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Taxes that Affect an Estate

Identifying the Taxes that Affect an Estate

Estate tax and inheritance tax significantly impact an estate’s value. Estate tax is levied on the estate’s total value at death before distribution to beneficiaries. In contrast, inheritance tax is imposed on the beneficiaries based on the value of assets received. Understanding these taxes is critical for effective estate planning.

What Is Inheritance Tax?

Inheritance tax varies by state and is paid by the recipient of the inheritance. States like Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have specific exemptions and tax rates based on the beneficiary’s relationship with the deceased and the inheritance size.

Federal Estate Tax Explained

For 2024, the federal estate tax exemption is $13.61 million per individual, with estates exceeding this threshold taxed at up to 40%. Estates valued below this limit are exempt from federal estate taxes. High-net-worth individuals benefit significantly from these exemptions but must consider state-level estate taxes, which can vary.

Impact of Tax Rates on Estate Value

Estate tax rates range from 18% to 40%, meaning that taxes can diminish a substantial portion of an estate’s value. Effective estate planning, including trusts and lifetime gifting strategies, can minimize the estate’s taxable value.

Capital Gains Tax: An Important Consideration for Estates

Capital gains tax applies to profits made from selling inherited property or investments. If inherited assets appreciate and are then sold, the beneficiary may owe capital gains tax on the profits.

Minimizing Estate Taxes: Strategies and Tips

Strategies to minimize estate taxes include using both spouses’ estate tax exemptions, spending down assets, gifting and setting up trusts. These methods can reduce the estate’s taxable value, thus lowering the tax liability.

Estate Tax vs. Inheritance Tax: Understanding the Differences

The Estate pays estate tax based on its total value exceeding federal or state thresholds. Inheritance tax is paid by the beneficiary based on the inherited amount and their degree of kinship or lack thereof to the decedent. The key difference is who bears the tax burden – the estate or the inheritor.

How Estate Planning Can Mitigate Tax Impact

Proper estate planning can significantly mitigate the impact of taxes on an estate. An estate planning attorney can help explore various strategies, ensuring compliance with tax laws and maximizing available deductions and exemptions.

Conclusion: Navigating Taxes in Estate Planning

Navigating the complexities of taxes that affect an estate is essential for ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth. Individuals can effectively manage their estate’s tax burden by understanding and planning for both federal and state estate and inheritance taxes.

For personalized advice and to develop a comprehensive estate plan that navigates these tax considerations, schedule a consultation with our experienced estate planning attorneys today.

How Do Gifting Strategies Minimize Estate Taxes?

Understanding the role of strategic gifting provides an opportunity to significantly reduce estate tax liabilities, according to a recent article from Forbes, “6 Effective Gifting Strategies To Minimize Your Estate Taxes.” If your goal is to facilitate wealth transition across generations and preserve wealth, these will be useful to know and use.

The annual gift tax exclusion allows you to give generous gifts to as many people as you want without taxes. In 2023, the maximum amount is $17,000 per person and up to $34,000 for married couples filing jointly. In 2024, this increases to $18,000 per person and $36,000 for married. This provision is a foundation for reducing taxable estates. Your estate planning attorney may recommend setting up an annual gifting schedule or using special occasions like a wedding or the birth of a child to make gifts. You can reduce the eventual estate tax burden by systematically gifting within the exclusion limits each year.

A second strategy is maximizing the lifetime gift tax exemption. Unlike an annual gift, the lifetime gift tax exemption is a cumulative amount you may give away throughout your lifetime without incurring gift taxes. This IRS provision is especially useful for those who wish to transfer substantial wealth. In 2023, the limit is $12.92 million; in 2024, adjusted for inflation, the limit will be $13.61 million.

Using the lifetime exemption includes gifting assets expected to appreciate, like stocks or real property. By gifting these assets earlier, any future appreciations occur outside of your own estate, maximizing the impact of the exemption.

You can enhance this strategy by combining the lifetime exemption with the annual gift tax exclusion. For example, parents might gift their children a portion of their estate annually, staying within the annual exclusion limit, and then use their lifetime exemption for larger gifts.

Medical and educational exclusions allow you to pay for another person’s tuition or medical expenses. The payments must be made directly to the institution and not the individual. Following this important rule allows you to avoid incurring any gift tax or having the amount impact the annual exclusion limit of lifetime exemptions. These payments can only cover tuition and direct medical expenses, not related costs like books or room and board.

