Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

Digital Life Lives on After You’re Gone, Unless You Plan Ahead

Every year, Americans receive Facebook reminders to wish departed friends a happy birthday. It’s a sad reminder, but it happens because most people don’t address digital footprints as part of their estate plans. A recent article from the Monterey Herald, “Liza Horvath, Senior Advocate: Your digital life does not die with you,” explains how to get started.

Ensure that your executor has a list of websites and apps where you are a user. This includes Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Linked In, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Google email, Microsoft Outlook, bank accounts, investment accounts, photo storage and any other sites you use. You can use an online password manager or paper to make a list. If you create a spreadsheet on your computer, you’ll want to encrypt it to prevent unwanted access and ensure that your executor has the password. Whatever method you use, make sure that your executor knows where the information can be found.

When you die, certain platforms allow you to name someone to become your Account Manager or Legacy contact. Google’s Account Manager lets you set up parameters to notify someone if you have been inactive for a certain period of time. Facebook enables you to name a person to manage your account after you pass away. Apple also has a Legacy Contact option.

Like everything else online, website guidelines change, so you’ll want to create a Digital Will establishing your wishes for your social media and online accounts, referred to as “Directives.”

If you have digital currency or cryptocurrency, you’ll need an executor who understands how crypto works. They should be able to access your digital wallet and “key”, so they may access your assets. These funds are frequently lost due to a lack of planning and no paper trail to follow.

Depending upon your state, you may be able to give your Power of Attorney access to your digital assets in case of incapacity. Speak with your estate planning attorney to be sure that your will or trust addresses the ability to manage digital assets according to the laws of your state.

If creating a list of digital accounts seems too much to deal with, imagine your executor having to figure out your digital life. Without digital estate planning, your assets could be lost. As a result, your entire online life is vulnerable to digital identity theft that could easily continue for decades.

Reference: Monterey Herald (March 1, 2024) “Liza Horvath, Senior Advocate: Your digital life does not die with you”

Estate Planning Checklist for 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

Estate planning is more than writing a will; it’s a plan to manage and distribute assets to your dependents. It documents your healthcare preferences, so a loved one decides on medical care according to your wishes. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) Adviser’s article, Estate Planning Guide and Checklist for 2024,” offers a comprehensive overview of what to consider when planning your estate. This blog post distills the key points from the article and provides an actionable checklist for 2024.

Understanding Estate Planning

Estate planning organizes your affairs to fulfill your wishes after you pass away. It encompasses decisions about money, property, medical care and dependent care. The process includes creating essential documents like wills, trusts, powers of attorney and living wills. Estate planning provides peace of mind that your wishes are known and respected, benefiting your loved ones.

Key Documents in Estate Planning

  • Wills: A legal document that outlines how to distribute assets after your death.
  • Trusts: Contracts that allow a third party, or trustee, to hold property and other assets on behalf of a beneficiary.
  • Powers of Attorney: Legal documents that grant someone else the authority to make decisions on your behalf, in general or specific situations.
  • Living Wills: Documents that state your wishes regarding medical treatment when you cannot communicate your choices.

Key Takeaways

  • Common Estate Planning Documents: Wills, trusts, powers of attorney and living wills are fundamental to estate plans.
  • Everyone Needs a Will: Regardless of the size of your estate, a will is crucial to fulfill your wishes.
  • Update Your Estate Plan Regularly: Significant life events necessitate updating your estate plan to reflect your current wishes and circumstances.


Consider estate planning to be a critical process to protect your assets, provide for beneficiaries and have peace of mind for the future. Follow the NCOA Adviser’s comprehensive checklist to create your personalized estate plan.

Reference: NCOA Adviser (Aug 21, 2023): Estate Planning Guide and Checklist for 2024.

The Hidden Pitfalls of Co-Owning a Vacation Home

Dreaming of a vacation home you can escape to at any moment is wonderful. However, the reality of co-owning that slice of paradise with friends or family might be more complicated than you think, explains Better Homes and Garden’s article, “What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Vacation Home with Friends or Family.” Let’s dive into the complexities and considerations of co-owning a vacation home, inspired by insights from experts in the field.

