Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

Why Your Will Is Just One Part of an Estate Plan

When a veterinarian’s third wife left him, he rushed to update his will and estate planning documents to ensure that she wouldn’t get anything when he died. However, the handwritten change he faxed to his life insurance company wasn’t accepted, so his three children from his first marriage spent six years embroiled in a fight with her after he died.

Most people make the mistake of assuming their will is the last word on who receives what when they die, according to a recent article, “Your Will Alone Won’t Guarantee Your Money Goes to Your Heirs,” from The Wall Street Journal. However, certain documents override wills, and chances are you’ve got more than a few: beneficiary forms for retirement accounts, life insurance and some bank and investment accounts. This is the case regardless of whether the accounts were opened through the workplace or on your own.

Failure to update them and your assets could end up in an ex-spouse’s accounts or a court battle. Estate planning attorneys say this is a growing issue as Americans juggle multiple accounts and have more of their net worth in retirement accounts.

You must be sure that all beneficiary forms match your current intent and estate plan. For one employee benefits attorney, the hardest part of the job is writing denial letters to children and parents, advising them they are not entitled to the accounts.

Some laws regarding pensions and spouses need to be explored and clarified. For example, an employee divorces and names an adult child as the new 401(k) beneficiary. The employee then remarries. Under federal law, the new spouse gets the 401(k), no matter what the beneficiary form or will says. The rules vary for beneficiary forms for different accounts, so each needs to be examined.

With 401(k)s, married spouses are automatically entitled to the money unless they formally waive it, and the waiver must be notarized. If no beneficiary and spouse are listed, the employer plan documents determine who is next in line.

With IRAs, in most states, you can name someone other than your spouse as a beneficiary without needing a waiver. You will need a waiver if you live in a community property state, like California or Texas. If no beneficiary is listed, the terms of the IRA agreement determine who inherits the IRA.

With insurance payouts, the employer plan documents control the payout, if the policy is a workplace plan obtained through your employer. If you purchased the policy independently, the insurance company’s rules govern. Litigation typically ends up in state court.

Want to protect your heirs?

Take beneficiary forms seriously, and don’t just sign and forget them. Be sure to include the beneficiaries’ proper name, date of birth and Social Security number.

Keep the documents updated according to the institution’s guidelines anytime there is a major life event, like getting married, divorced, or having children. Some states have laws automatically revoking designation upon divorce, but many do not.

For banks and investment accounts, people sometimes add a “payable on death” designation by filling out a special beneficiary form and then forget about it. If one child is named and not the other, this can lead to hurt feelings and fractured relationships.

These accounts and insurance policies must be aligned with your overall estate plan, or they may not work as you want.

Keep copies of beneficiary forms with your estate planning documents. You may want to send duplicate beneficiary forms to the bank, brokerage house, or insurance company and ask for one back with a stamp indicating it was received. You can sometimes check your account profile online to see if the change you requested has been made.

Reference: The Wall Street Journal (Sep. 30, 2023) “Your Will Alone Won’t Guarantee Your Money Goes to Your Heirs”

Now Is the Time for Estate Planning

Individuals in their twenties are usually focused on their careers, acquiring assets and enjoying life—death is one of the last things on their minds, according to a recent article from The National Law Review, “Don’t Wait until Time Is Up.” However, unexpected things happen, even to healthy young people.

Estate planning documents, including Power of Attorney, Healthcare Proxy and Living Will, should be prepared because they go into effect as soon as they are executed, allowing others to carry out legal, financial and health wishes in case of incapacity.

Thirty-somethings may have reached various milestones, such as marriage, having children, owning property, starting a business, or working in the family business. This is also a time when life-changing events occur, such as divorce, death in the family, inheritance, moving to another state and more. Estate planning documents should be in place now, including a will and ancillary documents. This may also be the time to establish trusts to accomplish estate planning goals.

If you are getting married, already married, divorced, or remarried, it’s time to call your estate planning attorney. Estate planning is often negotiated as part of prenuptial, postnuptial and separation agreements. Upon getting married or remarried, your estate plan must be updated to include your new spouse and/or remove your ex-spouse. A new spouse may have elective rights to a portion of their spouse’s estate if they remain married at death and the deceased spouse has failed to provide for their surviving spouse.

