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Inheriting the Family Business: Succession Planning Secures Your Legacy

Preserving a family business’s legacy is challenging. Studies show that only about one-third of family businesses make it to the second generation. The numbers have been declining over the years, and one major reason is the lack of proper business succession planning.

Without a clear plan, businesses are more likely to fall apart during leadership transitions.  How can you prepare the next generation to successfully take over the family business?

Why Don’t Family Businesses Survive?

There are several reasons why family businesses struggle to stay within the family. One common issue is that the older generation often avoids discussing succession plans, hoping everything will fall into place naturally.

However, without a solid plan, when leadership needs to change, chaos can ensue.  Younger family members might also not feel ready or willing to take on the responsibility of running the business.

What Could Happen without a Business Succession Plan

Many business owners believe that their children or relatives will smoothly step into leadership roles. However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, younger family members aren’t allowed to learn critical skills, like decision-making and management, because the older generation maintains strict control. This lack of preparation can leave younger members feeling overwhelmed when it’s their turn to lead.

Running a family business can also seem like a burden. For some, the idea of constant problem-solving and stress may deter them from stepping into leadership roles. Younger generations may opt out of continuing the family tradition without excitement or encouragement.

Passing on the Family Business Successfully

The Harvard Business Review shared a story that highlights the importance of preparation. In one case, a family business expected one sibling to take over the company. Unfortunately, a tragic accident left that sibling unable to fulfill this role. The other sibling had no experience in the business but had to step in regardless.

This is one of many situations that can compromise your legacy. The article also discussed parents not properly including their children in decision-making, leaving them without leadership skills.

Depending on their parents’ relationship with work, children may be turned off by the perception of too much work for too little reward. Frank, honest conversations about the future are one key step in establishing a firm business legacy.

How Can You Prepare the Next Generation?

Passing on a family business doesn’t have to be stressful or uncertain. There are many ways to ensure that younger generations are ready to take over when the time comes. Consider the questions below to help you decide how to prepare your family for a successful business succession.

1.   Do Your Children Understand the Business?

Successful business succession planning requires that your successors know how the business operates. This can start at a young age by encouraging children to visit the workplace, meet employees and get a feel for the environment. They can begin with minor roles to gain deeper familiarity. However, you’ll eventually need to take their experience to the next level.

2.   Are They Gaining Leadership Experience?

Future leaders can’t just show up at the business and have functional roles. If you want someone to inherit the business, you need to give them decision-making responsibilities in different areas of the company. Having your children gain work experience outside the business may also be valuable.

3.   Do They Understand the Company’s Goals?

Regular conversations about the company’s mission, challenges and successes can help younger family members see the bigger picture. When they understand the company’s goals, they’ll be more prepared to make decisions that align with its future growth.

4.   Are You Setting a Good Example as the Business Owner?

Family businesses often involve close relationships and, at times, family conflict. Parents and business owners need to set clear expectations about business behavior and manage personal needs.

5.   Is There a Plan for the Future?

Most importantly, a clear business succession plan should be put in writing. This plan will outline who will take over leadership roles, their responsibilities and how the transition will occur. Without a formal plan, the business risks falling apart when it’s time to hand over the reins.

Act Today to Protect Your Family Business

Business succession planning is essential for the long-term success of a family-owned business. Whether your children are ready to step in or you’re just starting to think about the future, having a well-thought-out plan in place is key to keeping the business alive for generations to come.

Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how business succession planning can protect your company’s legacy for years to come.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the Business: Involve younger generations early to familiarize them with the company.
  • Build Leadership Experience: Offer opportunities for decision-making and managing key areas.
  • Align with Company Goals: Share the mission and values to ensure that decisions support the company’s future.
  • Set Clear Expectations: Address family dynamics to prevent conflicts from affecting business operations.
  • Formalize the Plan: Create a written succession plan to ensure a smooth leadership transition.

Reference: Harvard Business Review (Sep. 27, 2022) “How to Prepare the Next Generation to Run the Family Business

How Do You Plan a Business Succession?

When business owners die without estate or succession plans, chaos ensues as family members clash over leadership decisions and determining the direction of the business. Even the closest families can quickly descend into a battlefield of hurt feelings, endless arguments and faction-building, according to the article “How to Make Your Business Outlive You” from next avenue.

Family disagreements often escalate into legal disputes. Lacking leadership, businesses spiral downward and often must be liquidated, leaving behind broken families with severely depleted assets.

This scenario occurs in small businesses on a regular basis. Owners with the vision and tenacity to take their ideas and create a successful enterprise are often so passionate that they can’t imagine the business without them.

A well-defined succession plan matters to more than just the family and their customers. According to the Small Business Association, businesses with less than 500 employees account for 99.9% of all firms in the U.S., 43.5% of the country’s total economic output, and just under 66% of new jobs created. A well-designed succession plan contributes to the national economy,

Having a succession plan in place protects the business and the family from unforeseen circumstances and creates a roadmap for the future. What is the best time to start? When all is well, leaders are healthy and there’s no internal drama.

Start by contemplating your legacy. How do you want your family and employees to benefit from the value created by the business? Clarifying this will drive much of what follows.

Seek professional guidance. An estate planning attorney should be one of several professionals to ensure that the plan complies with laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. You also want to be sure your business succession plan aligns with your estate plan. Otherwise, the resulting confusion could lead to prolonged difficulties and even litigation.

