Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

Probate for Real Estate Held in Multiple States: Out-of-State Property Management

Probate can be challenging, especially involving real estate holdings in multiple states. Property outside the deceased’s home state requires additional steps, often involving separate probate processes, known as ancillary probate. This process can be complex and time-consuming for beneficiaries, so knowing how to avoid and manage it is essential.

Understanding Ancillary Probate

Ancillary probate is a secondary process required when a decedent owns real estate in a different state from where they resided. Each state has its own probate rules, and ancillary probate ensures that local laws govern property transfer within that state. This process involves additional court proceedings, paperwork and, often, hiring an attorney licensed in that state.

The necessity of ancillary probate can complicate estate settlement, leading to delays and added legal fees. However, understanding how this process works and planning accordingly can help streamline property transfer and reduce administrative burden for beneficiaries.

Drawbacks of Out-of-State Probate

Out-of-state probate can be particularly burdensome for estate executors and beneficiaries. Key challenges include:

  • Time and Expense: Ancillary probate can take months or even years to resolve, especially if multiple properties are involved. This can delay property transfers and increase expenses, from court costs to attorney fees in each state.
  • State-Specific Rules: Each state has probate requirements, and navigating unfamiliar regulations can be difficult. These complexities often necessitate hiring local legal assistance, further increasing costs.
  • Potential for Disputes: With multiple jurisdictions involved, disputes are more likely to arise, complicating property transfers and causing additional delays.

Recognizing these challenges early can help estate planners and executors find ways to avoid or mitigate the effects of ancillary probate.

Solutions to Avoid Ancillary Probate

Once you realize that you’re at risk of ancillary probate, the next step is implementing strategies to avoid it. Thankfully, there are several ways that you can keep your property out of ancillary probate.

Transfer Property Ownership with a Revocable Living Trust

One of the most effective ways to avoid ancillary probate is to transfer real estate ownership into a revocable living trust. By placing property into a trust, the owner maintains control over the asset during their lifetime. Upon their passing, the trust facilitates the property’s transfer directly to beneficiaries, bypassing the need for probate altogether. Trusts are also adaptable, allowing the owner to make changes as needed during their lifetime.

Establish Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship

Another strategy for avoiding ancillary probate is establishing joint tenancy with the right of survivorship (JTWROS) on out-of-state properties. In a JTWROS arrangement, property ownership automatically passes to the surviving joint owner, eliminating the need for probate. This method benefits spouses or relatives wishing to simplify property transfer upon death. However, it’s important to remember that JTWROS does not allow flexibility in asset distribution, since ownership automatically transfers to the surviving owner.

Use a Transfer on Death (TOD) Deed

A Transfer on Death (TOD) deed is another probate-avoidance tool available in some states. This type of deed allows property owners to name a beneficiary who will inherit the property upon death. The TOD deed doesn’t impact ownership during the owner’s lifetime and can be changed or revoked as desired. Upon the owner’s passing, the TOD deed transfers the property directly to the named beneficiary, bypassing probate. However, it’s crucial to check if this option is available, as not all states permit TOD deeds.

Consider Selling the Property Before Death

Sometimes, selling out-of-state property before death can eliminate the need for ancillary probate. By liquidating the asset, the estate avoids probate proceedings in that state, simplifying asset distribution for beneficiaries. While this may not be the best solution for all situations, it’s a viable option for those who want to reduce the probate burden on their loved ones. It’s worth consulting an estate planning professional to weigh the financial implications of selling versus retaining the property.

Get Help through Ancillary Probate

Navigating probate for out-of-state properties can be complex, especially for executors unfamiliar with ancillary probate processes. Our law firm offers skilled guidance on avoiding ancillary probate through strategies such as trusts, joint tenancy and TOD deeds.

By working with us, you can streamline the estate settlement process, minimize legal expenses and ensure that property transfers proceed smoothly. Get in touch today to schedule a consultation and find the guidance you need from our probate professionals.