One of the most important provisions of a will is the designation of a guardian of minor children. The guardian will take legal custody and responsibility for minor children if both natural parents die while the child is under legal age. Any new parent must execute a will or update their will to designate a guardian. Within the will, you may also request guidelines for guardians to file while raising minor children. The court must find and appoint a guardian if there is no will or the will does not designate a guardian.

If you die without a will, the state laws of intestacy control, which means your spouse and nearest heirs will inherit your estate. If this is not your intention and you want to leave assets to friends, charities, or other relatives, then you need a will.

An estate plan is also needed to streamline the probate and administrative process of the estate. An estate plan can be designed to effectively minimize the expense, delay, and loss of privacy of the probate process. This is typically done by establishing a Living Revocable Trust in addition to the will. The trust can be funded during your lifetime and controlled by you before death. Assets don’t pass through the will, avoiding the need for probate.

One of the first steps of probate is filing the will with the appropriate court when the will becomes part of the public record, and anyone can access it. Probate varies from state to state, and courts experiencing back-ups can delay admitting the will and appointing an executor to manage and distribute the assets. This process can take up to a year in some New York Surrogate courts.

Having an estate plan in place and updating it regularly can help protect assets and beneficiaries. If you haven’t already implemented it, now is the best time to begin.

Reference: The National Law Review (Sep. 12, 2023) “Don’t Wait until Time Is Up”

Special Needs Planning for Beneficiaries with Disabilities

Families who aren’t knowledgeable about special needs planning often disinherit a disabled child because they don’t know the other options for protecting their offspring, reports a recent article,  “Beneficiaries with disabilities require special planning” from The News-Enterprise. With proper planning, disabled beneficiaries can receive an inheritance and remain eligible for government benefits.

For estate planning, disabled beneficiaries are people who are disabled and receive public benefits, should be receiving public benefits, or are likely to need public benefits in the future. These public benefits are means-tested and determined by financial eligibility. They typically include Social Security Insurance and Medicaid. However, they may also include Section 8 housing, food stamps and other income or asset-based assistance.

Some people think they can replace public benefits with an inheritance. However, realistically, the disabled person will likely use up their inheritance and then be left only with public benefits and no resources to cover any other needs.

The best practice is to create a third-party supplemental needs trust for the beneficiary to receive an inheritance. This differs from a first-party supplemental needs trust and an ABLE account, since both have requirements based on the beneficiary’s age. The third-party supplemental needs trust can be funded regardless of the beneficiary’s age.

Third-party supplemental needs trusts don’t have a payback provision to the state. This is because a third party has funded the trust and not the beneficiary. Therefore, the assets within the trust aren’t required to be repaid to the state upon the death of the beneficiary. This leads to another benefit—the third-party supplemental needs trust may be left to a contingent beneficiary upon the death of the primary beneficiary.

Some families may leave the bulk of their estate to their disabled child, while the other children will be contingent beneficiaries.

A third-party supplemental needs trust is relatively flexible to set up and administer for future trustees. Your estate planning attorney can create one to include basic protective provisions giving the trustee maximum flexibility or set it up with instructions for an advisory committee, care planning and housing requirements.

Not all disabled individuals receive income or asset-based public benefits. In this case, the inheritance can be managed in one of two ways. First, planning documents could require the beneficiary’s inheritance to be left in a third-party supplemental needs trust, either because the planning anticipates a future need for benefits or because the beneficiary cannot manage their assets.

Another option is to leave the inheritance to the beneficiary outright, with a “trigger trust” provision. This means the third-party supplemental needs trust is set up within the planning document—a will or a trust—and will be “triggered” if the beneficiary is eligible for financial-based public benefits at the time of distribution.

The benefit of a trigger trust is that any beneficiary, including those who are healthy and capable of managing their lives when the documents are executed, can have the protection of a third-party supplemental needs trust, if and when needed.

The downside of a trigger trust is that once assets are distributed to the beneficiary outright, the option for a third-party trust is no longer available.

An experienced estate planning attorney will help the family with a disabled member plan for the future.

Reference: The News-Enterprise (July 8, 2023) “Beneficiaries with disabilities require special planning”

Can I Motivate My Heirs After I’m Gone?

