Estate Planning Blog Articles

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Can a Power of Attorney Withdraw Money from Bank Account?

A power of attorney, or POA, is a legal document giving another person the legal authority to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. Known as an agent or attorney-in-fact, you should only name someone to be your POA, if you trust them implicitly and believe they will always manage your affairs with your best interest in mind, according to the recent article titled “Can A Power Of Attorney Transfer Money To Themselves?” from Washington Independent.

There are different types of power of attorney and ethical and legal considerations surrounding the transfer of money. The two main types of POA are general POA and durable POA. A general POA gives the agent broad authority to handle financial and other matters on your behalf, and the power ends if you become incapacitated. A durable POA remains in effect, if you become incapacitated and continues until your death or until it is revoked.

The powers given to an agent vary widely depending on the state laws governing the document, and also vary depending on the specific document. In general, an agent can use the POA to handle a wide range of financial matters, including paying bills, managing investments, buying and selling real property and signing legal documents.

Using non-state specific blank forms downloaded from the web leads almost always leads to complicated (read: costly and time-consuming) problems for an agent. The specific powers granted to the agent need to be spelled out in the document. For example, you may wish for your POA to manage paying household bills, but not to sell the house.

There are also ethical considerations. While the POA gives the agent the authority to transfer money on your behalf, they are fiduciaries and are held to a higher standard of ethics. They must act in your best interest at all times.

Transferring money from your account to the agent’s account for their benefit would be a clear violation and could result in legal consequences, including criminal charges. The transfer could be challenged in court and the agent could be held accountable for any damages.

If you are concerned about a person abusing this role, there are steps to take to minimize the risk.

  • Chose a trustworthy and reliable person to serve as your agent.
  • Limit the powers granted by having a customized Power of Attorney drafted by an experienced estate planning attorney. The document could specify that the agent is not permitted to transfer money to themselves or use your funds for their personal benefit.
  • Monitoring the action of the agent. If you are incapacitated, name a person to monitor the agent and provide them with contact information for your estate planning attorney if there are any questions.

Reference: Washington Independent (Feb. 7, 2023) “Can A Power Of Attorney Transfer Money To Themselves?”

Do You Need Power of Attorney If You Have a Joint Account?

A person with Power of Attorney for their parents can’t actually “add” the POA to their bank accounts. However, they may change bank accounts to be jointly owned. There are some pros and cons of doing this, as discussed in the article “POAs vs. joint ownership” from

The POA permits the agent to access their parent’s bank accounts, make deposits and write checks.  However, it doesn’t create any ownership interest in the bank accounts. It allows access and signing authority.

If the person’s parent wants to add them to the account, they become a joint owner of the account. When this happens, the person has the same authority as the parent, accessing the account and making deposits and withdrawals.

However, there are downsides. Once the person is added to the account as a joint owner, their relationship changes. As a POA, they are a fiduciary, which means they have a legally enforceable responsibility to put their parent’s benefits above their own.

As an owner, they can treat the accounts as if they were their own and there’s no requirement to be held to a higher standard of financial care.

Because the POA does not create an ownership interest in the account, when the owner dies, the account passes to the surviving joint owners, Payable on Death (POD) beneficiaries or beneficiaries under the parent’s estate plan.

If the account is owned jointly, when one of the joint owners dies, the other person becomes the sole owner.

Another issue to consider is that becoming a joint owner means the account could be vulnerable to creditors for all owners. If the adult child has any debt issues, the parent’s account could be attached by creditors, before or after their passing.

Most estate planning attorneys recommend the use of a POA rather than adding an owner to a joint account. If the intent of the owners is to give the child the proceeds of the bank account, they can name the child a POD on the account for when they pass and use a POA, so the child can access the account while they are living.

One last point: while the parent is still living, the child should contact the bank and provide them with a copy of the POA. This, allows the bank to enter the POA into the system and add the child as a signatory on the account. If there are any issues, they are best resolved before while the parent is still living.

Reference: (Aug. 15, 2021) “POAs vs. joint ownership”

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