Key Takeaways

  • Ancillary probate is required for out-of-state property: Real estate in multiple states may require separate probate proceedings, adding time and cost.
  • Revocable living trusts bypass probate entirely: Trusts allow direct property transfer to beneficiaries, avoiding the need for ancillary probate.
  • Joint tenancy simplifies asset transfer: This option provides automatic transfer to surviving owners, reducing probate requirements.
  • Transfer on Death deeds avoid probate: TOD deeds provide a simple transfer method in states that allow them, bypassing probate completely.
  • Selling property can be a proactive solution: Liquidating out-of-state real estate before death can simplify estate management and reduce probate.

Reference: Nolo (June 4, 2024) “Ancillary Probate: How to Avoid Probate in Another State”

What Happens If You Inherit a Parent’s House?

Inheriting your parent’s home is a combination of sadness, relief, and worry. The last one can be avoided if the right planning is done in advance, says a recent article, “6 lessons I learned from inheriting a parent’ s house” from Bankrate. When all these feelings are combined with navigating the inheritance among siblings, things can get complicated quickly.

Many people think children automatically inherit a house when their parents die, but this isn’t true. It’s possible for children to inherit without a will, but it doesn’t always happen. Every state has its own laws about who inherits what in the absence of a will. Without a will, there will be unpleasant surprises for the family.

Parents need to talk with their children to tell them if they have a will or estate plan and where the will can be found. If there is no will, the parents must meet with an estate planning attorney as soon as possible to ensure their wishes are documented.

Wills and estate plans are never completely done. Wills need to be updated as circumstances change over time. A will created while a parent is in their 50s may not reflect the family’s status ten years later. Let’s say one sibling is disabled and receives means-tested government benefits. If the sibling is left something in the will, their benefits could be cut off. If the sibling was well ten years ago, the estate plan didn’t include a special needs trust, which would allow the family to provide for the disabled sibling without putting their benefits at risk.

The general rule for reviewing wills is to review wills every three to five years. They may not always need updating, but they definitely need reviewing.

Heirs need to put everything in writing if they have been left assets like the family home as a group. Siblings will have different lives and needs, so inheritances need to be clarified and documented. A verbal agreement is asking for trouble, even in the best of circumstances. If something happens to a sibling and their spouse has a different idea of what they want to happen to their share of the house, for instance, the way forward won’t be pleasant.

It’s best to plan how your assets should be managed after death. Would a revocable trust work better to keep the family home out of probate? If the home is placed in a revocable trust upon the death of the owner, the ownership of the home goes to a trustee, avoiding probate.

Plan ahead and expect surprises. Inheriting a home isn’t great for every family, as it comes with costs. Property taxes, maintenance, and utility costs might make home ownership a burden rather than a blessing. Parents need to think carefully about whether or not inheriting the home will work for the family.

Consulting with an estate planning attorney in advance can facilitate a discussion about how best to pass the family home onto the next generation or determine it’s not in everyone’s best interests. Leaving a legacy of careful planning is as much a gift to the family as the home itself.

Reference: Bankrate (May 3, 2024) “6 lessons I learned from inheriting a parent’ s house”

Estate Planning and Your Second Home: What Should You Know?

Many people dream of owning a cabin or a sunny beach house away from their homes. While these dreams are beautiful, buying a second home isn’t as simple as picking a new getaway. Your second home can increase your tax burden more than your first. There are also unique tax implications to keep in mind. According to Central Trust, understanding the strings attached to a second home is a must.

Will You Pay More Property Tax and Mortgage Interest?

If you already own one home, purchasing a second means doubling up on property tax bills. Your deductions for state and local taxes are also capped at $10,000. State taxes on your primary home often reach that limit on their own. As a result, a second home may increase your tax liability much more than you’d expect. While you can deduct mortgage payments on your second home, it’s limited to a combined total of $750,000 for both residences.

Does Renting Affect Your Taxes?

There are tax benefits if you plan to rent and limit personal use to 14 days or 10% of rental days. Doing so allows you to deduct utilities, maintenance and improvement costs as you would for any other rental property. However, be careful – renting to relatives at market rate still counts as personal use.

