would have chosen.

Beneficiary designations supersede your will. Any account with beneficiary designations will go to the person named on the document, regardless of what your will may say.

Trust funds provide control of assets during life and after death. A trust is a legal entity holding property for someone else’s benefit. The trust can be set up to control exactly how you want your money and property distributed after death.

When you die, the court reviews your will to ensure that it’s been properly prepared and gives your executor the power to perform their tasks. This is called probate and can take time. A good estate plan can take much or all your assets out of your probate estate, speeding up the process of distributing assets faster.

Estate planning includes tax planning. In 2024, the federal exemption is $13.61 million, but 17 states and the District of Columbia levy a state estate tax. Some states also have inheritance taxes. Your estate planning attorney will help you incorporate tax planning into your estate plan.

Don’t neglect your pets. You can express your wishes in an estate plan. However, a pet trust is better. It is enforceable and provides specific information about how you want the pet to be cared for and who you want to care for it.

Digital assets need to be addressed to protect assets and prevent theft. Create an inventory of your accounts, usernames, passwords and name a person who will be your digital executor.

Review your plan every three to five years with an experienced estate planning attorney.

Reference: Kiplinger (Feb. 1, 2024) “10 Things You Should Know About Estate Planning”

Make Power of Attorney Part of Your Estate Plan

At some point, it becomes necessary for aging people to hand over control of their finances. One aspect of estate planning is naming an agent or fiduciary who can take control of finances if you become incapacitated or experience significant cognitive decline, explains the article “Don’t Forget to Build This Into Your Retirement and Estate Plans” from yahoo! finance.

A financial agent makes financial decisions with you or on your behalf. The exact nature depends upon your preference. However, most agents act as co-signatories or solely control your financial accounts. A co-signatory means you and the agent must jointly authorize a financial transaction. In contrast, a sole controller means only the agent can authorize financial transactions to and from your accounts.

This is a type of Power of Attorney in which you authorize another person to act on your behalf in a legal capacity. The purpose is to protect your finances against cognitive decline often accompanying aging. When it’s unnoticed, the individual can continue making financial decisions, and they may not always be correct. Cognitive decline is why seniors are so vulnerable to financial exploitation and fraud.

A study from the University of Southern California found that cognitive decline significantly reduces wealth among households whose financial decision-makers experience these declines.

Putting a Power of Attorney in place before it is needed can prevent many issues. Children or another trusted family member are usually selected to serve as agents. The issue of timing is another concern—the agent should be appointed before irreversible mistakes are made. If control of finances is handed over too early, the elderly parent can be forced to live as a competent adult who needs permission to make routine decisions.  However, waiting too long exposes them to financial mistakes.

How should you manage the timing? First, have regular medical checkups with a doctor who can track your mental status over time. Select your agent before issues begin as part of your estate planning. Consider a Springing Power of Attorney, allowing your agent to take charge if a doctor or court declares you unfit. Medical incompetence is a high bar, and financial mistakes can be made long before you meet a doctor’s standard for incapacity.

Another option is speaking with your agent regularly. Ask for their advice and follow it. If you trust them, you can have your estate planning attorney prepare a Power of Attorney form to suit your individual needs. Do you want your agent to manage every aspect of your financial life or focus on day-to-day bill paying? Does your situation require one person to pay bills and another to manage investments?

Cognitive decline impacts many older adults and can expose them to serious financial risk. You can protect yourself from this risk by appointing a trusted agent in a timely manner to manage your legal and financial lives.

Reference: yahoo! finance (July 28, 2023) “Don’t Forget to Build This Into Your Retirement and Estate Plans”

What Does “Power of Attorney” Mean?

A power of attorney is a legal document giving one person—the “agent”—the legal power to make legal, financial, or medical decisions for another person. According to a recent article from Nerd Wallet, “What is a Power of Attorney (POA)? Types, How, When to Use,” the POA lets someone act on your behalf if you are traveling, too sick to act on your own behalf or can’t be present to sign legal documents.