Trusts can be used for gifting, allowing you to manage and distribute assets according to your own terms. Your estate planning attorney will be able to guide you to what best suits your situation. For instance, an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust shelters life insurance proceeds from estate taxes, effectively reducing the taxable estate size. A Grantor Retained Annuity Trust can transfer appreciating assets to beneficiaries, while providing the grantor a fixed annuity, potentially reducing gift taxes.

There is also the Charitable Remainder Trust, which provides income to the donor and later benefits a charity, resulting in income and estate tax advantages.

Charitable giving has long been a favored way to do good while obtaining valuable tax benefits. One approach is to use donor-advised funds, which allow for a charitable contribution, getting an immediate tax deduction, and then recommending grants from the fund over time. Making pledges or binding promises to give to charities can also create current tax deductions while committing to the future of your charity of choice.

Timing gifts and their frequency can have implications for the donor and recipient. Strategic timing needs to address asset value fluctuations and tax law changes. Timing involves market conditions, life events, or anticipated changes in legislation.

The frequency of gifting can also be critical in estate planning. Regular, systematic gifting can steadily reduce the size of the estate, potentially leading to significant tax reductions over time. Be mindful about balancing gifting with personal financial needs to not overextend yourself.

Reference: Forbes (Nov. 25, 2023) “6 Effective Gifting Strategies To Minimize Your Estate Taxes”

Navigating Estate Tax Planning

Navigating the intricacies of your financial legacy can be a daunting task. Understanding the nuances of the estate tax and implementing robust estate tax planning strategies can ensure that your beneficiaries enjoy the fruits of your labor without being overburdened by tax liabilities.

What Is Estate Tax and Who Is Subject to Estate Tax?

The estate tax, often called the “death tax,” is a tax levied on the total value of a person’s estate upon their death. If the estate exceeds certain thresholds, it becomes subject to federal estate tax, potentially diminishing the wealth passed on to heirs.

Understanding who is subject to estate tax requires knowledge of current tax laws, which often change. These laws dictate specific exemption amounts and continually adjust what constitutes a taxable estate.

Why Is Estate Tax Planning Essential?

Proactive estate tax planning is crucial to preventing your heirs from facing unexpected tax burdens. Without careful planning, a significant portion of the estate you’ve worked hard to build could end up in the hands of the government, instead of your loved ones.

Tax planning involves a comprehensive look at your assets and potential tax liabilities, ensuring that your beneficiaries are safeguarded. The goal is to reduce estate tax significantly, allowing more wealth to transition to the next generation.

How Can Trusts Benefit Your Estate Plan?

Incorporating trusts into your estate plan can be a strategic move to minimize estate taxes. Trusts, particularly irrevocable ones, allow you to transfer wealth from your estate, reducing the overall value subject to estate taxes upon your death.

Trusts offer control over assets even after death, ensuring that your wishes concerning asset distribution are honored. Grantor trusts and other types of trust arrangements are advanced estate planning tools that can significantly reduce your taxable estate.

Are Gift Taxes and Estate Taxes Interconnected?

Yes, gift taxes and estate taxes are closely linked. Strategically gifting assets during your lifetime can reduce your estate’s size, subsequently decreasing estate tax liability. However, it’s essential to understand the gift tax exclusion limits in your tax planning.

Large gifts that exceed these exclusions may still be taxable. These count towards your estate and are potentially subject to estate tax if they surpass the lifetime exemption limit. It’s wise to consider the long-term implications of gifting on your overall estate.

What Changes in Tax Laws Mean for Your Estate Planning Strategies?

Estate tax laws are not static; they undergo changes and adjustments that could impact your estate. These changes in tax laws could influence exemption thresholds, tax rates and what assets are considered part of your taxable estate.

Keeping abreast of these changes is critical. Working with a tax professional who understands the latest federal estate tax laws ensures that your estate plan remains effective and compliant, safeguarding your estate from increased tax liability.

Can You Minimize Estate Taxes with Charitable Contributions?

Making charitable contributions is an effective strategy to minimize estate taxes. Donations to qualifying charitable organizations can reduce your taxable estate’s size, while allowing you to contribute to causes you care about.

