Estate Planning Blog Articles

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How Do I Care for a Loved One with Arthritis?

Those with arthritis know how stiffness and pain can restrict the ability to move and function properly.

VeryWell Health’s recent article entitled, “Caring for Someone With Arthritis,” says there are some things that you can do (or keep in mind) when caring for someone with arthritis. These may include the following:

  • Understand their condition. Have a clear understanding of your loved one’s arthritis condition. This can help you see where they may need help. For example, suppose an individual has rheumatoid arthritis that affects their hand and upper extremity movement. In that case, they may need assistance opening bottles and jars or managing fine motor tasks, like handling medication.
  • Keep lines of communication open. Talking with your loved one about arthritis is a great way to understand how it impacts them. You should also share your feelings about caring for them with someone, since providing care and helping someone consistently may take an emotional toll on you.
  • Know when to help and when to stand back. Most people with arthritis want to remain as independent as possible. Therefore, be sure your loved one has the opportunity to be as functionally independent as possible and know that they will ask for assistance when needed.
  • Help manage medication. Sometimes managing arthritis means managing various medicines. If your parent has difficulty keeping drugs and dosages straight—or if they physically have difficulty handling medicine—be ready to assist.
  • Help with managing assistive devices. Some people with arthritis need assistive devices, like canes or walkers, to get around. Sometimes using these can be hard to use. You may help by learning how their assistive device should be used and how to operate it properly.
  • Encourage and help with exercise. Exercise has proven to be beneficial for many with arthritis. Movement helps keep joints lubricated and muscles strong, and exercise can help maintain or improve functional mobility.

Know that your family member may have times when your care and assistance are welcomed and when they want to do it alone. Stay flexible in your care and provide help when necessary and when it is welcomed.

Reference: VeryWell Health (May 29, 2022) “Caring for Someone With Arthritis”

What is a Good Exercise Routine for Seniors?

Recent studies at the Center for Exercise Medicine at the University of Alabama verified that seniors can achieve muscle growth and strength. The key is consistent effort and following a fitness scheme consisting of at least 30 minutes three times a week.

Senior Living’s article entitled, “Seventy (70) Is The New Forty (40) – Exercising Your Total Body Is Good News For Baby Boomers,” says to first consult with your doctor and make sure they give you the OK to start your fitness scheme. Then, start with the basics at a slow to moderate pace. Here’s a basic routine:

  1. Warm up. Take a short walk for about 10 minutes to get your blood flowing, and your body loosened up.
  2. Push Ups. Start with 5 to 10 pushups. If you cannot do regular push-ups, you can do these standing up, pushing off a wall. The modified pushups still work your chest muscles and triceps.
  3. Stretch Bands. Hold the bands with your hands and put your elbows next to your sides, feet shoulder width. Pull the bands across your chest. Do eight reps (repetitions) to start. When you get these bands, note that they will come in various resistance strengths. Choose a band with the least resistance, then as you increase your reps to 12, move up to the next band and start over at eight reps, building back up to 12 reps.
  4. Shoulder Exercise using Dumbbells: Dumbbells come in various sizes, starting at 2½ pounds and going up. Start with 2½- or five-pound dumbbells. Stand with your feet shoulder width, push the weights over your head and then bring them back down to the top of your shoulders. Do eight reps, and increase the weight when you build up to 12 reps.
  5. Bicep Curls using Dumb Bells. Stand erect with your feet at shoulder width. Using 10-pound dumbbells, place them in your hands, arms by your side, palms forward. Curl the weights up to the top of your shoulders, then lower them back down to your side, keeping your palms facing out to the front and your elbows tucked into your side. Start with eight reps and work up to 12.
  6. Tricep Extensions. While holding a 2½- or five-pound dumbbell in your right hand, bend forward at the waist slightly while placing your left leg out in front of your bent body, slightly bend your left leg. Rest your left forearm on your knee or upper thigh. Pull the dumbbell up along your right side waist-high, extend the right arm straight back and then bring it back to the side of your waist where you started. Reverse this position and do the same for your left tricep.
  7. Squats. For beginners, use your body weight. Stand up straight, feet shoulder width, as you squat down, push your buttock out, bending slightly forward at the waist. Don’t go past a half-squat position. Start with eight reps and work up to 12 reps.
  8. Lunges. Start with no weights. Stand up straight, extend your left foot, bend both knees simultaneously, and go down as far as possible. Don’t overextend yourself. Remember also that you need to concentrate on your balance. Return to your starting position. Do eight to 12 reps. Repeat this for your right leg. Don’t consider using weights for lunges, until you can do 25 reps per leg.