What About Capital Gains Tax?

When selling your primary residence, you can usually exclude a portion of the gains from taxes. However, this isn’t the case with a second home. Your vacation house is taxed as an investment property, which means capital gains can go up to 23.8%.

However, there’s a way to avoid paying capital gains tax on your second home. You may avoid capital gains tax if you live in it as your primary residence for at least two of the five years before you sell. Considering the average home price in America today, a lower tax rate can amount to impressive savings.

On the other hand, lost rental revenue or an increased cost of living could detract from these savings. Weigh the costs and benefits before choosing your tax management strategy.

How Important Is Record Keeping?

Maintaining solid records is crucial if you’re renting out a second home. If the IRS audits your return and you can’t provide evidence, you could face extra taxes and penalties. Keep receipts, bills and documents detailing any expenses related to the property. If you plan to avoid capital gains tax by living in the home, keep proof of your residence and travel during the time in question.

Be Real-Estate Smart with Our Help

The thrill of buying a second home should not overshadow the importance of thorough estate planning. Consult a tax professional or financial advisor to avoid costly mistakes.

Our law firm is dedicated to helping you plan your estate and minimize taxes, especially when second homes are involved. Schedule a consultation with us today to build a strategy tailored to you.

Key Takeaways

  • Double the Taxes: Owning a second home brings a second set of property tax and mortgage interest bills.
  • Rental Benefits: Renting out your vacation home could offer tax deductions.
  • Capital Gains Tax: Selling a second home could subject you to up to 23.8% capital gains tax. Living there for two of five years before selling can help avoid this.
  • Record Keeping is Essential: Proper documentation of expenses and rental income is crucial to avoid penalties in case of an IRS audit.
  • Consult an Advisor: Seek guidance from tax or estate planning professionals to create a sound plan and minimize tax implications.

Reference: Centraltrust (March 2024) “Second Homes & Tax Implications – Central Trust Company”

Why Would I Put My Home in a Trust?

Putting property in a trust can make managing and distributing your assets — including your home — easier after your death. It can also have legal and tax benefits.

Bankrate’s recent article entitled, “How, and why, to put your home in a trust,” says that a real estate trust is a legal arrangement in which the owner of a home, known as the “grantor” or “settlor,” transfers ownership of the property to another entity or individual, known as the “trustee.” The trustee manages the property for the benefit of the grantor and any named beneficiaries of the grantor’s estate.

You can place your home into a trust by signing a deed that names the trustee as the property’s new owner. The deed must be recorded with the local county recording office, and then the trust is the legal owner of the property.

The home’s original owner will usually name him- or herself as the trustee, so they can maintain control of the property. However, the original owner can name someone else as the trustee. This can be helpful in case the original owner passes away. Trustees are frequently adult children of the homeowner, who will inherit the property upon the homeowner’s death.

Trusts are often used for tax, estate planning, or asset protection purposes, as — depending on the type of trust — the property can be protected from creditors and transferred directly to the beneficiaries without going through probate. Two primary types of trusts pertain to real estate: revocable and irrevocable.

Also called a living trust, a revocable trust can be changed or dissolved at any time by the grantor (creator) of the trust. A revocable trust lets a grantor control the property and make changes to the trust during their lifetime. The grantor retains the right to modify or dissolve the trust. The grantor can act as a trustee, manage the property, or appoint someone else.

A revocable/living trust states the original homeowner’s wishes upon death. When the grantor passes away, the property in the revocable trust is distributed to the grantor’s beneficiaries according to the terms of the trust agreement.

An irrevocable trust, as the name implies, is more permanent and can’t be terminated or modified by the grantor after it’s been created, unless the beneficiaries agree to the change.

Reference: Bankrate (February 21, 2023) “How, and why, to put your home in a trust”

No Will? What Happens Now Can Be a Horror Show

Families who have lived through settling an estate without an estate plan will agree that the title of this article, “Preventing the Horrors of Dying Without a Will,” from Next Avenue, is no exaggeration. When the family is grieving is no time to be fighting, yet the absence of a will and an estate plan leads to this exact situation.