Why Do People Consider Co-Owning a Vacation Home?

Co-owning a vacation home often starts with a dream shared among friends or family. It’s an appealing idea, especially when the cost of owning a vacation spot on your own seems out of reach. The idea of pooling resources to afford a better, more luxurious property in a prime location is tempting. It promises a place to stay and a shared investment, potentially increasing in value over time.

What are the Benefits of Co-Owning?

The main attraction of co-owning is financial efficiency. You can access better properties in desirable locations without shouldering the entire financial burden alone. It allows more frequent visits to your favorite vacation spot and turns an otherwise unreachable dream into a tangible reality. Owning a property with others can also create deeper bonds and shared memories that last a lifetime.

What Are the Risks of Joint Vacation Property Ownership?

However, with the benefits come significant risks and potential pitfalls. Co-ownership can lead to financial disputes, disagreements over property use, maintenance responsibilities and even conflicts about the property’s future. What happens if one owner wants out of their part of the property or if one owner passes away unexpectedly? What if personal circumstances change, affecting one’s ability to contribute to the property’s upkeep or mortgage?

How Can You Protect Yourself and Your Second Home?

Before jumping into co-ownership, having detailed conversations about every aspect of the property’s future is crucial. Discussing and agreeing on a budget, usage schedules, guests, pets and even decor can prevent misunderstandings down the line. It’s also wise to consider legal structures, like becoming tenants in common or forming an LLC, to manage the property, ensuring that all agreements are in writing to protect everyone involved.

The Importance of Legal Advice when Purchasing Joint-Owned Property

Getting legal advice from an estate, real estate, or business attorney when considering purchasing joint-owned property is essential. A trusted attorney can help draft a comprehensive co-ownership contract with your friend or family member that outlines each owner’s rights, responsibilities, financial commitments and the procedures for resolving disputes or selling shares in the property. This agreement safeguards your financial interest in the vacation home, ensuring that it remains a source of joy rather than a cause of strife.

Conclusion: Is Co-Owning Right for You?

Co-owning a vacation home offers a unique opportunity to make your dream of a getaway spot a reality. However, it’s not without its challenges. By prioritizing open communication, financial clarity and professional legal advice, you can navigate the complexities of co-ownership. Remember, the goal is to create a space that enhances your life and relationships, not one that leads to unnecessary stress or conflict. Contact our law office today if you are considering purchasing a vacation property with someone else.

Key Takeaways

  • Joint-Ownership Benefits: Co-owning allows access to better properties by pooling resources, making luxury vacation homes more affordable and a shared space with friends or family to create lasting memories.
  • Potential Pitfalls and Risks: Conflicts can arise over financial issues, property use, maintenance and decisions about the property’s future.
  • Legal Protection: Discussing all aspects of ownership and getting agreements in writing, with the legal advice of an estate planning professional, is crucial to prevent disputes.
  • Importance of Communication: Open and honest discussions about expectations, responsibilities and long-term plans are essential.
  • Seeking Professional Advice: Consulting with an estate or real estate attorney can help create a comprehensive co-ownership contract to cover all bases.

Reference: Better Homes and Gardens (June 29, 2023) “What You Need to Know Before You Buy a Vacation Home with Friends or Family”

How a Teen’s $250,000 Inheritance Vanished: Protect Your Heirs with a Trust

Imagine being a teenager and suddenly having $250,000 in your hands the instant you become a legal adult. This isn’t a fairy tale; it’s what happened to a young man in the northwestern suburbs of Illinois who writes about his experience in an article titled, “What blowing a $250K inheritance taught me.” After turning 18, he received a quarter of a million dollars from his mother’s medical malpractice case, which should have set him up for a bright future. Instead, without guidance or a plan, the money was gone in a flash. While many people agree that an 18-year-old is too young to receive a sizable inheritance without guidance, unfortunately, many families make the common mistake of not planning to protect their children from their inheritance. By working with an experienced estate planning professional, parents can create a plan for when and how their children should receive their inheritance should the parents pass away suddenly. An inheritance trust allows families to protect heirs from their inheritance and the inheritance from the heirs.