Reference: Senior Living (March 30, 2021) “Seventy (70) Is The New Forty (40) – Exercising Your Total Body Is Good News For Baby Boomers”

How is the VA Handling Aging Veterans?

The Department of Veterans Affairs and veterans organizations across the country are working to care for a new generation of older veterans who are apt to have greater expectations for longevity and independence than earlier generations, yet also may struggle with more complex medical conditions, reports Military Times’ recent article entitled, “America faces a tidal wave of aging military veterans.”

“We’re kind of compounding multiple variables, in the sense that not only are people living longer, but … many of them survived something that wasn’t survivable,” says Scotte Hartronft, the director of geriatrics and extended care at VA. “A lot of veterans have survived significant injuries over the last couple of conflicts that [they] wouldn’t have survived in previous wars.”

In California, the most populous state and home to the highest number of vets, the State Department of Veterans Affairs, known as CalVet, the state’s veterans department, is working to create a modern facility that centers the needs and dignity of older veterans. Like VA facilities across the country, people charged with caring for veterans must address the same question: How do we best care for those who have served on our behalf as they grow old?

Other states also have issues: between 2021 and 2041, the number of veterans older than 85 is expected to increase by 31%. That’s partially because the overall number of veterans nationwide is actually decreasing. Between 2000 and 2018, the number of veterans in the country declined by a third — the bulk of Americans who have served in the military served decades ago.

Vietnam and Gulf War-era veterans represent a different slice of the population than veterans who fought in World War II and Korea: the number of women veterans over 65 is expected to increase by 237% between 2021 and 2041. Racial diversity is also increasing, and the geographic distribution of veterans is shifting. As a result, veterans’ care must change. Women, for example, have a greater life expectancy than men do. Women veterans will generally need more support to continue to live independently as they age for longer — a fact compounded by the fact that women, who tend to be informal caregivers to friends and family, often have more difficulty than men finding their caregivers when needed.

In addition to higher rates of post-traumatic stress and other conditions affecting mental health, veterans are more likely to be exposed to risk factors, such as traumatic brain injuries or toxic exposure, for Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Vets also have a higher chance of being diagnosed with certain types of cancer, like lung and skin cancer. Roughly 50,000 new cancer cases among veterans are reported annually; that number is expected to rise as veterans age.

Every VA medical center will offer veteran-directed care within the next two years. This popular program provides qualified veterans with a stipend to hire local caregivers to assist them with daily living or even companionship. VA is expanding home-based primary care — which provides health care to veterans at home, many of whom are housebound — to 75 new sites and expanding its Medical Foster Care program. This lets some vets live in a private home with a caregiver rather than in a nursing home. They’re also piloting a program using predictive analytics to help determine which veterans are at the highest risk of nursing home care in the coming years to connect them with preventive services.

Reference: Military Times (June 2, 2023) “America faces a tidal wave of aging military veterans”

What’s the Best Way to Find the Right Assisted Living Facility?

News 19 Alabama’s recent article entitled “How To Choose the Right Assisted Living Facility,” provides some valuable tips for researching assisted living facilities and finding the best option for you:

Get recommendations. Ask friends, family and your doctor about assisted living facilities in the area and if they would recommend them. If someone you know lives in an assisted living facility, ask them how they like it, as their experience can provide insight into what facilities have the best reputation in your local area.

Consider your needs. Residents in assisted living facilities typically need assistance with some basic activities of daily living. This includes bathing, dressing, eating, and getting around. Some assisted living communities specialize in caring for people with specific conditions, such as Alzheimer’s. The level of care assisted living facilities offer can vary greatly, so consider how much assistance you require.

Consider the cost. Remember that Medicare doesn’t cover assisted living costs, which is why most people pay with private funds even though it’s expensive.

Consider location. A facility near friends and families is often the best choice. This lets residents receive lots of visitors. Employees will also see that the resident’s visitors scrutinize their care.

Ask questions. Before calling assisted living facilities, consider these questions:

  • How many residents live at the facility?
  • Are pets allowed?
  • What amenities are available to residents?
  • Are there personalized care plans for each resident?
  • How are additional services billed?
  • Are there doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, housekeepers, cooks, and activity directors on staff?
  • Does the facility run background checks on staff?
  • What happens if a resident’s health deteriorates and needs additional care or a hospital stay?
  • What safety features does each residential unit feature?
  • What is the staff-to-resident ratio during the day and at night?
  • What are the meals the facility serves?
  • Are all utilities included in the overall cost of a unit?

Take note when you visit. When you tour a facility, look at the cleanliness, activities, safety features, available common areas, the friendliness of the staff and how healthy and happy the residents appear.