When providing what should happen to your property upon your death, language in an estate plan should be clear, direct and unambiguous. Using unclear language can lead to confusion and disagreements between beneficiaries and a longer and more expensive probate process.

Kiplinger’s recent article entitled “I Wish I May, I Wish I Might: Estate Planning’s Gentle Nudge” says it would seem that using phrases such as “I wish,” “I hope” or “I desire” — known as precatory language — would never belong in a will or trust. However, there are three important cases where it can be helpful to include non-binding guidance for your loved ones and estate representatives.

  1. You want to encourage your beneficiaries to work with a professional. Baby Boomers will pass on more than $70 trillion in wealth to younger generations. Working with an adviser can help preserve and protect assets and set beneficiaries up for a positive working relationship with a trusted professional. If you have a great relationship with your financial adviser and estate planning attorney and want to encourage your beneficiaries to consider working with them, your will could be a great way to communicate this message. Consider the following wording:

“I desire that my children consult with our family adviser, Sally Brown, or another competent professional adviser of their choosing to manage their inheritance.”

Putting language in your will that encourages your loved ones to take action and meet with an adviser to help manage their inheritance could be just the reminder they need to set an appointment after you pass.

  1. You want to encourage your co-trustees to collaboratively make decisions, even if decision-making isn’t unanimous. For example, if you have named three or more co-trustees, you may have said they act by majority consent to streamline the decision-making process. You can express a desire to see your trustees work through decisions constructively and collaboratively — even if their final decisions aren’t made by unanimous agreement.
  2. You want to encourage your trustee to consider certain parameters when making decisions about trust distributions. A typical trust arrangement gives an independent trustee the power to make distribution decisions to beneficiaries at their sole discretion. This gives the trustee the most flexibility to ensure that the beneficiaries’ needs are met to the appropriate extent. You can add factors for the trustee to consider in exercising their discretion, such as if the beneficiary has ample funds apart from the trust funds or if the particular need at stake would likely have been supported were you still alive. Giving your trustee some guidance (“I encourage my trustee in the exercise of their discretion to consider requests related to educational pursuits”) can help them make decisions, while simultaneously not tying their hands if they ultimately decide a different route is in the beneficiaries’ best interest.

Your estate planning documents should be clear about where your property should go on your death and who should manage it. When appropriately used, precatory language can help communicate essential guidance to your family.

Reference: Kiplinger (March 21, 2023) “I Wish I May, I Wish I Might: Estate Planning’s Gentle Nudge”

Top 10 Estate Planning Myths

Estate planning addresses many issues, from who inherits your property or handles your finances to who takes care of you if you’re incapacitated to who manages funds for a disabled child. Unfortunately, there are many myths around estate planning, as explained in the recent article “Debunking the Top 10 estate planning myths” from Insurance News Net.

Only wealthy people need estate planning. This is easily the biggest myth of estate planning. Estate planning addresses planning for incapacity and taking care of your legal and financial affairs if you can’t. It also includes planning for end-of-life care and delineating what medical procedures you want and don’t want. Estate planning also creates a plan for families with minor children, if something should happen to parents.

Having a will means avoiding probate. Probate is the court process where the court reviews your will, establishes its validity and allows your executor to administer the estate. If your goal is minimizing or avoiding probate, talk with an estate planning attorney about retitling assets and creating trusts.

You need a trust to avoid probate. A trust is only one way to avoid probate. You could consider titling assets as joint tenants with rights of survivorship, although there are risks involved in doing so. Depending on your state of residence, you might also consider various transfer-on-death arrangements. Assets with beneficiary designations, like IRAs, 401(k)s, annuities, and other financial accounts, pass directly to beneficiaries.  You might also give away assets while you are living.

Putting a house in joint and survivorship ownership with an adult child will avoid probate. You may avoid probate. However, you create tremendous risk with this move. If your adult child becomes a half-owner, you’ll need their okay—and their spouse’s approval, too—to sell the house. You won’t qualify for the tax-free sale of your personal residence on half of the sale proceeds, unless your child also qualifies. If your child has financial problems or undergoes a divorce, their half ownership could be attached by creditors or be owned by an ex-spouse.

