Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

Caregiving and Estate Planning Provides Peace of Mind for All Generations

If your goal is to keep the farm, ranch, or small business in the family, planning, including estate planning and caregiving, is the number one strategy to making it happen. Families may dissolve the farm or business without advance planning to pay for long-term care expenses. A recent article from AgWeek, “Caregiving plans can provide peace of mind for farming and ranching families,” explains what needs to be done.

Part of the issue is that most ranchers and business owners won’t qualify for Medicaid because they own a significant asset. Having to sell off something they’ve worked their entire lives to build is often a result of no planning.

If you have a long-term care insurance policy, it needs to be carefully reviewed to determine what conditions need to be met for benefits to be paid. For example, most policies have a “waiting period,” so you’ll need to plan how to pay for caregiving during the months before the policy kicks in.

There’s also confusion about the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is health insurance for medical expenses, while Medicaid is usually used for long-term care and caregiving needs. However, Medicaid is a needs-based program. An estate planning attorney can help the family determine what needs to happen in advance, whether the goal is to protect the farm, ranch, or small business while helping the aging parent become eligible for Medicaid.

Estate planning includes planning for incapacity, which can occur at any time but is more likely as we age. Suppose the individual hasn’t completed a power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, and other medical directives. In that case, the family will need to go to court to obtain conservatorship or guardianship to take over the person’s financial matters and make healthcare decisions on their behalf. An estate planning attorney can help the family prepare the documents and create a plan.

Having an estate plan in place is also another means of protecting the family’s assets from elder abuse. Everything needs to be documented, and records need to be well-organized so every family member knows where documents are, where assets are and the plan for the inevitable events of aging.

Meeting with an estate planning attorney to create the last will and testament, power of attorney and all other planning documents can minimize the stress and costs involved. Without planning, everything becomes far more complicated, costly and stressful for all concerned.

Reference: AgWeek (May 14, 2024) “Caregiving plans can provide peace of mind for farming and ranching families”

Estate Planning Checklist to Keep You Focused

The estate tax exemption many taxpayers enjoy is scheduled to sunset at the end of 2025. According to a recent article from Kiplinger, “13 Smart Estate Planning Moves,” this large exemption had many people thinking they didn’t need to worry about estate taxes or other ways their legacies could be threatened.

Here are steps to discuss with your estate planning attorney:

Rethink your IRA investment strategy. With limited exceptions, inherited accounts must be emptied within ten years of the original owner’s death.

The age for RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions) rose to 73 in 2023 and will increase to 75 in 2033. You could take a voluntary distribution and convert it to a Roth IRA if you’re younger. Taxes are paid when you make a contribution, grow tax-free and there are no taxes on withdrawals. It’s a good deal, depending on your circumstances.

Use the annual gift tax exclusion to make gifts to as many people as you wish, up to $18,000 per person in 2024. A recent change to the 529 College Savings Account rules lets a gift giver fund five years of gifting into one account.

Pay medical or education expenses for someone else. Just remember to make checks out directly to the educational institution or care provider, not to the person.

Set up an irrevocable trust for a spouse, specifically a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT), which lets you name a spouse as the beneficiary and children or grandchildren as remainder beneficiaries. Your spouse can tap it for health, education and living expenses.

Preserve assets with a bypass trust, funded at the first spouse’s death. The surviving spouse has access to the funds, with expenses for health, education, maintenance and support generally approved.

If you need to protect assets from creditors or litigation, a domestic asset protection trust allows you to keep funds out of your estate while you can be a beneficiary.

Use a revocable trust to manage assets. You won’t get any estate tax breaks. However, it’s easier for a successor trustee to take charge in case of incapacity.

Plan for Medicaid by transferring assets to a Medicaid Asset Protection Trust. MAPTs are state-specific, so consult with an experienced estate planning attorney.

Get your assets organized. If possible, consolidate accounts with one institution. This will keep your estate settlement less complicated and, therefore, less costly.

Reference: Kiplinger (May 9, 2024) “13 Smart Estate Planning Moves”

Can You Support a Child with Special Needs?