Compare several facilities before you decide. Don’t just choose the first facility you visit. Instead, tour several facilities and compare them.

Carefully examine contracts. Read assisted living contracts from start to finish and look for unexpected fees or deposits.  Yous should also pay attention to the rules regarding discharging or evicting a resident, late or missed payments and how the facility handles (or limits) your rights to file a lawsuit should there be an issue.

Reference: News 19 (May 14, 2023) “How To Choose the Right Assisted Living Facility”

What Should I Know About Advocating for a Loved One with Parkinson’s Disease?

Unfortunately, recent studies have shown that three out of every four hospitalized Parkinson’s Disease patients didn’t get their regular home medications on time or had doses entirely skipped.

Proper medication management is the most critical part of a successful hospitalization for someone with Parkinson’s Disease.

Antiparkinsonian medications (levodopa or amantadine, for example) must be given correctly, at the right time and in the correct dose.

If regular home medications aren’t provided in the hospital, Parkinson’s Disease patients can develop mental disturbances, increased muscle rigidity, tremors and difficulty communicating. As a caretaker, you have a vital role in helping the transition from home to the hospital run smoothly.

Next Avenue’s recent article, “How to Advocate for Your Hospitalized Loved One with Parkinson’s Disease,” has some ways you can do this.

Make sure you have an up-to-date list of medications your loved one takes. The list should include the name, dose, when it was last taken and what pharmacy is used for prescriptions. Be prepared to give this to the hospital staff when requested.

You should also list drug or food allergies, including reactions. For example, did a particular drug cause severe irritability or a rash in the past?

It is important to remain with your loved one when they arrive at the hospital until the first dose of their regular medication is administered. Note that a first dose can usually be delayed by several hours if the nurse needs to input the medication list into the chart immediately or if the hospital pharmacy is delayed in verifying the orders. However, after the first dose, future quantities will likely be on schedule.

Cooperate with nursing staff to make sure that your loved one is comfortable. Be direct, yet kind, in asking when the patient might need personal hygiene supplies, a quieter environment, or on-time medication.

As a caretaker, your education and experience regarding Parkinson’s Disease are powerful tools.

Some things might fall through the cracks in a busy hospital– and you know the patient best. So don’t be afraid to speak up and express your needs as you advocate for your loved one.

Reference: Next Avenue (December 22, 2023) “How to Advocate for Your Hospitalized Loved One with Parkinson’s Disease”

Will I Be Able to Afford Nursing Home Care?

About 60% of older adults — or 24 million households — wouldn’t have the resources to pay for in-home long-term care, despite the fact that they would prefer to “age in place,” per a National Council on Aging report.

Fox News’ recent article entitled, “Most seniors in America can’t afford nursing homes or assisted living, study finds,” says that the researchers looked at 2018 data from the Health and Retirement Study, which was a joint effort by the National Institute on Aging and the Social Security Administration that surveyed some 20,000 U.S. adults about their net wealth.

When the researchers started examining the data some years ago, they were initially surprised to see that so many older adults were at severe risk of financial insecurity, Dr. Jane Tavares, a lead researcher at the LTSS Center at UMass Boston, told Fox News Digital.

“There is a common misconception that older adults are asset-rich, but we have found in our research that this is not generally true,” she said.

Dr. Tavares also noted, “We expect that there will probably be some worsening, once we examine data for the period covering the COVID pandemic.”

The national average cost for assisted living is $4,500 per month. However, it can vary significantly depending on the location and level of care needed.

“As the population continues to age and demand for these services grows, it is likely that the cost will continue to rise,” said Dr. Steven Norris, a senior health and care expert who is also the medical director at Transitions Care in Chicago, Illinois.

The widespread shortage of qualified caretakers means facilities must pay more to secure the right people.

“For decades, there has been a lack of awareness of how expensive assisted living really is.” “Additionally, recent increases in minimum wage requirements and changes in overtime payment legislation are increasing assisted living costs,” he said.

The cost could range from $3,000 in rural areas to $7,000 to $9,000 in urban locations.

“For decades, there has been a lack of awareness of how expensive assisted living really is,” Kim told Fox News Digital.

“Some people thought health insurance would cover long-term care costs, while other people optimistically believed that they would live a healthy life forever.”

Assisted living companies had to raise prices to keep up with their costs continually. However, retirees did not see the same growth in savings or investments. Middle-aged and older adults are also now facing a very different financial landscape than the generations before them did. More than the increases in household income and assets have also been needed to keep up with rising living costs, health care and inflation. Even when older adults have assets, they are often tied up in property and need to be more readily available to help them cover costs.