You may name any adult, including your spouse, adult child, sibling, or a trusted friend, to act as your agent under power of attorney. It can be granted to anyone who is a legal adult and of sound mind. Ordinary power of attorney designations dissolve if you become incapacitated. However, durable power of attorney designations remain intact, even upon incapacity.

You can give one person power of attorney or divide the responsibilities among multiple people.

Most people don’t know that power of authority authorizations can be very specific or general, depending on your needs. When having an experienced estate planning attorney draft a power of attorney, review the desired scope of your agent’s authority, when it should take effect and the desired duration.

If you don’t have a power of attorney and become incapacitated, a court can appoint someone to act on your behalf. However, court intervention turns a private matter into a public proceeding, and you cannot know if the appointed conservator will follow your wishes.

There are several types of power of attorney. The durable power of attorney remains intact, even when you are incapacitated. The ordinary power of attorney becomes moot once you are incapacitated. A dual power of attorney gives power to two people and requires both individuals to sign off on any decisions.

A dual power of attorney may be useful if you have two children, for instance, and you’d like them to make joint decisions for you. Regardless of how many powers of attorney you appoint, you should always name successor agents for each power of attorney, in case the primary person is unable or unwilling to serve when needed.

A medical power of attorney, also called a health care proxy, is a type of advance directive giving another person to make all health care decisions for you in accordance with your wishes when you are unable to do so. Health care proxy decisions generally cover any type of medical treatment or procedure to diagnose and treat your health. Make sure the person you grant medical power of attorney to is familiar with your wishes and knows what decisions you would want in treatment or for life—supporting measures.

Reference: Nerd Wallet (May 10, 2023) “What is a Power of Attorney (POA)? Types, How, When to Use”

Can a Power of Attorney Withdraw Money from Bank Account?

A power of attorney, or POA, is a legal document giving another person the legal authority to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. Known as an agent or attorney-in-fact, you should only name someone to be your POA, if you trust them implicitly and believe they will always manage your affairs with your best interest in mind, according to the recent article titled “Can A Power Of Attorney Transfer Money To Themselves?” from Washington Independent.

There are different types of power of attorney and ethical and legal considerations surrounding the transfer of money. The two main types of POA are general POA and durable POA. A general POA gives the agent broad authority to handle financial and other matters on your behalf, and the power ends if you become incapacitated. A durable POA remains in effect, if you become incapacitated and continues until your death or until it is revoked.

The powers given to an agent vary widely depending on the state laws governing the document, and also vary depending on the specific document. In general, an agent can use the POA to handle a wide range of financial matters, including paying bills, managing investments, buying and selling real property and signing legal documents.

Using non-state specific blank forms downloaded from the web leads almost always leads to complicated (read: costly and time-consuming) problems for an agent. The specific powers granted to the agent need to be spelled out in the document. For example, you may wish for your POA to manage paying household bills, but not to sell the house.

There are also ethical considerations. While the POA gives the agent the authority to transfer money on your behalf, they are fiduciaries and are held to a higher standard of ethics. They must act in your best interest at all times.

Transferring money from your account to the agent’s account for their benefit would be a clear violation and could result in legal consequences, including criminal charges. The transfer could be challenged in court and the agent could be held accountable for any damages.

If you are concerned about a person abusing this role, there are steps to take to minimize the risk.

  • Chose a trustworthy and reliable person to serve as your agent.
  • Limit the powers granted by having a customized Power of Attorney drafted by an experienced estate planning attorney. The document could specify that the agent is not permitted to transfer money to themselves or use your funds for their personal benefit.
  • Monitoring the action of the agent. If you are incapacitated, name a person to monitor the agent and provide them with contact information for your estate planning attorney if there are any questions.

Reference: Washington Independent (Feb. 7, 2023) “Can A Power Of Attorney Transfer Money To Themselves?”