Why do people procrastinate having their wills and estate plans done?

Limited understanding about wealth transfers. People may think they do not have enough assets to require an estate plan. Their home, retirement funds or savings account may not be in the mega-millions, but this is actually more of a reason to have an estate plan.

Fear of mortality. We do not like to talk or think about death. However, talking about what will happen when you die or what may happen if you become incapacitated is very important. Planning so your children or other trusted family member or friends will be able to make decisions on your behalf or care for you alleviates what could otherwise turn into an expensive and emotionally disastrous time.

Perceived lack of benefits. Working with an experienced estate planning attorney who will put your interests first means you will have one less thing to worry about while you are living and towards the end of your life.

Estate planning documents contain the wishes and directives for your legacy and finances after you pass. They answer questions like:

  • Who should look after your minor children, if both primary caregivers die before the children reach adulthood?
  • If you become incapacitated, who should handle your financial affairs, who should be in charge of your healthcare and what kind of end-of-life care do you want?
  • What do you want to happen to your assets after you die? Your estate refers to your financial accounts, personal possessions, retirement funds, pensions and real estate.

Your estate plan includes a will, trusts (if appropriate), a durable financial power of attorney, a health care power of attorney or advanced directive and a living will. The will distributes your property and also names an executor, who is in charge of making sure the directions in the will are carried out.

If you become incapacitated by illness or injury, the POA gives agency to someone else to carry out your wishes while you are living. The living will provides an opportunity to express your wishes regarding end-of-life care.

There are many different reasons to put off having an estate plan, but they all end up in the same place: the potential to create family disruption, unnecessary expenses and stress. Show your family how much you love them, by overcoming your fears and preparing for the next generation. Meet with an estate planning attorney and prepare for the future.

Reference: Next Avenue (March 21, 2022) “Preventing the Horrors of Dying Without a Will”

What Power Does an Executor Have?

Being asked to serve as an executor is a big compliment with potential pitfalls, advises the recent article “How to Prepare to Be an Executor of an Estate” from U.S. News & World Report. You are being asked because you are considered trustworthy and able to handle complex tasks. That’s flattering, of course, but there’s a lot to know before making a final decision about taking on the job.

An executor of an estate helps file paperwork, close accounts, distribute assets of the deceased, deal with probate and any court filings and navigate family dynamics. Some of the tasks include:

  • Locating critical documents, like the will, any trusts, deeds, vehicle titles, etc.
  • Obtaining death certificates.
  • Overseeing funeral arrangements and memorial services, if any.
  • Filing the will in probate court.
  • Creating an estate bank account, after obtaining an estate tax number (EIN).
  • Notifying organizations, including Social Security, pension accounts, etc.
  • Paying creditors.
  • Distributing assets.
  • Overseeing the sale or transfer of real estate
  • Filing estate tax returns and final tax returns.

If you are asked to become the executor of an estate for a loved one, it’s a good idea to gather as much information as possible while the person is still living. It will be far easier to tackle the tasks, if you have been set up to succeed. Find out where their estate planning documents are and read the documents to make sure you understand them. If you don’t understand, ask, and keep asking until you do. Similarly, obtain information about all assets, including joint assets. Find out if there are any family members who may pose a challenge to the estate.

Today’s assets include digital assets. Ask for a complete list of the person’s online accounts, usernames and passwords. You will also need access to their devices: desktop computer, laptop, tablet, phone and smart watch. Discuss what they want to happen to each account and see if there is an option for you to become a co-owner of the account or a legacy contact.

Many opt to have an estate planning attorney manage some or all of these tasks, as they can be very overwhelming. Frankly, it’s hard to administer an estate at the same time you’re grieving the loss of a loved one.

As executor, you are a fiduciary, meaning you’re legally required to put the deceased’s interests above your own. This includes managing the estate’s assets. If the person owned a home, you would need to secure the property, pay the mortgage and/or property taxes and maintain the property until it is sold or transferred to an heir. Financial accounts need to be managed, including investment accounts.