My will says who will inherit my IRA. The beneficiary designation on IRAs, life insurance and retirement accounts, and any account with a beneficiary designation overrides whatever your will says. The will does not control annuities, payable on death accounts, or transfer on death accounts and affidavits. You should check these forms periodically to ensure that the funds go where you want them to go.

I don’t need a will if my beneficiary forms are correct. However, you still need a will. For example, if a child dies before you, what happens to the assets if they were the beneficiaries? What happens to assets if a beneficiary is not of legal age and cannot inherit the money directly? Who makes decisions if there are multiple children and real estate decisions that need to be made? What if an adult child has a debt problem? Who will pay your final expenses? These are just a few issues that are addressed by wills.

A revocable trust will protect assets if I enter a nursing home. Totally wrong. Medicaid planning usually involves an Irrevocable Trust to protect assets. Revocable trusts will not make you eligible for nursing home care.

Trusts avoid probate. Assets in a trust don’t go through probate. However, it is only if the trust is funded. Assets must be immediately placed in the trust, usually through re-titling, or postmortem through beneficiary designations. Otherwise, the assets go through probate.

If my will says, “per stirpes,” my grandchildren will inherit assets if my adult children die first. This oversimplification of a complex issue is typical of estate planning myths. Grandchildren only inherit assets if the adult children die before the grandparent. If you want your grandchildren to inherit assets, you need a “bloodline” trust. An estate planning attorney will help you accomplish this.

I only need a will and a trust for my estate plan. This is another big mistake. An estate plan includes documents for incapacity and end-of-life, including Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Advanced Directives and a Living Will Declaration.

Reference: Insurance News Net (March 15, 2023) “Debunking the Top 10 estate planning myths”

What Strategies Minimize Estate Taxes?

The gift and estate tax benefits from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are still in effect. However, many provisions will sunset at the end of 2025, according to a recent article “Trust and estate planning strategies” from Crain’s New York Business.

The most important aspect for estate planning was the doubling of the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer tax exemptions. Adjusted for inflation, the current federal estate, gift and GST exclusion is $12.92 million in 2023. This is more than double the pre-TCJA amount, which will return in 2026, unless Congress makes any changes.

While these levels are in effect, there are strategies to consider.

  • Maximize gifting up to the 2023 annual exclusion of $17,000 per taxpayer, or $34,000 for married couples.
  • Depending on the value of the entire estate, consider strategies to keep it below the current exemption among of $12.92 million or $25.84 (married). If the estate is less than the exemption amount, no federal estate tax will need to be paid.
  • Plan charitable giving, including charitable IRA rollovers to make the most of the deduction on 2023 income tax returns. Qualified charitable distributions made directly from an IRA could be used to satisfy Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and exclude them from taxable income.
  • Set up 529 Plan accounts for children and/or grandchildren and consider making five years of annual exclusion gifts. Take into account any gifts made during the year to children and/or grandchildren when doing this.
  • Submit tuition or any non-reimbursable medical expenses directly to the school or medical provider to avoid having these amounts count towards the annual or lifetime gift tax exemption.
  • Discuss the use of a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT), an irrevocable trust created for a certain period of time. Assets are placed in the trust and an annuity is paid out every year. When the trust expires and the last annuity payment is made, assets pass to beneficiaries outright or remain in a trust for beneficiaries.
  • Ask your estate planning attorney if a Qualified Personal Residence Trust is a good fit for you. This is an irrevocable trust allowing homeowners to transfer their home at a significantly discounted rate.
  • Explore intrafamily lending, which is used to transfer partial earnings to family members without lowering the lifetime estate tax exemption or triggering gift taxes.
  • Re-evaluate insurance coverage, which can provide opportunities to defer or avoid income taxes, or both, and provide assets to pay estate taxes or replace assets used to pay estate taxes.

Not all of these steps will be appropriate for everyone. However, understanding the options and discussing with your estate planning attorney will ensure that you are using the most effective strategies to achieve wealth preservation.