Families that include individuals with special needs require planning to secure their loved ones’ security in the future, both in legal and financial terms. There’s usually no expectation of the child becoming an independent adult, so careful planning is needed, as advised in the recent article “Financial Planning for Families with Disabilities” from Wealth Management.

Many families neglect planning for their retirement, focusing all their resources on developing a plan for their disabled child. However, retirement and their child’s future need to be secured, which is where an estate planning attorney can help.

In 2014, Congress created The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accounts to allow disabled individuals to own accounts with up to $100,000 without the assets being counted against their eligibility for Supplemental Security Income. A parent may make annual contributions, and costs not covered by government benefits can be paid using this account.

A Pooled Special Needs Trust is a group of several Special Needs Trusts managed by a nonprofit, which, as its name implies, pools the assets of many Special Needs individuals together. Each account remains separate, and the trust provides management and investment services.

Unlike a typical SNT, people over 65 may participate in a pooled SNT. Medicaid and SSI beneficiaries wishing to spend down their assets to become eligible can transfer assets directly into a pooled trust account. Consult with an estate planning attorney to ensure that this occurs correctly.

The most significant responsibility for parents planning for their disabled child is to ensure that no one mistakenly puts their child’s eligibility at risk for Medicaid and SSI. A well-meaning family member leaving assets to the child could undo plans, so they must be informed of the necessary restrictions.

Medicaid does far more than provide health care benefits. It funds social and occupational programming, residences for group living and many other benefits of great value to the disabled individual. The eligibility rules are complex and require the help of a skilled estate planning attorney to navigate successfully.

Reference: Wealth Management (March 1, 2024) “Financial Planning for Families with Disabilities”

Estate Planning Strategies to Care for Aging Parents

Our parents are pillars of support along our journey through life, guiding us through the ups and downs with unwavering love and care. As our parents age gracefully, we can choose estate planning strategies that support them along their journey to retirement and beyond. These strategies address long-term care and living arrangements for our parents’ well-being and peace of mind. We explore why caring for aging parents in estate planning is necessary to preserve their dignity, security and legacy.

Comprehensive Estate Planning Strategies to Care for Aging Parents

Modern estate planning goes beyond wealth protection to create a roadmap for the future. It encompasses health care decisions, financial management and a delicate balance between independence and security. Kiplinger’s article, “Estate Planning for Your Aging Parents: A Delicate Balance,” helps us discuss estate planning strategies to care for aging parents. An estate plan with these strategies provides clarity and guidance to loved ones on aging parents’ wishes, while retaining control for aging parents over financial and health-related matters.

Estate Planning for Aging Parents – How to Balance Independence and Care

Balancing a parent’s independence and care as they age is challenging. Declining cognition and physical health increase the need for legally documented healthcare wishes and appointed representatives to manage financial affairs.

Aging adults value autonomy and may be reluctant to relinquish control over their daily lives. Open and honest communication is the key to finding this balance. Conversations should be encouraged about medical wishes and future goals with an aging parent or parents. An estate plan can then be created that honors their decisions.

Consider how a trust can protect a parent’s wealth, with a trustee overseeing their estate’s administration and asset distribution. A will is another vital estate-planning component, naming beneficiaries to simplify the distribution of assets after a parent passes away.

Plan for long-term care and Medicaid. An irrevocable trust can preserve your parents’ assets during Medicaid approval, while income-producing investments supplement their income.

Incapacity Planning to Respect an Aging Parent’s Health Care Preferences

As parents age, their healthcare needs may become more complex, necessitating careful planning for incapacity. Advanced directives and health care proxies empower parents to designate trusted individuals to make medical decisions, ensuring that their preferences for medical treatments and end-of-life care are honored with dignity and respect.

Tax Planning: Minimizing Burdens for Heirs

Tax planning is another central element in a comprehensive estate plan. Aging parents passing their wealth to the next generation look for ways to minimize the tax burden on their beneficiaries. Gifting, establishing trusts and utilizing tax-advantaged accounts can reduce taxes, maximize inheritance and transfer their wealth more efficiently.