Huge Mistake: Not Protecting Heirs from the Inheritance

The excitement of having so much money at such a young age is understandable. Our young friend, now with access to his trust fund, embarked on a journey that led from enrolling in two separate universities with no clear direction as to which degree to pursue, to making impulsive purchases and, ultimately, to a lifestyle fueled by partying and bad choices. The lack of a structured plan or financial advice saw this significant inheritance dwindle to nothing over a few short years.

Estate and Financial Planning is Good Parenting

This story isn’t unique. It highlights a common mistake in estate and family financial planning: not preparing heirs to manage their inheritance. More than leaving assets to your loved ones, it’s crucial to guide them on using them wisely. “As my children grow into young adults,” writes the former teen who lost his inheritance, “I can’t in a million years imagine handing them a check for $250,000 with absolutely no advice.”

Trusts Help Protect Heirs

An inheritance trust, also known as a testamentary trust, is essentially a tool to protect and manage assets for beneficiaries. It’s a way to ensure that the money you leave behind is safe and used in a manner that you deem fit and matches your values. Setting up an inheritance trust is a strategic move for families looking to safeguard their wealth and provide for future generations.

Why Choose an Inheritance Trust?

An inheritance trust offers a myriad of benefits:

  • Asset Protection: It shields your assets from creditors, lawsuits and even some taxes.
  • Controlled Distribution: You can specify how and when your beneficiaries receive their inheritance, promoting responsible spending and long-term financial security.
  • Privacy: Unlike wills, trusts are not public records, offering your family privacy during the transfer of assets.

Trusts Offer Strategy for Every Family

Whether it’s protecting your assets from being squandered, as in the cautionary tale of the Illinois teenager, or planning for your family’s future needs, an inheritance trust can be tailored to suit your objectives. It’s about making informed choices today that will support your loved ones tomorrow.


The story of the teenager who lost $250,000 is a powerful reminder of what’s at stake when parents leave their money in outright distributions to children. It’s not just about leaving wealth behind; it’s about leaving a foundation for wise decision-making and financial stability. An inheritance trust can be the guiding light for your heirs, helping them navigate their inheritance responsibly.  Contact our estate planning team to discuss how a trust can help secure your family’s future and preserve your legacy as you intend.

Key Takeaways

  • Inheritance Planning is Essential: Beyond leaving assets, guiding heirs on managing their inheritance can prevent financial mishaps.
  • Protection through Inheritance Trusts: These trusts safeguard assets from potential creditors, irresponsible spending and certain taxes, ensuring that your wealth benefits future generations as intended.
  • Education and Communication Are Key: Educating heirs about financial management and openly discussing estate plans can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that your estate planning goals are met.

References: The Week, originally published on (Jan. 10, 2015) “What blowing a $250K inheritance taught me.”

SmartAsset (Sept. 19, 2023) How to Keep Money in the Family With an Inheritance Trust”

How Should a Single Person Create an Estate Plan?

The short answer is singles should be doing the same things as people who are married and have families, except their situation may require some additional steps, says an article from Kiplinger, “Estate Planning for Singles.”

The most important thing is having a Durable Power of Attorney, naming someone as your agent so they can make financial decisions if you become incapacitated. Similarly, you should also appoint a Health Care Proxy to handle medical decisions.

If you don’t have a will, your state’s law will determine how your assets will be distributed, but no state will have a list of people to make financial or health care decisions for you.

Adult children often fill these roles, but it’s fine to look for other people to serve in these roles. A trusted friend whose judgment you trust completely and who is good at managing financial and legal matters could also serve in this role.