The changing retirement model has also added to gaps in savings. Past generations had private, employer-sponsored pensions that provided predictable payments. Many Americans now rely on 401(K) accounts, leaving individuals responsible for saving enough money to cover their retirement years.

“With all of this combined, few older adults have any significant savings in retirement accounts — and most can’t afford long-term care insurance that would help cover the expensive costs of assisted living or nursing home care,” she explained.

“With private long-term care insurance being unaffordable for most older adults, it is key to begin considering combined public and private initiatives that can put the cost of coverage within reach and make it more appealing to consumers,” she said.

Reference: Fox News (April 26, 2023) “Most seniors in America can’t afford nursing homes or assisted living, study finds”

How Can I Prevent a Fall?

Less than 60% have considered the home modifications necessary to age in place safely, says Yahoo Finance’s recent article entitled, “Prevent 300,000 Fall-Related Hospitalizations with Simple Aging in Place Home Modifications According to Lisa M. Cini.”

America’s leading aging expert compiled a list of simple home modifications to prevent falling and maintain balance while they stay home. Consider these simple home modifications to prevent falls:

  • Keep Item Within Reach. This includes your telephone and anything on a high shelf, or on another floor you may need. That way, you won’t have to stretch or balance on step ladders to reach things you need daily, since it can lead to falls.
  • Use Smart Flooring to prevent falls. For example, invest in anti-slip tiles for bathrooms and kitchens to avoid sliding on water or polished surfaces, and ensure that all rugs have anti-slip mats underneath to prevent slipping across the floor.
  • Consider Motion Activated Lighting. Install lighting with sensors to turn on when movement is detected, especially on stairs and in bathrooms.
  • Make the Garden Safe. Clear moss and old leaves from the paths to minimize the risk of slippery spaces. Avoid too many pots and ornaments as they are easy to trip over. Install lighting, so you can see your way along paths in the dark.
  • Get Rid of Clutter. Clearing clutter from steps and floors helps you to avoid slips and trips. Don’t leave things on the floor where they can cause a hazard.
  • Try Posture Exercises. Pilates and yoga will help you avoid falling by maintaining good balance, core strength and posture techniques. Some exercises are chair-based. However, most are gentle and set at a pace that the group can follow.
  • Install Handrails to Keep You Steady. Get handrails in all high-risk places, such as the shower or stairs, to prevent falls.
  • Make Your Bathroom Safe and Functional: Falls often occur in the bathroom. Today’s bathroom can include the Assisto bathtub, which features an easily accessible and ergonomic design that reduces the risk of injury and falls.
  • Voice-Controlled Assistance Devices: Play music, make calls, set music alarms and timers, ask questions and control smart home devices.

Reference: Yahoo Finance (May 8, 2023) “Prevent 300,000 Fall-Related Hospitalizations with Simple Aging in Place Home Modifications According to Lisa M. Cini”

More CPAP Benefits for Early Birds?

A study recently showed that patients with the morning chronotype used their CPAP machines for 32 more minutes per night compared with their intermediate chronotype counterparts over six months of use, according to Melissa Knauert, MD, PhD, of Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT, and colleagues. Their research has been published in Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

“Understanding that chronotype can influence adherence to CPAP is another tool in the kit for sleep doctors to predict who might have trouble using CPAP and focus on patients at higher risk of not using their CPAP,” she told MedPage Today. “Ultimately, as we study and improve our understanding of the relationship between chronotype and CPAP use, we can develop specific therapies targeted at patients with non-morning chronotypes.”

MedPage Today’s recent article, “’Early Birds’ With Sleep Apnea May Get More CPAP Benefits,” explains that chronotype was defined by the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (ME, which measures when a person’s circadian rhythm produces peak alertness. The researchers found that patients in the morning group were less likely to report feeling unrested during the day compared with the intermediate and evening groups. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Morning (MEQ 59 or above): 17.4%
  • Intermediate (MEQ 42-58): 28.3%
  • Evening (MEQ 41 or lower): 41.0%

The primary analysis of APPLES (Apnea Positive Pressure Long-term Efficacy Study), first reported in 2012, showed that treating sleep apnea with CPAP devices improved subjective and objective measures of sleepiness, especially among patients with severe OSA, versus a sham device. In addition, Sleepiness and functional status improve with each hour of CPAP use. Nevertheless, Dr. Knauert explained that sleep apnea is often hard to treat because many patients cannot use CPAP effectively.

Even within clinical trials, only 39-42% of patients use the device for more than four hours a night, and many patients stop CPAP use altogether. In the U.S., only 40-60% of the estimated 30 million patients with OSA remain adherent long-term.