Key Takeaways:

  • Aging Parents: We can choose estate planning strategies that support aging parents in their journey to retirement and beyond.
  • Balance Independence and Care: Encourage conversations about medical wishes and future goals with an aging parent or parents. An estate plan can then be created that honors their decisions.
  • Incapacity Planning: Advanced directives and health care proxies empower parents to designate trusted individuals to make medical decisions,
  • Tax Planning: Gifting, establishing trusts and utilizing tax-advantaged accounts can reduce taxes, maximize inheritance and transfer their wealth more efficiently.


Caring for aging parents in estate planning is practical and necessary. It is also a profound expression of love and gratitude. Embracing this responsibility with compassion, empathy and diligence helps our parents navigate this stage of life with dignity, security and peace of mind.

If you’re ready to embark on this estate planning journey for your aging parents, our experienced legal team guides you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more and confidently start planning.

Reference: Kiplinger (February 2024) Estate Planning for Your Aging Parents: A Delicate Balance.”

How to Protect Your Spouse when Diagnosis Is Dementia

Few illnesses are as terrifying as dementia, for which there is no cure. If estate planning is in place, it may need to be adjusted to address new, more imminent issues. Reviewing the family situation from a legal and financial aspect is critical, and there is no time for delay, explains a recent article from Morningstar, “’I don’t want my wife to lose everything’: I’ve been diagnosed with dementia –I suddenly could not spell or write legibly.”

There are a number of steps to be taken to smooth the path ahead. First is to update your will and create a financial power of attorney. Don’t try to do this without the help of an experienced estate planning attorney.

This may also be the time to reassess your investment portfolio based on your new financial plan and risk tolerance.

An Advanced Healthcare Directive will inform doctors what actions you want them to take when you cannot make those decisions for yourself. You may want to list your wife as your healthcare proxy to carry out these decisions, but be mindful of the pressures put on a marriage when serious healthcare issues occur. Your spouse will need emotional support as well, and you’ll want to have a successor to your spouse for both the healthcare and POA documents.

Share your situation with trusted family and friends to create a team–a community of people who can provide support, part of which will be updating beneficiaries. Now would also be the time to record instructions for access to devices, documents, and even daily habits.

Long-term care insurance will help with expenses and should serve as an example for anyone reading this article. Policies should be purchased early in life when they are relatively affordable to help alleviate the financial burden of nursing home costs.

An estate planning attorney and financial advisor will help you take an accounting for assets, expenses, and projected long-term care costs. You’ll want a team approach to provide as much guidance as possible.

When to put your long-term care policies into payout status is a difficult decision. You’ll need to time this with a Medicaid plan, which your elder law estate planning attorney will be able to help with.

Now may also be the time to create a trust and divest assets to make it through the five-year Medicaid look-back, using your long-term care policy in the next five years.

There are exceptions to the five-year look-back rule for Medicaid eligibility. They include paying off debts, buying medical devices, or making home improvements to improve accessibility. However, eligibility depends upon income and other assets.

Some states, including Florida and New York, have rules exempting homes from assets calculated by Medicaid under certain circumstances. California eliminated an asset limit this year, making a person’s home automatically safe from Medicaid while they are living, but this does not mean it’s exempt from the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program.

Working with a team of professionals, including an estate planning attorney, and having the support of family and trusted friends will be important as time goes by and the disease progresses.

Reference: Morningstar (Feb. 25, 2024) “’I don’t want my wife to lose everything’: I’ve been diagnosed with dementia –I suddenly could not spell or write legibly”

Protecting Your Assets from Nursing Home Costs

Elder law attorneys see firsthand the financial strain that nursing home expenses can place on families. With the rising costs of long-term care and the complexities of becoming eligible for Medicaid benefits, it’s crucial to understand how to protect your nest egg. This article sheds light on the financial strain many Americans face regarding elder care costs. Using planning methods to preserve your hard-earned assets while ensuring quality care for yourself or your loved ones by working with an experienced elder law attorney is crucial. Start the discussion early with your spouse or family about ways to protect your assets to cover nursing home or in-home care, if and when needed.