Reference: Crain’s New York Business (Feb. 13, 2023) “Trust and estate planning strategies”

Beneficiary Battle over Presley Estate Reveals Possible Problems in Estate Planning

This is the situation facing the estate of Lisa Marie Presley, whose estate is being challenged by her mother, Priscilla Presley, as described in a recent article, “Presley beneficiary battle sets example of poor estate planning practices” from Insurance NewsNet. These situations are not uncommon, especially when there’s a lot of money involved. They serve as a teachable moment of things to avoid and things to absolutely insist upon in estate planning.

Lisa Marie’s estate is being challenged because of an amendment to the trust, which surfaced after she died. The amendment cut out two trustees and named Lisa Marie’s children as executors and trustees.

At stake is as much as $35 million from three life insurance policies, with at least $4 million needed to settle Lisa Marie’s debts, including $2.5 million owed to the IRS.

When this type of wealth is involved, it makes sense to have professional trustees hired, rather than appointing family members who may not have the skills needed to navigate family dynamics or manage significant assets.

A request to change a will by codicil or a trust by amendment happens fairly often. However, some estate planning attorneys reject their use and insist clients sign a new will or restate a trust to make sure their interests are protected. In the case of Lisa Marie, the amendment might be the result of someone trying to make changes without benefit of an estate planning attorney to make the change correctly.

The origins of the estate issues here may go back to Elvis’ estate plan. His estate was worth $5 million at the time of this death, $20 million if adjusted for inflation. His father was appointed as the executor and a trustee of the estate. His grandmother, father and Lisa Marie were beneficiaries of the trust. Lisa Marie was just nine when her famous father died, and her inheritance was held until she turned 25.

When his father died, Priscilla was named as one of three trustees. When his grandmother died, Lisa Marie was the only surviving beneficiary. She inherited the entire amount on her 25th birthday—worth about $100 million largely at the time because of Priscilla’s skilled management.

Terminating such a large trust and handing $100 million to a 25 year old is seen by many estate planning attorneys as a big mistake. Distribution at an older age or over the course of the beneficiary’s lifetime could have been a smarter move. Lisa Marie reportedly blew through $100 million as an adult and was millions of dollars in debt, despite the estate having plenty of cash because of two large life insurance policies.

In 1993, Lisa Marie established a trust naming her mother and former business manager as trustees. The amendment in question seems to have been written in 2016, removing Priscilla and business manager Siegel as trustees, appointing Lisa Marie’s daughter and son as trustees, and naming her son and her fourteen year old twin sons as beneficiaries.

Priscilla’s attorneys say they had no prior knowledge of the change. Certain changes in estate plans require written notification of people with interest in the estate, which did not occur. They are also challenging the amendment’s authenticity, saying it was neither witnessed nor notarized. Priscilla’s name is misspelled and Lisa Marie’s signature is not consistent with other signatures of hers.

The estate is being contested, with a preliminary hearing on the matter scheduled for April 13.

Any changes to an estate plan, particularly those involving changes to the will, trusts or beneficiaries, should be done with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. When large changes are made, or large assets are involved, a simple codicil or amendment could lead to complicated problems.

Reference: Insurance NewsNet (Feb. 17, 2023) “Presley beneficiary battle sets example of poor estate planning practices”

High Interest Rates Have an Impact on Estate Planning

The Section 7520 rate has been low for the past 15 years and presented many opportunities for good planning. What happens when inflation has returned and rates are moving up, asks a recent article titled “Estate Planning Techniques in a High—Interest—Rate Environment” from Bloomberg Tax.

The Section 7520 rate is the interest rate for a particular month as determined by the IRS. It is 120 percent of the applicable federal midterm rate (compounded annually) for the month in which the valuation date falls and rounded to the nearest two-tenths of a percent. It is used for actuarial planning, to discount the value of annuities, life estates and remainders to present value, and is revised monthly.

In January 2022, the 7520 rate was at 1.6%, but as interest rates increased, it shot up and in December 2022 was 5.2%. This was a 225% increase—unprecedented in the history of the 7520 rate. However, there are four key planning concepts which may make 2023 a little brighter for estate planning attorneys and their clients.

Higher inflation equals higher exemptions. Certain inflation adjusted exemptions and exclusions increased on January 1, 2023. The federal transfer tax exemption rose by $860,000 to $12.92 million, and the annual gift tax exclusion increased to $17,000 from $16,000 in 2022.