This estate planning tool requires proper documentation and adherence to tax laws to ensure that your estate benefits from the tax reductions applicable to charitable contributions.

Do All States Impose Own Estate Taxes?

The estate tax isn’t just a federal matter. Several states impose their own estate taxes, with exemption thresholds and tax rates that differ from federal guidelines. State estate taxes can complicate estate planning, especially if you own assets in multiple states.

Understanding how state tax laws affect your estate is crucial. It involves complex considerations, particularly if you’re planning for properties in states with distinct estate or inheritance taxes.

How Does the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Affect Estate Tax Planning?

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act significantly impacted estate tax planning by increasing the federal estate tax exemption. This change means fewer estates will be subject to the estate tax. However, it is essential to remember that many parts of the Jobs Act are temporary.

Estate plans should consider future changes, possibly with lower exemptions. Careful planning and continual review of your estate strategy are necessary to adapt to legislative shifts and protect your estate from excessive taxation.

Closing Thoughts: Estate Tax Planning Takeaways

To encapsulate, here are the key points to remember in your estate tax planning journey:

  • Understand the implications of the estate tax on your assets.
  • Utilize trusts and lifetime gifts strategically to reduce estate size.
  • Keep updated with changes in tax laws, including state estate taxes.
  • Consider charitable contributions as part of your estate strategy.
  • Consult with a tax professional to navigate complex estate scenarios.

Effective estate tax planning can preserve your wealth for future generations, ensuring that your legacy endures as you envision.

When Should You Update Your Estate Plan?

We know we need to see our doctor for annual checkups and see the dentist every six months, not to mention getting a good night’s sleep, brushing and flossing our teeth. In the same way, your estate plan needs regular maintenance, according to an article from The Street, which asks, “When Is It Time to Update Your Estate Plan?”

Far too often, estate plans are created with the best intentions and then lie dormant, in many cases, for decades. Provisions no longer make sense, or people in key roles, like executors, either move away or die.

Failing to update an estate plan can lead to a beloved child being disinherited or an animal companion ending up in a shelter.

This is an easy problem to solve. However, it requires taking action. Scanning your estate plan once a year won’t take long. However, when certain events occur, it’s time to bring all your estate planning documents to an estate planning attorney’s office.

Here are a few trigger events when you may want to make changes:

Welcoming a new child into the family. Wills and trusts often contemplate future children. However, when the children arrive, you’ll need to update wills, trusts and beneficiary designations. Life insurance policies, investment accounts and retirement accounts allow you to name a beneficiary, and the proceeds from these accounts go directly to the beneficiaries, bypassing probate.

If no beneficiary is named or cannot be located, the asset usually goes back into the estate, meaning it goes through probate and there may be tax liabilities.

Charitable giving goals often change over time. An organization with great personal meaning in your twenties may be less important or may have closed. If you’ve become involved with a charitable mission and want to leave assets to the organization, you’ll want to create a charitable bequest in your will or trust. Those changes need to be reflected in your estate plan.

People’s ability to serve in fiduciary roles may have changed. If the people you assigned certain roles to—like trustees, executors, agents, or the guardian named for minor children—may no longer be suitable for the role. The person you selected to serve as a guardian for minor children may not be available or willing to manage adolescents. If your trustees are over 70, you may want to name an adult child to serve in this role.

Reviewing insurance policies needs to be done regularly. In some cases, the value of life insurance proceeds may be subject to estate tax. Proper planning should be able to avoid this by making certain the policy is not included in your taxable estate.

If you are considering taking out a new life insurance policy, revisit your existing plans with your estate planning attorney. It may make sense for you to create an insurance trust, which allows you to exempt certain assets from your taxable estate.

Are pets an important part of your life? If so, you may want to make plans for who should take care of your pet if you pass away. In many cases, a pet trust works to name a trustee to manage funds for the pet’s care and formally outlines how you want your pet to be cared for.

Reviewing your estate plan every three to five years with your estate planning attorney or whenever a significant life event occurs will ensure that your wishes are followed.

Reference: The Street (Oct. 30, 2023) “When Is It Time to Update Your Estate Plan?”

Does Your State Have an Inheritance Tax?