The Financial Challenges of Long-Term Care in America

The growing number of seniors requiring long-term care presents a significant challenge in the United States. This demographic shift, primarily due to the aging Baby Boom generation, has profound implications for families and the healthcare system. From 1960 to 2021, the number of Americans aged 85 and older increased more than six times the rate of the general population, cites a recent article from the New York Times, “Facing Financial Ruin as Costs Soar for Elder Care,” that highlights the significant long-term care issues, especially for middle-class Americans. A Health and Retirement Study found that individuals with greater long-term care needs were much more likely to exhaust their savings than those who did not have long-term care costs.

Why Do American Seniors Face Such High Costs of Care?

The United States allocates a smaller portion of its GDP to long-term care than other wealthy nations. This underinvestment is evident in the insufficient financial support for elder care, leading to significant out-of-pocket expenses for families. The healthcare system also faces staffing shortages, both for in-home care and long-term care facilities, further complicating access to necessary services.

Federal Programs are Not Equipped to Help Protect the Elderly in Long Term Care

Despite the demographic changes in the United States, including longer life spans that increase the number of seniors who need care, federal long-term care policies have remained largely unchanged since the inception of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. This stagnation in policy reform fails to address the evolving needs of an aging population, leaving many families to shoulder the burden of care. Recent studies have shown that very few people learn how to protect assets by developing a plan for paying for elder care when needed.

How Do Many People Pay for Nursing Home Costs?

Because Medicare does not pay for long-term care costs, Medicaid is reserved for low-income people. The program has difficult eligibility requirements; private pay when a loved one needs nursing home care is often the only choice for many people. Individuals will deplete their savings or personal assets to pay for nursing home care until they qualify for Medicaid benefits.

A Personal Story of Financial Ruin to Pay for Elder Care

The story of Gay Glenn and her mother, Betty Mae Glenn, poignantly illustrates the harsh financial realities many American families face when dealing with long-term care for elderly relatives. The cost of Betty Mae’s care in a nursing home in Kansas was staggering, exceeding $10,000 per month. To afford this, Betty Mae had to deplete her savings entirely. This process of spending down personal assets to qualify for Medicaid is a common yet financially devastating reality and a mistake that many Americans make to afford long-term care.

At age 61, Betty Mae’s daughter, Gay Glenn, relocated from Chicago to Topeka and moved into one of her mother’s rental properties to oversee her mother’s care and finances. Under the complex and often perplexing rules of the state Medicaid program, Gay had to pay rent to her mother. This rent then contributed to the funds used for Betty Mae’s nursing home care. The financial intricacies didn’t end there. After Betty Mae’s passing, Gay faced the additional burden of selling the family home. From the sale, approximately $20,000 had to be paid back to Medicaid, as per her lawyer’s advice. This repayment reflects the Medicaid estate recovery process, where states recoup costs for care provided.

Why Planning Now for Asset Protection Is Crucial

Over the last two decades, the median annual cost of all types of long-term care has risen at a rate surpassing inflation. This increase places a substantial financial strain on individuals and families, making long-term care unaffordable for many. Asset protection is not just about preserving wealth; it’s about ensuring that you or your loved ones receive the necessary care without depleting all your resources.

How Does Estate Planning Protect Assets from Elder Care Costs?

Although many people think they are not wealthy enough for estate planning, the truth is that everyone needs to have an estate plan. Seniors often do not plan because they anticipate that they can stay home and that their spouse and children will manage their care. Yet the financial strain of providing in-home care can be just as burdensome as when the senior goes into a nursing home.

Various types of trusts and a well-crafted estate plan can include provisions for long-term care and play a pivotal role in asset protection and/or Medicaid eligibility. Estate planning protects seniors’ savings rather than spending all their wealth until they are practically impoverished.

How Do You Qualify for Medicaid without Losing Everything?

Applying for Medicaid without making common mistakes like gifting property to spend down countable assets is complex. However, an experienced elder law or estate planning attorney can use strategies like an asset protection trust to shield your hard-earned wealth from nursing home care costs, while enabling you to qualify for Medicaid.