If the person you name to be your representative dies or becomes incapacitated, you’ll want to have a plan for someone else to take on the role.

Consider the age of the person you may want to serve in their role. If they are your age, can they take on these tasks if and when needed? A younger, trusted person may be a better choice, although there are no guarantees of age determining their availability.

If you don’t know anyone who could manage these roles, you could hire a professional, either an estate planning attorney, a trust company, or, in some states, someone licensed as a “professional fiduciary.”

What about your pets? An estate plan can also deal with issues of special concern to singles who own pets. You can use your will or create a pet trust to name a guardian and provide financial support for a furry or feathered friend.

Lastly, certain states have estate taxes, which have far lower exemptions than the current federal estate tax of more than $13 million. Some state estate taxes kick in on estates valued at $1 million. Married couples can delay estate taxes until the second spouse’s death, but singles need to plan for tax liabilities, which is part of an estate plan.

Reference: Kiplinger (Feb. 17, 2024) “Estate Planning for Singles”

Navigating Life’s Uncertainties: The Importance of Conservatorships, Inspired by Brian Wilson’s Story

In the journey of life, certain events remind us of the importance of planning for the future, especially when it comes to protecting our loved ones and ourselves. The recent news about Brian Wilson, the co-founder of the Beach Boys, is one such event that brings to light the critical role of conservatorships in estate planning.

Understanding Conservatorships

A conservatorship is a legal process where a court appoints an individual or organization to manage the affairs of someone who can no longer do so themselves due to physical or mental limitations. This situation with Brian Wilson, who has been diagnosed with a “major neurocognitive disorder,” likely dementia, exemplifies why having a plan in place is so crucial.

The Story of Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson’s legacy as a musical genius is undeniable. Yet, his personal life now faces significant challenges due to his health condition. After the passing of his wife, Melinda, who was his primary caretaker, Wilson’s family filed for conservatorship to ensure his needs could be adequately met. This step was necessary to safeguard his well-being and manage his affairs, highlighting the unforeseen challenges that can arise as we age.

Key Takeaways

  • Plan Ahead: Brian Wilson’s situation underscores the importance of early planning. Don’t wait for a crisis to think about legal protections like conservatorships.
  • Protect Your Loved Ones: Conservatorships are a vital tool for ensuring the safety and financial security of those who can’t care for themselves. It’s about protection, not control.
  • Expect the Unexpected: Life can be unpredictable. The loss of a caretaker or a sudden health diagnosis can change everything. Having a plan in place provides security in uncertain times.


Life’s unpredictability calls for preparedness and the story of Brian Wilson serves as a powerful reminder of this truth. As we reflect on his contributions to music and culture, let’s also consider the importance of planning for our own future and that of our loved ones. Estate planning, including considerations for conservatorships, is not just about managing assets—it’s about caring for people and ensuring their well-being in every circumstance.

Reference: MarketWatch “Beach Boys’ Brian Wilson’s conservatorship case highlights an important — and sometimes necessary — estate-planning tip.”

How to Protect Your Spouse when Diagnosis Is Dementia

Few illnesses are as terrifying as dementia, for which there is no cure. If estate planning is in place, it may need to be adjusted to address new, more imminent issues. Reviewing the family situation from a legal and financial aspect is critical, and there is no time for delay, explains a recent article from Morningstar, “’I don’t want my wife to lose everything’: I’ve been diagnosed with dementia –I suddenly could not spell or write legibly.”

There are a number of steps to be taken to smooth the path ahead. First is to update your will and create a financial power of attorney. Don’t try to do this without the help of an experienced estate planning attorney.

This may also be the time to reassess your investment portfolio based on your new financial plan and risk tolerance.

An Advanced Healthcare Directive will inform doctors what actions you want them to take when you cannot make those decisions for yourself. You may want to list your wife as your healthcare proxy to carry out these decisions, but be mindful of the pressures put on a marriage when serious healthcare issues occur. Your spouse will need emotional support as well, and you’ll want to have a successor to your spouse for both the healthcare and POA documents.