Most Americans aren’t concerned with the $12.92 million threshold for the federal estate tax. However, some states are not as generous with estate tax exemptions, and others impose inheritance taxes on heirs, reports the article “States That Won’t Tax Your Death” from Kiplinger. State death taxes can become expensive for loved ones.

Death taxes are tax liabilities incurred by heirs when you die. In some states, heirs pay death taxes on even small inheritances. For example, heirs in Nebraska pay a death tax rate of 15% on inheritances over $25,000. The good news is that if you live in a state with no estate or inheritance tax, you don’t have to worry about a state death tax.

If taxes are a big consideration for where you live, consider the pros and cons before making any big decisions. Not every state is as tax-friendly regarding other taxes, fees, or the overall cost of living.

  • Alabama has no death taxes and low grocery taxes.
  • Alaska has no death taxes, and Alaska pays residents to live in the state through the Permanent Fund Dividend. In 2023, the payment was $1,312.
  • Arizona has no death tax, low-income taxes and a flat income rate of 2.5%.
  • Arkansas has no estate or death taxes, and a recent tax cut bill reduced income taxes.
  • California is generally a high-tax state with high costs of living, but there is no death tax.
  • Colorado has no death tax and the highest EV credit of any state.
  • Delaware is known to be very business friendly. However, it’s also a state with no sales tax, no state estate tax and no inheritance tax.
  • Florida has no death taxes, and what appeals to many new arrivals is no state income tax.
  • Georgia has no estate or inheritance tax.
  • Idaho doesn’t have an inheritance tax, but some types of retirement income, including pensions, are taxable.
  • Indiana has no inheritance tax and a fairly low flat-income tax rate of 3.15% (although some counties impose income taxes of their own).
  • Kansas has no inheritance tax or estate tax.
  • Louisiana has no death taxes and some of the lowest property taxes in the country.
  • Michigan has no estate tax or inheritance tax.
  • Mississippi taxes groceries but has no death tax or estate tax.
  • Missouri has no state death tax.
  • Montana has no state death tax.
  • Nevada has no inheritance taxes and no income tax.
  • New Hampshire doesn’t have a death tax, and there’s no personal income tax, but there is a tax on interest in dividends.
  • New Mexico has no estate or inheritance tax.
  • North Carolina has no death taxes and low property taxes.
  • North Dakota has no estate or inheritance tax, and the highest income tax rate is 2.5%.
  • Ohio has no death taxes but does have high property taxes.
  • Oklahoma has no death tax; low property and income tax rates never reach 5%.
  • South Carolina has no death tax or inheritance tax.
  • South Dakota has no inheritance tax and no state income taxes.
  • Tennessee has no estate, inheritance, or income tax.
  • Texas has no income tax and no inheritance tax.
  • Utah has no death tax but is one of 11 states that taxes Social Security retirement benefits.
  • Virginia has high income tax rates but no inheritance or state estate taxes.
  • West Virginia has no death tax.
  • Wisconsin has no death or state estate taxes. However, property and income tax rates are high.
  • Kiplinger ranks Wyoming as one of the best states for middle-class families because of the state’s overall low tax burden. There’s also no inheritance tax.

Reference: Kiplinger (Oct. 12, 2023) “States That Won’t Tax Your Death”

Estate Planning and Tax Planning for Business Owners

Business owners who want long-term financial success must navigate an intricate web of taxes, estate planning and asset protection. Pre- and post-transactional tax strategies, combined with estate planning, can safeguard assets, optimize tax positions and help strategically pass wealth along to future generations or charitable organizations, as reported in a recent article from Forbes, “Strategic Tax and Estate Planning For Business Owners.”

Pre-transactional tax planning includes reviewing the business entity structure to align it with tax objectives. For example, converting to a Limited Liability Company (LLC) may be a better structure if it is currently a solo proprietorship.

Implementing qualified retirement plans, like 401(k)s and defined benefit plans, gives tax advantages for owners and is attractive to employees. Contributions are typically tax-deductible, offering immediate tax savings.

There are federal, state, and local tax credits and incentives to reduce tax liability, all requiring careful research to be sure they are legitimate tax planning strategies. Overly aggressive practices can lead to audits, penalties, and reputational damage.

After a transaction, shielding assets becomes even more critical. Establishing a limited liability entity, like a Family Limited Partnership (FLP), may be helpful to protect assets.