How Can an Elder Law Attorney Help

Elder law attorneys specialize in Medicaid planning and asset protection. They have experience guiding seniors to apply for Medicaid while shielding assets. Since every family’s situation is unique, working with a knowledgeable professional who can provide strategies tailored to different family dynamics and financial situations is essential. The key is to talk with family members early about how long-term care costs will be managed in the future so that if a loved one enters a nursing home, the family does not face financial burdens. However, even if a senior family member is already receiving long-term care, working with a professional is essential now to protect the individual’s remaining life savings.

Conclusion: Protecting Your Assets is Possible

Early planning is critical as it’s pivotal to be aware of:

  • the rising costs of nursing home care and the importance of asset protection.
  • the role of trusts and estate planning in protecting the family’s wealth.
  • working with an elder law attorney to apply for Medicaid and avoid common mistakes.
  • the importance of early planning and using available tools and resources.

Protecting your assets from nursing home costs is not only possible but essential. With the proper planning and legal strategies, you can ensure that your or your loved one’s care needs are met without sacrificing your financial security.

Paying for Nursing Home Costs: A Guide to Medicare, Medicaid and More

Navigating the myriad of ways to pay for nursing home care can be overwhelming. However, with a clear understanding of nursing home costs and the options available, it becomes manageable.

Understanding Nursing Home Costs

Nursing home costs nationwide can be daunting. In 2021, a semi-private room in a nursing home averaged $7,908 per month, with private rooms at $9,034. Even assisted living facilities, which offer a lesser level of care than nursing homes, can run upwards of $4,500 a month. Most people who enter nursing homes start by paying for their care out-of-pocket by using their savings or accessing equity from large assets like real estate. It’s clear that understanding these costs is crucial for anyone considering nursing home care.

What are the Nursing Home Care Private Pay Options?

Private pay remains a choice for those who either don’t qualify for Medicaid or prefer not to use it. This method involves tapping into personal assets or savings to pay for nursing home care. It provides more flexibility in terms of choosing the facility or level of care. However, it can quickly deplete one’s assets.

Does Medicare Pay for Nursing Home Costs?

Medicare is a federal program and primarily focuses on medical care, not long-term care. Medicare will not pay for long-term care in a nursing home facility. It will pay for a limited amount of time for skilled nursing care following a hospital stay but not for extended nursing home stays. Seniors also still need Medicare coverage for hospital care, doctor services and medical supplies while living in the nursing home. Understanding the specifics of what Medicare covers can help families plan better.

  • What kind of nursing home care does Medicare cover? Medicare primarily covers skilled care, which is care that can only be delivered by trained professionals. It doesn’t typically cover custodial care, which is personal care, like bathing or dressing.
  • How much does Medicare pay for skilled nursing home care? Medicare will cover the first 20 days of skilled nursing care at 100%. Beyond that, up to 100 days, a co-payment is required. After 100 days, Medicare will no longer pay for skilled nursing care.

Using Medicaid to Pay for Nursing Care

Medicaid is a popular option for many seniors needing nursing home care. It caters to those with limited income and assets. It is the primary payer for long-term care coverage nationwide.

  • Who’s eligible for Medicaid nursing home coverage? Medicaid is a joint federal and state-run program. Eligibility varies by state but generally requires meeting specific income and asset limits. Most states also have a look-back period of five years to ensure that assets weren’t sold or given away to qualify for Medicaid.
  • How does one apply for Medicaid, and what does Medicaid cover? Applying requires detailed financial documentation. Medicaid can cover a large portion of nursing home care costs. However, it might limit the choices of facilities. Working with an experienced elder law attorney to apply for Medicaid is not required. However, it can increase your chances of success by providing guidance, ensuring accurate documentation, and addressing any issues or appeals that may arise.
  • Do all nursing homes accept Medicaid? Not all nursing homes accept Medicaid. It’s essential to research and find facilities that both provide the level of care needed and accept Medicaid as a payment option.

Long-Term Care Insurance: Is It Worth It?

Long-term care insurance is designed to cover long-term care costs that Medicare and private health insurance don’t cover. This might include nursing home care, assisted living, or home care. However, the coverage depends on the policy details, and premiums can be high. In addition, the older one is, the harder it is to be considered insurable.