“Anything and everything that we do to understand and improve CPAP use will have tremendous health benefits,” she said. “Understanding the mechanisms by which circadian biology impacts health is a large, untapped area for future research.”

Overall, 65% were men, and most had severe OSA and obesity, with an average body mass index (BMI) of 32, researchers said. Patients in the evening group were younger and less likely to be married. However, no significant differences in sleep apnea characteristics were noted between groups.  There were also no differences in insomnia or sleepiness. Anxiety was highest among participants with an intermediate chronotype.

On average, patients slept about seven hours per night. However, on the weekends, morning chronotype patients reported slightly shorter sleep duration than the intermediate and evening groups (7.3 vs. 7.6 and 7.9 hours per night).

Reference: MedPage Today (April 1, 2023) “’Early Birds’ With Sleep Apnea May Get More CPAP Benefits”

How are Strokes Diagnosed?

The CDC says that a stroke happens when something blocks the blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. In either case, parts of the brain become damaged or die. A stroke can cause lasting brain damage, long-term disability, or even death.

Verywell Health’s recent article entitled “Everything You Should Know About Stroke” explains that diagnostic tests for stroke include the following:

  • Brain imaging: A brain computed tomography (CT) scan frequently will spot the blood of a hemorrhagic stroke within the first hours of bleeding. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can identify an ischemic stroke’s early, subtle changes.
  • Angiogram: This angiogram test looks at the blood vessels. Angiograms of the cerebral vessels can include computed tomography angiogram (CTA) or magnetic resonance angiogram (MRA). These tests can pinpoint structural irregularities or blood clots in the brain’s blood vessels.
  • Blood tests: while a stroke isn’t diagnosed with a blood test, it can identify stroke risk factors, like high cholesterol or diabetes.
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG): This is a fast, noninvasive test that examines heart rhythm. It can identify abnormalities associated with an irregular heart rhythm, heart attack, or heart failure.
  • Echocardiogram: This test is noninvasive and looks at the structure and movement of the heart. It can detect heart problems that increase the risk of stroke.
  • Carotid ultrasound: This noninvasive test examines the neck arteries leading to the brain. Narrowing or disease of these arteries can cause a stroke.

Sometimes brain imaging tests also detect previous asymptomatic (without symptoms) strokes.

Effective stroke care begins with a prompt assessment to determine the type of stroke, followed by rapid treatment.

Medical stabilization is needed for all types of strokes and includes maintaining optimal blood pressure, blood sugar and fluids.

Verywell Health (Feb. 27, 2023) “Everything You Should Know About Stroke”

What’s the Latest on VA’s Coverage of New Alzheimer’s Drug?

The VA has announced that it will cover Leqembi, a monoclonal antibody therapy made by pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Biogen, for veterans in the disease’s early stages. This makes the VA the first and largest health program in the country to endorse the treatment, reports’ in its recent article entitled, “VA to Cover New Drug for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease.”

In January, the FDA granted accelerated approval for Leqembi, also known as lecanemab, when research showed that the medication slowed the physical and mental decline in some patients with early Alzheimer’s by as much as 27%. Although research is ongoing on the treatment’s effectiveness, the drug is among the first to show that it reduces beta amyloid — the toxic protein that contributes to the development of Alzheimer’s — in the brain.

“This treatment option is the latest therapy to target and affect the underlying disease process of Alzheimer’s instead of only treating the symptoms of the disease,” said Dr. Billy Dunn, director of the Office of Neuroscience in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, during the accelerated approval announcement.

The VA treats about 168,000 veterans with Alzheimer’s, some of whom are in the early stages. Leqembi has an estimated cost of $26,500 a year, and a two-milliliter dose at the VA will cost the department $194.63. A five-milliliter dose will cost $486.57, according to the department’s National Acquisition Center Contract Catalog.

According to VA Press Secretary Terrence Hayes, the drug will be available only at the request of a provider to vets who “most closely align with” patients who meet the selection criteria for clinical trials. This means that the VA patients must meet the same demographic and health history standards as those studied by the manufacturers.

“Each dose of the medication administered for each patient will be tracked and monitored for safety and appropriateness of use, in real-time, by VA’s Center for Medication Safety,” Hayes said in an email to “VA will continue to monitor the clinical evidence and safety data for this agent and adjust the criteria for use as appropriate. VA also has capabilities and safeguards in place that are very different from the private sector, such as the ability to conduct real-time medication-use evaluations that will allow for continued safe use of the medication.”

Leqembi is approved for use only in patients with early Alzheimer’s with a “confirmed presence,” via a brain scan, of beta amyloid.

Reference: (March 14, 2023) “VA to Cover New Drug for Early Stage Alzheimer’s Disease”