Remember to keep personal and business assets separate to avoid putting asset protection efforts at risk. Review and update asset protection strategies when there are changes in your personal or business life or new laws that may provide new opportunities.

Developing a succession plan is critical to ensure that the transition of a family business from one to the next. Be honest about family dynamics and individual capabilities. Start early and work with an experienced estate planning attorney to align the succession and tax plan with your overall estate plan.

Philanthropy positively impacts, establishes, or builds on an existing legacy and creates tax advantages. Donating appreciated assets, using charitable trusts, or creating a private foundation can all achieve personal goals while attaining tax benefits.

Estate taxes can erode the value of wealth when transferring it to the next generation. Gifting, trusts, or life insurance are all means of minimizing estate taxes and preserving wealth. Your estate planning attorney will know about estate tax exemption limits and changes coming soon. They will advise you about gifting assets during your lifetime, using annual gift exclusions, and determine if lifetime gifts should be used to generate estate tax benefits.

Reference: Forbes (Sep. 28, 2023) “Strategic Tax and Estate Planning For Business Owners”

Why You Need to Include Digital Assets in Your Estate Plan

A new form of wealth, with different ownership, storage, and transferability terms, has created a new challenge for estate planning from traditional forms of wealth. These are digital assets, electronic records in which an individual has a right or interest, as explained in a recent article, “Planning for Digital Assets 101,” from Wealth Management.

Digital assets can be divided into two groups: sentimental digital assets and investment digital assets.

Sentimental digital assets are those with an emotional tie, like photos, videos, social media accounts, etc. For these assets, the goal is to provide access to loved ones after a person’s death. Some platforms allow settings to name a legacy contact. A list of accounts, usernames and passwords will be helpful for family members.

The IRS defines investment digital assets as “any digital representation of value which is recorded on a cryptographically secured distributed ledger, like a blockchain, or any similar technology as specified by the Secretary.” This type of asset includes cryptocurrency, stablecoins and non-fungible tokens.

The challenge of digital investment assets in estate planning centers on how they are owned and stored.

Digital assets are stored in digital wallets, web-based or hardware-based. “Hot wallets” are web-based and run on smartphones or computers. Many investors use them for small amounts of cryptocurrency and frequent trading. “Cold wallets” are hardware-based wallets stored on devices not connected to the internet, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. A cold wallet can only communicate with an internet-connected device when plugged in. An investor will have a seed phrase or backup code to access the cold wallet, which the owner must store in a secure place.

Understanding the storage system is essential for estate planning for two main reasons:

Beneficiary Access. The recipient of a gift or bequest of the digital asset must have access to the relevant storage device to access the actual investment. Sharing this information comes with an element of risk, as access is inherently tied to value.

Fiduciary Access. If only the owner has access, heirs will have no way to gain access to the digital assets when the owner dies. Digital exchanges don’t allow users to name a contact to access the investment information upon death. Most exchanges don’t have centralized entities to record information. If access is denied to the heir, the investment could be lost.

Transferring digital assets requires providing access to beneficiaries and/or fiduciaries. There are several ways to structure such a transfer while minimizing the risk of theft or loss.

Digital assets can be transferred to a Limited Liability Company, and subject to certain limitations, retain control of the digital assets’ management by serving as LLC manager. Transferred LLC interests can also provide a mechanism to discount the value of the transferred interest. In addition, LLCs can provide asset protection since, in most states, LLCs protect a member’s personal assets from an LLC’s liabilities.

A directed trust is another way to transfer digital assets, while maintaining control and decision-making with the owner. In some states, a directed trust can have an “investment trustee” or “investment trust director” to exclusively handle investment responsibilities, including managing and storing digital assets.

Even using these two methods, someone other than the original owner must be granted access to the digital assets. One way to do this is by naming a “digital fiduciary”—someone tasked with managing the digital assets.

Estate plans involving digital assets must clearly outline heirs for the digital investment and its tangible storage devices. The assets can pass with the residuary, and complexities can arise if the residuary beneficiaries differ from tangible property beneficiaries who will receive the storage device. Speak with an experienced estate planning attorney to be sure that your digital assets are included in your estate plan.

Reference: Wealth Management (Sep. 19, 2023) “Planning for Digital Assets 101”

Do I Pay Taxes When I Inherit?