If long-term care insurance is an option, be sure to start planning early. Insurance companies are known to reject more applicants the older they get. Reviewing insurance plans each year to ensure that the policy still meets anticipated needs is essential. Make changes if necessary, and never stop paying the premiums so that the insurance does not lapse.

The Role of VA Nursing Homes in Elder Care

For veterans, VA nursing homes can be an option. These facilities are dedicated to providing care to veterans and may be more affordable than private facilities.

Making the Right Decision: Private Pay vs. Medicaid vs. Medicare

The decision often comes down to personal finances, care needs and eligibility. Understanding the differences between these payment methods can lead to more informed choices. As the demand for senior care services grows, it’s predicted that the cost of nursing home care will continue to rise. Planning ahead becomes even more essential.

Working with an Elder Law Attorney: The Best Way Forward

Consulting with an elder law attorney can provide invaluable insights and assistance in navigating the complexities of nursing home costs and payment options.

Planning ahead is crucial. The more you know, the better decisions you can make for yourself or your loved ones.

How Do I Make a Care Plan for Mom?

Medicare typically doesn’t pay for basic assistance, and families often don’t try to determine how to provide this care until there is a health crisis, which can lead to unnecessary stress, conflicts and escalating costs.

Nerd Wallet’s recent article, “Create a Care Plan for Older Parents (or Yourself),” says that making a care plan well in advance lets families organize, locate appropriate resources and determine ways to pay for care before a crisis hits.

A care plan is thinking through the logistics of what you’ll need as you age, so that you are prepared when the poop hits the fan with aging. A way to cope is to plan for temporary rather than permanent disability. Ask what kind of help you or your loved one might need after a hip or knee replacement. How well is the home set up for recovery? Who would help with household tasks? Contemplating a two- or three-month disability with an eventual return to health is less daunting but involves much of the same planning as a more lasting decline.

Many seniors would like to stay in their current homes as they age, something called “aging in place.” That typically means relying on family members for care, using paid workers, or both. However, if family members will be tapped, discuss the logistics, including whether and how much they will be paid. If home health aides will be hired, consider who will supervise the process.

Look at any savings that can be tapped and whether the senior may qualify for government help, such as veterans benefits, Medicaid, or state programs. Families may want to consult an elder law attorney for personalized advice.

It is important to look at the current home as “aging friendly.” An occupational therapist can suggest adaptations allowing the older person to remain in the home if they’re disabled. The sooner you get this evaluation, the more time you’ll have to prepare. Even if the home supports aging in place, the neighborhood might not. Consider how the older person will socialize, get groceries, and make it to health appointments if they can no longer drive.

An independent living or senior living facility could provide more amenities. However, these typically don’t provide long-term care. Therefore, see if the senior is okay with moving again later or whether they should begin with an assisted living or continuing care facility that can provide more help.

Once you have a plan, capture the details and share it with family members or others who may be involved. Revisit the document periodically as circumstances change. Aging planning is an ongoing process.

Reference: Nerd Wallet (Aug. 24, 2023) “Create a Care Plan for Older Parents (or Yourself)”

How to Pay for Hearing Aids

Untreated hearing loss has been linked to a higher level of depression, cognitive decline, dementia, falls, visits to the emergency room, and hospital stays. Despite this, says an article from ncoa Adviser, “Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids: A Complete Guide for Older Adults,” fewer than 15% of adults who need hearing aids use them, and the average person takes nearly nine years to go about getting a pair after being told they have hearing loss.

Part of the reason for the delay is financial. Resources for getting hearing aids vary from state to state, and even county to county, which can be confusing. Here’s how to get started.

First, check with your health insurance company to see what’s covered and ask about additional services. You’re not just buying an appliance. Hearing aids require activation and fitting, and other unexpected out-of-pocket costs may occur. Sometimes the easiest way to verify insurance is to have a hearing aid clinic check into it.