You’ll need a power of attorney for someone to be able to make decisions if the business owner becomes incapacitated. A buy-sell agreement establishes a fair market value for the company. Life and disability insurance policies provide financial security for the owner and key personnel.

Put it in legally enforceable documents. Discussions only go so far. Executing a formal series of documents ensures that the plan will be enforceable by a court if needed. Language should be clear, with no ambiguity, to transfer ownership and business shares.

Potential successors need to be identified. Will everyone step up to the next level if the business owner becomes incapacitated or dies? This isn’t always the best solution. Sometimes, skills override structure.

Reviewing and updating the business plan should be done as often as you update an estate plan. Whenever there is a major event in the business, review the plan to see if it is still relevant.

A succession plan is all about legacy, continuity, safeguarding a business, letting employees know they are valued and reducing volatility in the family’s future. It allows the business owner to communicate their values and vision, even if they are not present to be part of the future.

Reference: next avenue (Dec. 12, 2023) “How to Make Your Business Outlive You”

How Can I Successfully Transfer My Business to My Children?

According to ITR Economics, out of the 77 million Baby Boomers in the U.S., an estimated 12 million are privately held business owners.

As ownership of businesses for those born between 1946-1964 is transferred to the next generation, an estimated $10 trillion worth of business assets is expected to be transferred in the coming years.

AZ Big Media’s recent article, “Passing the torch: Considerations for a successful generational business transfer,” explains the best way to have a successful business transfer.

Develop a Strategic Plan.  A successful generational business transfer takes time and planning. You should begin the planning process way in advance of the change in leadership. This can give a family time to define what the future of the company looks like. Determine what technology, human resources, and capital requirements the company needs to be successful in the short and long term. Ensure that the current and future owner’s visions are communicated. If both visions aren’t in alignment, discuss what the future for the business may look like. Balancing long-standing business practices with new changes can mean a sustainable and successful business. Begin integrating the future leader into day-to-day business operations before transitioning. Establishing a clear transfer of duties and mapping out a timeline can help with a smooth transfer process.

Get Finances in Order. Preparing business finances in advance of a generational transfer is critical. The current business owner may consider setting up a grantor-retained annuity trust for their successor. An experienced estate planning attorney can help to create this trust, which earns annual income for the beneficiary receiving the funds with minimal or no gift tax liability upon expiration. Family members may also consider transferring their business to the successor through an installment sale, which is a sale of property where at least one payment is received after the tax year in which the sale occurs. Note that an installment sale could mean a tax benefit for the seller because the overall tax liability is spread out over time rather than all at once during the business transfer. Once you decide on the preferred financial path to conduct the transfer, look at the company’s cash flow and other financial projections. List the projected expenses, liabilities and potential taxes owed, and then identify sources of liquidity to pay them.

Work With Financial Partners. If not already in place, look to assemble a team of trusted advisors, including a CPA, attorney, banker, and wealth advisor. This team can work through the financial aspects of any generational business transfer.

Transferring a business is a major family event involving potentially tough conversations and decisions. This can be a complex process. However, with proper planning, it also has the potential to be an opportunity to achieve new growth and elevate long-standing family business goals.

Reference: AZ Big Media (June 8, 2023) “Passing the torch: Considerations for a successful generational business transfer”

What Happens When Inheritances are Unequal?

In this case, one brother left New York and had nothing to do with his brother for the rest of their lives. Uneven inheritances almost always lead to poor feelings between siblings, says a recent article “Where There’s a Will, There Can Be a War” from Next Avenue.

Wills have a way of frustrating a basic desire for equal treatment among siblings. If an older sibling works in the family business and receives full control of it in the will, siblings who inherit non-voting stock are likely to feel slighted, even if they never set foot in the business. Can this be avoided?

There are a few ways to avoid this kind of outcome. One option is to name each child as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy equal to the value of the stock passed to the oldest child. In this way, all children will feel they have been fairly treated.

If one child lives closest to the parents and takes on their care in their later years, the parents often leave this child the majority of their estate. It would be helpful for parents to explain this to the other siblings, so they understand why this has been done. A family meeting in person or online to explain the parent’s decision may be helpful. This gives the children time to process the information. Learning it for the first time after the parents die can be a surprise. Combining the surprise with grief is never a good idea.

For some families, an estate planning attorney can be helpful to serve as a mediator and/or buffer when this news is shared.

In some states, wills and trusts can include no-contest clauses. These forbid beneficiaries to receive any inheritance, if they challenge the will after the death of the parent. If one child receives more than another child, the other child could lose the smaller amount if they contest the will. Some attorneys recommend leaving the children enough to make it worth their while not to engage in litigation.

When unequal is fair. There are times when uneven inheritances are entirely fair. One child may have a substance abuse issue, or one may earn a six-figure salary while the other is eking out a living in a low-paying position. The parents may wish to leave more to a struggling family member and the other child may actually be relieved because the sibling will not need their financial assistance. A conversation with the family may eliminate confusion and clarify intent.

In all cases, the heirs and those who expect to be heirs must remember the estate planning attorney who creates the will or trust works for the parent and not for them. It’s the estate planning attorney’s role to counsel their clients, which they can do best if they have the complete picture of how the family dynamics operate.

Reference: Next Avenue (Oct. 13, 2022) “Where There’s a Will, There Can Be a War”

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