Capital gains taxes are then calculated, so you pay taxes only on appreciation that occurs after you inherit the property. Yahoo Finance’s recent article entitled, “Do I Pay Taxes Automatically If I Inherit Property?” says there are three main types of taxes that cover inheritances:

  1. Inheritance taxes are taxes that an heir pays on the value of an estate that they inherit. There are no federal inheritance taxes. However, six states have an inheritance tax.
  2. Estate taxes are taxes paid out of the estate before anyone inherits. The estate tax has a minimum threshold, and as with all other tax brackets, the government only taxes the amount that exceeds this minimum threshold, which is $12.92 million ($25.84 million per married couple).
  3. Capital gains taxes are taxes paid on the appreciation of any assets an heir inherits through an estate. They’re only levied when you sell the assets for gain, not when you inherit.

The cash you inherit is taxed through either inheritance taxes (when applicable) or estate taxes. With inheritance taxes, you must file and pay this tax.

With an estate tax, the IRS taxes the estate directly.

Therefore, it’s uncommon for an heir to owe any taxes, including income tax, on inherited cash.

The IRS does not automatically tax any other forms of property that you might inherit. However, you’ll owe capital gains taxes if you choose to sell this property.

When you inherit property, whether real estate, securities, or almost anything else, the IRS applies a stepped-up basis to that asset. This means that for tax purposes, the base price of the asset is reset to its value on the day that you inherited it. If you inherit property and immediately sell it, you’d owe no taxes on those assets.

Two prices are involved in establishing a capital gain tax: the sale price (how much you sold the asset for) and the original cost basis (how much you bought it for).

Reference: Yahoo Finance (Aug. 27, 2023) “Do I Pay Taxes Automatically If I Inherit Property?”

How Much Money to Give Away with Upcoming Tax Changes?

With inflation, the current federal estate tax exemption amount, which you can have when you die without paying federal estate tax, increased to $12.92 million for individuals for 2023. That’s up from $12.06 million in 2022. It will jump to $25.84 million for couples in 2025, up from $24.12 million in 2024. However, those rates sunset at the end of 2025. Without action from Congress, the exemptions will revert to the levels in place before the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increased them. That’s about half the amount the exemption has grown to by then due to inflation, says Microsoft’s recent article entitled, “If I have $10 million, how much should I give away while I’m alive?”

Few families have faced federal estate taxes in the last few years, as the IRS has seen about 1200 taxable-estate returns in 2020. However, more families would have to look at the effect of estate taxes if the exemption went back down to $6.5 million per individual. A total of 17 states and the District of Columbia also have their own estate tax and inheritance thresholds. While a number like $6.5 million sounds big, it’s really now just a healthy 401(k) and a nice house in a big city

If you have something like $10 million, and you decide that giving away $3.5 M is the best tax scenario for your estate, you probably aren’t going to write a check. You’ll be looking into trusts and other advanced estate planning techniques that require the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. Those take time, and there’s no way to push them to a December 31, 2025 deadline.

One reason you’d want to give money away while you’re alive is to lower the size of your estate when you die, which would minimize taxes. If you have assets above the exemption limit set by the IRS, the federal tax will likely be 40% on the amount over that limit. There are a number of ways to give away a significant amount of money to lower the value of your estate. People hesitate because most of those options are irrevocable, so you can’t change your mind later.

An issue is using up your exemption by giving away money. If you have $10 million and pass away after the exemption goes down, you’d owe federal estate tax on the $3.5 million difference. If you had given away that $3.5 million before the end of 2025, you’d have a $3 million exemption remaining, and you could have made a wise tax move — at least as long as you stayed under the new threshold. If you gave away more than $6.5 million between 2018 and 2025 — up to the limit during that time — the IRS says you won’t be penalized.

However, if the exemption stays the same after 2026, at nearly $13 million, if you gave away $3.5 million, you’d have essentially $9.5 million left in lifetime exemption. However, be careful not to use up your entire exemption. If you give everything away while living, you won’t have any exemption left. The annual gift-giving limit without losing any of your lifetime exemptions is $17,000 per recipient in 2023.

Reference: Microsoft (Aug. 7, 2023) “If I have $10 million, how much should I give away while I’m alive?”