Except in five states—Arkansas, Connecticut, Illinois, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island—insurance providers are not required to cover hearing aids as part of health care for adults. Medicare Parts A and B don’t cover the cost of hearing aids or fitting exams. Still, Medicare Part B covers hearing and balance exams ordered by a doctor and an annual audiology appointment to evaluate hearing loss. Whether or not Medicare Advantage, aka Medicare Part C, provides coverage depends upon the plan.

Medicaid coverage varies by state and plan. Many people with Medicare and Medicaid can sign up with select insurance companies and get coverage at no additional cost, but the coverage varies. Also, the quality of the hearing aids may differ.

Active duty military service members and family members diagnosed with hearing loss meeting the coverage criteria may be eligible to receive hearing aids through a TRICARE-approved provider. For veterans, the VA has hearing aid benefits. They should reach out to their local office or representative. The VA website has information on how to apply for VA hearing health care and find the nearest provider.

Federal employees of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) have access to discounted hearing aids, including a free hearing exam, discounted hearing aids, and aftercare support.

Those with mild to moderate hearing loss can now consider over-the-counter hearing aids. Note that the cost of the device you are buying is a third of the price. The rest of the costs are services, so be sure what services are bundled into the offerings. Instead of relying on online reviews, research trusted sources. You’ll want to clearly understand the return policy, warranty coverage for damage and loss, and customer service.

Reference: ncoa Adviser (July 2, 2023) “Financial Assistance for Hearing Aids: A Complete Guide for Older Adults”

Planning for Aging without Family Caregivers

As they age, many people have diminished capacity and cannot care for themselves. They may no longer be able to walk or drive easily and can experience difficulty with basic activities like shopping, cooking, cleaning, and arranging important doctor’s appointments. Traditionally, the adult children of the elderly have been caregivers, monitoring their parent’s health and overseeing financial decisions, reports the article “ICYMI | Getting Older Without Family” from CPA Journal. Parents without children, or those without good relationships with children, need to make alternative arrangements. An experienced estate planning attorney can help.

Living arrangements. Most people prefer to remain in their homes, in familiar surroundings. This may work if the home can be made elderly-friendly and a support system is implemented. A home alert system or automatic daily call-ins can be arranged through friends or local police departments. If remaining at home is not viable, an assisted living facility or continuing care retirement community may be the next best option if the cost can be managed.

Healthcare matters. Having a healthcare advocate is advisable for everyone. So is a Healthcare Proxy, or Healthcare Power of Attorney, which designates a person to act as the patient’s agent in making decisions. A Living Will details the kind of treatment a person does or doesn’t want if they cannot express their wishes.

Finances. As they age, people may find managing their finances too difficult. There are several options, depending on the degree of help needed. A CPA or financial advisor may be able to provide money management services. Banks may permit an account owner to add the name of another person with signatory authority—they can sign checks but are not an account owner. A representative can be named to receive Social Security funds, and they must file reports with the Social Security Administration to show how the funds have been used.

Durable Power of Attorney. This is the most critical planning tool for seniors and others. This designates an agent to act on behalf of the elderly person in financial matters. It can be created to define the scope of the agent’s authority and remains effective when the elderly person becomes incapacitated. It must be created and executed when the person has the requisite capacity.

Trusts. A trust holds legal title to an older adult’s assets, including bank accounts, brokerage accounts, or their home. The trust is managed by a trustee for the benefit of the elderly person. There are several different trusts available, depending on the situation. A Living Trust can be used while the person can still manage assets and act as their trustee, retaining the right to revoke the trust and regain title to assets. If the person becomes incapacitated, another person named the successor or co-trustee takes over, assuming the trust has not been revoked. The trustee could be a trusted professional, a relative, or a bank trust department, which may be expensive but is a good option for an aging person with significant resources but no individual to serve as the trustee.

Instead of a living trust, the elderly person may set up an Irrevocable Lifetime Trust for Medicaid and long-term care planning purposes wherein someone else is designated a trustee from the start.

Aging alone may seem like a daunting experience, but with the right planning and support network in place, it can be rewarding, enjoyable, and safe.

Reference: CPA Journal (July 2023) “ICYMI | Getting Older Without Family”