Share your situation with trusted family and friends to create a team–a community of people who can provide support, part of which will be updating beneficiaries. Now would also be the time to record instructions for access to devices, documents, and even daily habits.

Long-term care insurance will help with expenses and should serve as an example for anyone reading this article. Policies should be purchased early in life when they are relatively affordable to help alleviate the financial burden of nursing home costs.

An estate planning attorney and financial advisor will help you take an accounting for assets, expenses, and projected long-term care costs. You’ll want a team approach to provide as much guidance as possible.

When to put your long-term care policies into payout status is a difficult decision. You’ll need to time this with a Medicaid plan, which your elder law estate planning attorney will be able to help with.

Now may also be the time to create a trust and divest assets to make it through the five-year Medicaid look-back, using your long-term care policy in the next five years.

There are exceptions to the five-year look-back rule for Medicaid eligibility. They include paying off debts, buying medical devices, or making home improvements to improve accessibility. However, eligibility depends upon income and other assets.

Some states, including Florida and New York, have rules exempting homes from assets calculated by Medicaid under certain circumstances. California eliminated an asset limit this year, making a person’s home automatically safe from Medicaid while they are living, but this does not mean it’s exempt from the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program.

Working with a team of professionals, including an estate planning attorney, and having the support of family and trusted friends will be important as time goes by and the disease progresses.

Reference: Morningstar (Feb. 25, 2024) “’I don’t want my wife to lose everything’: I’ve been diagnosed with dementia –I suddenly could not spell or write legibly”

Estate Planning for Young Adults: Navigating Your Future with Confidence

Estate planning often conjures images of wealthy, older individuals drafting wills and trusts. However, young adults, especially those in their 20s and 30s, must also consider creating an estate plan. While it might seem premature, estate planning is crucial to personal finance management. This guide will walk you through the essentials of estate planning for young adults.

Why Do Young Adults Need an Estate Plan?

Contrary to popular belief, estate planning isn’t just for the elderly or the wealthy. Young adults may not realize the importance of an estate plan. It’s about protecting your assets, no matter how modest, and ensuring that your wishes are respected in case of unforeseen circumstances. Whether deciding who will inherit your belongings, who will make decisions on your behalf if you’re unable to, or who will take care of your children, an estate plan gives you peace of mind.

What Is a Durable Power of Attorney and Why Is It Important?

A durable power of attorney is a fundamental document in estate planning. It grants someone you trust the authority to make financial decisions on your behalf should you become incapacitated. This can include managing your finances, paying bills and handling investments. It’s crucial to ensure that your affairs are in order, even when you cannot manage them yourself.

The Role of a Health Care Directive in Estate Planning

A health care directive, also known as a living will, is a document where you designate someone to make health decisions for you if you cannot. This can include decisions about medical treatments, end-of-life care and even organ donation. It’s critical to your estate plan to ensure that your health care wishes are known and respected.

Understanding Guardianship and Its Significance

If you have minor children, appointing a guardian is one of the most critical decisions in your estate plan. This person will be responsible for your children’s care and upbringing, if you can no longer do so. Choosing a guardian ensures that your children are cared for according to your values and wishes.

The Process and Benefits of Probate

Probate is the legal process of administering your estate after your death. While it can be complex and time-consuming, understanding probate can help you create an estate plan that simplifies this process. By planning ahead, you can potentially save your loved ones time, money and stress during an already difficult time.

Life Insurance: A Vital Tool for Young Adults

Life insurance is essential to estate planning, especially for young adults. It’s not just about leaving an inheritance; it’s about providing financial security for your loved ones. A life insurance policy can help cover debts and funeral expenses and provide for your family’s future needs.

How to Care for Your Children with Estate Planning

Estate planning allows you to make provisions for your children’s financial and emotional well-being. Beyond naming a guardian, you can set up trusts, education funds and other arrangements to ensure that they are financially secure and that their upbringing aligns with your values and wishes.