The amount of time this process will take, depends on the complexity and size of the estate. Most estates take at least twelve months to complete all of the administrative work. It is a big commitment and can feel like a second job.

A few things vary by state. Convicted felons are never permitted to serve as executors, regardless of what the will says. A sole executor must be a U.S. citizen, although a non-citizen can be a co-executor, if the other co-executor is a citizen. Rules also vary from state to state regarding being paid for your time. Most states permit a percentage of the size of the estate, which must be considered earned income and reported on tax returns.

Be very thorough and careful in documenting every decision made as the executor to protect yourself from any future challenges. This is one job where trying to do it on your own could have long-term effects on your relationship with the family and financial liability, so take it seriously. If it’s too much, an estate planning attorney can help.

Reference: U.S. News & World Report (Dec. 22, 2021) “How to Prepare to Be an Executor of an Estate”

How Much can You Inherit and Not Pay Taxes?

Even with the new proposed rules from Biden’s lowered exception, estates under $6 million won’t have to worry about federal estate taxes for a few years—although state estate tax exemptions may be lower. However, what about inheritances and what about inherited IRAs? This is explored in a recent article titled “Minimizing Taxes When You Inherit Money” from Kiplinger.

If you inherit an IRA from a parent, taxes on required withdrawals could leave you with a far smaller legacy than you anticipated. For many couples, IRAs are the largest assets passed to the next generation. In some cases they may be worth more than the family home. Americans held more than $13 trillion in IRAs in the second quarter of 2021. Many of you reading this are likely to inherit an IRA.

Before the SECURE Act changed how IRAs are distributed, people who inherited IRAs and other tax-deferred accounts transferred their assets into a beneficiary IRA account and took withdrawals over their life expectancy. This allowed money to continue to grow tax free for decades. Withdrawals were taxed as ordinary income.

The SECURE Act made it mandatory for anyone who inherited an IRA (with some exceptions) to decide between two options: take the money in a lump sum and lose a huge part of it to taxes or transfer the money to an inherited or beneficiary IRA and deplete it within ten years of the date of death of the original owner.

The exceptions are a surviving spouse, who may roll the money into their own IRA and allow it to grow, tax deferred, until they reach age 72, when they need to start taking Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). If the IRA was a Roth, there are no RMDs, and any withdrawals are tax free. The surviving spouse can also transfer money into an inherited IRA and take distributions on their life expectancy.

If you’re not eligible for the exceptions, any IRA you inherit will come with a big tax bill. If the inherited IRA is a Roth, you still have to empty it out in ten years. However, there are no taxes due as long as the Roth was funded at least five years before the original owner died.

Rushing to cash out an inherited IRA will slash the value of the IRA significantly because of the taxes due on the IRA. You might find yourself bumped up into a higher tax bracket. It’s generally better to transfer the money to an inherited IRA to spread distributions out over a ten-year period.

The rules don’t require you to empty the account in any particular order. Therefore, you could conceivably wait ten years and then empty the account. However, you will then have a huge tax bill.

Other assets are less constrained, at least as far as taxes go. Real estate and investment accounts benefit from the step-up in cost basis. Let’s say your mother paid $50 for a share of stock and it was worth $250 on the day she died. Your “basis” would be $250. If you sell the stock immediately, you won’t owe any taxes. If you hold onto to it, you’ll only owe taxes (or claim a loss) on the difference between $250 and the sale price. Proposals to curb the step-up have been bandied about for years. However, to date they have not succeeded.

The step-up in basis also applies to the family home and other inherited property. If you keep inherited investments or property, you’ll owe taxes on the difference between the value of the assets on the day of the original owner’s death and the day you sell.

Estate planning and tax planning should go hand-in-hand. If you are expecting a significant inheritance, a conversation with aging parents may be helpful to protect the family’s assets and preclude any expensive surprises.

Reference: Kiplinger (Oct. 29, 2021) “Minimizing Taxes When You Inherit Money”