These increases give wealthy families the opportunity to make generous new gifts to family members without triggering any transfer taxes. Those who have fully used transfer tax exemptions may wish to consider making additional transfers.

Shift charitable giving to CRTs for higher interest rates. People who might have started Charitable Lead Trusts should instead look at Charitable Remainder Trusts. With both CLTs and CRTs, the value of the income and remainder interests are calculated using the 7520 rate. The key difference, for estate planning purposes, is the impact of a rising rate on the amount of the available charitable deduction.

The return of the QPRT. Qualified Personal Residence Trusts have been hibernating for years because of low interest rates. However, the time has come to return them to use for wealth transfer. A QPRT lets a person transfer a residence at a discounted value, while retaining the right to occupy the residence for a number of years. The 7520 rate is used to determine the value of the owner’s retained interest. The higher the rate, the more value retained by the owner and the smaller the amount of the taxable gift to the remainder beneficiaries, usually the owner’s children.

GRATs still have value. A Grantor Remainder Trust should still be considered in estate planning. A GRAT is more appealing in a low interest environment. However, a GRAT can still be useful when rates are rising. The success or failure of the GRAT usually depends on whether the assets transferred to the GRAT appreciate in value at a rate exceeding the 7520 rate, since the excess appreciation is transferred to the remainder beneficiaries gift tax-free. A GRAT can also be structured as a zeroed-out GRAT. This means that the transfer of assets to the GRAT doesn’t use any of the grantor’s transfer tax exemption or result in any gift tax due. This is still of value to a person who owns assets with significant growth potential, like securities likely to rebound quickly from depressed 2022 values.

Reference: Bloomberg Tax (Dec. 23, 2022) “Estate Planning Techniques in a High—Interest—Rate Environment”

What Does a Last Will and Testament Do?

Your will is the foundation of an estate plan, used to instruct your executor on distributing property, naming a guardian for minor children, creating a legacy and ensuring that your beneficiaries receive what you want. The will can also serve to disinherit a family member, as explained in the recent article “Last will can both include and exclude heirs” from The Record-Courier.

The process of cutting someone out of a will is known as “disinheriting.” Hurt feelings and tension among family members are inevitable when someone is disinherited. However, if the goal is to avoid litigation between family members, an experienced estate planning attorney will be needed. It takes careful planning to avoid creating a will contest. Disinheriting adult children increases the likelihood of them contesting the validity of the will.

Laws concerning inheritance rights vary. In Nevada, for instance, unless there is a prenuptial agreement, you cannot completely disinherit a spouse. Even if your will attempts to disinherit a spouse, in some cases the law will actually override the instructions in the will or trust and award a portion of the estate, known as the elective share, to a surviving spouse. If this is a concern, check with your estate planning attorney.

Adult children can be disinherited. However, minor children are often protected against disinheritance.

Parents can be disinherited if they outlive the decedent, since they are not always legally entitled to a share of their children’s estate.

Extended relatives can also be disinherited. Some estate planning attorneys will conduct a search for missing heirs or beneficiaries while preparing an estate plan to be sure there are no unknown legal heirs who might make themselves known to a decedent’s surviving spouse or other heirs.

Estranged biological children can be disinherited. However, the last will and testament must be properly prepared.

The reasons for disinheritance very from estrangement to the decedent believing their family member is financially secure and doesn’t need the inheritance. It is not necessary for the last will and testament to explain the reason for the disinheritance. However, it is advised to use a disinheritance clause to ensure the heir or beneficiary is removed and will not inherit under the will.

To protect the integrity of the will, it is also advised to include a no-contest clause in the will. This is a provision expressing a directive to eliminate the share allocated to any beneficiary who takes action to contest the testator’s intents as expressed in the will.

The last will and testament is the person’s last communication with loved ones. There is no further opportunity for clarification once they have passed. This is why it’s so important to have a will and for the will to explicitly state the names of the beneficiaries and the names of any disinherited persons.

When you meet with your estate planning attorney to create or update your last will and testament, be prepared to tell them if there are any family members who you want to disinherit, so they can create a last will and testament and an estate plan designed to withstand challenges.

Reference: The Record-Courier (Dec. 17, 2022) “Last will can both include and exclude heirs”