Finding Peace of Mind with Comprehensive Estate Planning Documents

Putting together a comprehensive estate plan can seem daunting. However, it’s essential for your peace of mind. This includes drafting a will, setting up a power of attorney, creating a health care directive and more. These documents ensure that your wishes are clearly stated and legally binding.

The Importance of a Will and Last Testament

A will is the cornerstone of your estate plan. It allows you to specify who will inherit your assets, appoint a guardian for your children and even designate who will care for your pets. Without a will, these decisions could be left up to the courts, which may not align with your wishes.

Navigating Legal and Financial Decisions with an Estate Planning Attorney

Creating an estate plan can be complex. However, you don’t have to do it alone. Consulting with an experienced estate planning attorney ensures that your plan is legally sound and tailored to your needs. They can guide you through the process, providing valuable advice and peace of mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Start Early: Estate planning is not just for the elderly. As a young adult, it’s important to start planning early, especially if you have assets or dependents.
  • Appoint Guardians: If you have children, appointing a guardian is crucial in ensuring that they are cared for according to your wishes.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: This document is essential for allowing someone you trust to make financial decisions on your behalf if you’re incapacitated.
  • Health Care Directive: A health care directive ensures that your medical wishes are followed if you cannot communicate them yourself.
  • Life Insurance: Provides financial security for your loved ones and is an important part of your estate plan.
  • Consult Professionals: Seek advice from experienced estate planning attorneys to create a plan that suits your unique needs.
  • Review Regularly: As your life changes, your estate plan should be updated to reflect these changes.

If you’re ready to take the crucial step of securing your future and ensuring the well-being of your loved ones, we’re here to help. Protect what matters most and gain peace of mind for the years ahead. Contact us now to create a plan that reflects your wishes and secures your legacy.

Update Your Estate Plan: Navigating Life’s Changes

When drafting a will and other estate planning documents, note that you probably should revisit them many times before they are needed.  Even if you have experienced no major life events recently, the people you previously chose to handle certain duties may no longer be your best option.  Thus, it is crucial to update your estate plan regularly. This article will guide you through revising your estate plan to reflect life’s inevitable changes.

Is it Important to Update Your Estate Plan?

Understanding Estate Plan Updates: An estate plan is more than a set of documents. It is a roadmap for your family’s future. However, as your life evolves, so should your estate plan. Regular reviews ensure that your estate plan aligns with your current circumstances and desires.

Life Changes and Your Estate Plan: Major life events, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of a new child, or even moving to a new state, necessitate reevaluating your estate plan. These events can significantly impact how you want your assets distributed and who you choose as beneficiaries or executors.

How Often to Review Your Estate Plan?

Regular Review is Key: Professionals often recommend reviewing your estate plan every three to five years. However, if you experience any major life change, it’s wise to revisit your plan sooner.

Changes in Law and Circumstances: Laws governing estates and taxes can change over time. Staying abreast of these changes and updating your plan accordingly is crucial to safeguarding your estate and beneficiaries.

What Triggers an Estate Plan Update?

Major Life Events: Significant life events like marriage, divorce, the birth of a new child or grandchild, or the death of a beneficiary are common reasons to update your estate plan. These events can drastically alter your estate planning needs.

Financial Changes: A significant change in assets, whether an increase or decrease, can impact your estate planning strategies. This might include changes in investments, real estate holdings, or business interests.

Updating Beneficiary Designations

Reviewing Beneficiary Choices: Beneficiary designations on life insurance policies, retirement plans and other financial accounts are crucial to your estate plan. Reviewing and updating these designations to reflect your current wishes is essential.

Considerations for New Family Members: Adding a new child or grandchild to your family is a joyous occasion that should prompt a review of your beneficiary designations. This ensures that they are included in your estate plan.

The Role of Trusts in Estate Planning

Understanding Living Trusts: A living trust can be vital to an estate plan, offering benefits like avoiding probate and maintaining privacy. Reviewing and possibly revising your trust to accommodate changes in your life is important.

Trustees and Successor Trustees: Choosing the right trustee and successor trustee is critical. Life changes might lead you to reconsider who you’ve appointed in these roles, ensuring that they align with your current circumstances.

Addressing Changes in State Laws

Moving to a New State: If you’ve moved to another state, updating your estate plan to comply with the new state’s laws is imperative. Estate and tax laws vary significantly from state to state.

State-Specific Considerations: Each state has unique provisions regarding powers of attorney, healthcare directives and other estate planning documents. A review with an estate planning attorney familiar with local laws is essential.

How to Update Your Estate Plan

Working with Professionals: Updating your estate plan can be complex. Working with an experienced estate planning attorney or financial planner ensures that your plan is comprehensive, up to date and reflects your wishes.

Review and Revise Documents: Revisiting your estate plan involves reviewing all documents, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney and healthcare directives. Revise your documents as soon as possible after a major life change.

Special Considerations for Business Owners

Business Succession Planning: For business owners, updating your estate plan might include reviewing your business succession plan. Ensuring a smooth business transition is a crucial part of estate planning.

Tax Planning and Asset Protection: Changes in your business situation might also impact your estate taxes and asset protection strategies. Regularly updating your estate plan can help minimize tax liabilities and protect assets.

Conclusion: The Importance of Keeping Your Estate Plan Current

Your estate plan is a dynamic document that should evolve as your life does. Regular updates ensure that your wishes are accurately reflected, and your loved ones are protected. Remember, an outdated estate plan can be as ineffective as having no plan.

If you’re ready to update your estate plan or have questions about how recent life changes might impact your estate, don’t hesitate to reach out. Schedule a consultation with us today to ensure that your estate plan meets your current needs and secures your legacy for the future.

Understanding the 2024 Gift Tax Exclusions and Strategies for Wealth Transfer


In the dynamic world of estate planning, understanding the intricacies of gift tax is crucial. This year brings significant changes to the federal gift and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exclusions, presenting unique opportunities for wealth transfer. For a detailed insight into these changes, McDermott Will & Emery’s article offers a comprehensive view.

2024 Gift and GST Tax Exclusions

The year 2024 marks a notable increase in the federal gift and GST tax exclusions. These heightened levels are a boon for estate planning but bear in mind this increase is temporary. Post-2025, these exclusions are set to revert to pre-2018 levels. This window presents a pivotal moment for individuals to maximize their wealth transfer under favorable conditions.

State-Specific Considerations

It’s important to remember that state-specific tax implications can vary. For instance, New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut residents face different considerations than residents of other states. This highlights the necessity for estate planning that is not only informed by federal law but also by the nuances of state-specific regulations.

Estate Planning Strategies

Several strategies can be employed to take advantage of the current gift tax landscape:

Dynasty Trusts

Dynasty trusts allow for the transfer of wealth across multiple generations, minimizing estate taxes over time.

Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs)

SLATs enable one spouse to gift assets to a trust the other spouse can access, providing financial flexibility while benefiting from gift tax exclusions.

Grantor-Retained Annuity Trusts (GRATs)

GRATs are a way to transfer asset appreciation to beneficiaries without significant gift tax costs.

Intrafamily Loans and Sales to Grantor Trusts

These options offer more direct ways to transfer wealth within a family, with potential tax benefits under the current regulations.

Planning for Post-2025 Changes

With the anticipated reversion of tax exclusions post-2025, planning is imperative. Maximizing wealth transfer before these changes take effect can lead to significant long-term tax savings.

The current landscape of gift tax exclusions offers a window of opportunity for strategic estate planning. However, this window is not open indefinitely. Proactive planning, tailored to both federal and state-specific laws, is key to maximizing wealth transfer under these favorable conditions. Consulting with estate planning professionals is highly recommended to navigate this complex area effectively.

For more detailed information, refer to the original McDermott Will & Emery article here.

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