Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

When Is a Child Not A Descendant?

Not using specific names and terms open to definition could significantly impact who might inherit from your estate or trust. There are situations where some people may choose to deliberately restrict or expand the definition of the group, which might be included in these definitions, explains the article “Who Is Your Descendant: Intentional Limitations Or Broadening Of Definitions In Your Will Or Trust” from Forbes. For some people, creating a new role of a special trust protector who holds a limited or special power of appointment to determine who should be included or removed from the definition of “issue” or descendant is worth considering.

What might arise if the wish only considers children descendants if they belong to a particular faith? Is this type of legal restriction permitted? Clauses limiting heirs to members of a particular faith or a sect within the faith may raise questions about the constitutionality of the clause. Potential heirs excluded under such provisions have argued that a religious restriction on marriage violates constitutional safeguards under the Fourteenth Amendment protecting the right to marry.

Courts have held clauses determining if potential beneficiaries qualify for distributions based on religious criteria enforceable, if the potential beneficiaries have no vested interest in the assets. Another court upheld the provisions of a will conditioning bequests to their sons as long as they married women of a particular faith.

These decisions are narrowly tailored to the specific fact patterns of the cases, since individuals are generally allowed to disinherit an heir with the exception of a spousal elective share or a community property interest. The courts have reasoned that the restriction is not on the heir to marry but on the right of the testator to bequeath property as they wish.

An alternative approach is to create a single trust for all heirs mandating the funds in the trust be used for the cost of religious education, attending religious summer camps, taking relevant religious studies, religious institutional membership, etc. The trust could use the assets to encourage religious observance. However, it may only partially address the question. What about the remainder of the assets—should it be used for all heirs regardless of religious affiliations?

An estate plan compliant with Islamic law may involve a different determination of who is a descendant. The Sharia laws of inheritance are similar to the intestacy statute. One-third of the estate may be distributed as the decedent wishes. However, the remainder must be distributed as mandated under Islamic law. The residuary inheritance shares after the first third are restricted to Muslim heirs. Additional laws prescribe specified shares of the estate to be distributed to certain heirs, depending upon which heirs are living at the moment of the decedent’s death.

Suppose you or a family member is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ). The law may not address the unique considerations regarding who may be considered a descendent. Special steps may be needed to carry out your wishes as to who your descendants are. What if you view a particular child as your own, but share no genetic material with a child? Children may be adopted or born through surrogacy, so neither parent nor only one parent is biologically related to the child. While some states may recognize an equitable parent doctrine, this may be limited and not suffice to protect the testator.

There are many new complexities for determining who is a descendant, and these issues are complicated and evolving. Changing family structures and religious beliefs based on different values all impact estate planning. A special trust protector may make decisions when uncertainty arises from provisions in a will designed to carry out the wishes. This is a relatively new role and not permitted in some states, so speak with your estate planning attorney to protect your wishes and heirs.

Reference: Forbes (Aug. 4, 2023) “Who Is Your Descendant: Intentional Limitations Or Broadening Of Definitions In Your Will Or Trust”

What is the Purpose of a Blind Trust?

One type of trust offers a layer of separation between the person who created the trust and how the investments held in the trust are managed. The trust’s beneficiaries are also unable to access information regarding the investments, says the article “What is a Blind Trust?” from U.S. News & World Report.

The roles involved in a blind trust are the settlor—the person who creates the trust, the trustee—the person who manages the trust—and beneficiaries—those who receive the assets in a trust.

Blind trusts, typically created to avoid conflicts of interest, are where the settlor gives an independent trustee complete discretion over the assets in the trust to manage, invest and maintain them as the trustee determines.

This is quite different from most trusts, where the owner of the trust knows about investments and how they are managed. Beneficiaries often have insight into the holdings and the knowledge that they will eventually inherit the assets. In a blind trust, neither the beneficiaries nor the trust’s creator knows how funds are being used or what assets are held.

Blind trusts can be revocable or irrevocable. If the trust is revocable (also known as a living trust), the settlor can dissolve the trust at any time.

If the trust is irrevocable, it remains intact until the beneficiaries inherit the entire assets, although there are some exceptions.

In some instances, irrevocable trusts are used to move assets out of an estate. Settlors lose control over the holdings and may not terminate the trust or change the terms.

Blind trusts can be used in estate planning if the settlor wants to limit the beneficiaries’ knowledge of the trust assets and their ability to interfere with the management of the trust.’

People who win massive lump sums in a lottery might use a blind trust because some states allow lottery winners to preserve their anonymity using this type of trust. They draft and sign a trust deed and appoint a trustee, then fund the trust by donating the winning ticket to the trust prior to claiming the prize. By remaining anonymous, winners have some protection from unscrupulous people who prey on lottery winners.

One drawback to a blind trust is the lack of knowledge about how investments are being handled. The blind trust also poses the issue of less accountability by the trustee, since beneficiaries have no right to inspect whether or not assets are being managed properly.

Do you need a blind trust? Speak with an experienced estate planning attorney to discuss whether or not your estate would benefit from a blind trust. If you want to separate yourself from investment decisions or would rather beneficiaries don’t know about the holdings, it might make sense. However, if you have no concerns about privacy or conflict of interests, other types of trusts may make more sense.

Reference: U.S. News & World Report (June 1, 2023) “What is a Blind Trust?”

Should You have a Pet Trust Created?

The infamous Leona Helmsley was the subject of as many headlines after her death as when she was alive, mainly because she left millions in trust for her dog, “Trouble.” However, you don’t have to have millions to want to protect your faithful pet’s future in the event of your passing, according to a recent article, “Pet Trusts Are Worth the ‘Trouble’” from Wealth Management.

Pets are legally considered the personal property of their owner, in the same way, one owns a house or a car. If no planning has been done, your heirs can inherit the ownership of your pet. However, they won’t be required to care for your pet. Instead, they can take the pet to a local shelter or, as often happens, abandon it. However, there are steps you can take to protect your animal companion.

Ask two friends or relatives if they would be willing to serve as emergency and/or long-term caretakers. Provide them with contact information for your veterinarian, discuss your wishes about what should happen to your pet and make sure they have each other’s contact information. Have a frank discussion of how expenses will be covered and stay in touch with them. Circumstances can change over time; if they move, have a health issue, or can’t manage the care of your pet, you’ll want to know about it.

Planning for pets has both legal and financial considerations. A pet trust may be created as part of a living trust or as a stand-alone trust. The named trustee has access to funds, and the language of the trust includes directions as to how funds should be used for your pet and how to distribute any remaining funds upon the death of your pet. Pet trusts are now valid in all states.

Note that a verbal agreement to care for your pet may not be legally enforceable. Therefore, you may prefer to use a pet trust. While you can put a provision in your will for the care of your pet, unlike a trust arrangement, there is no continuing obligation for the executor under a will to ensure the pet’s well-being once the estate administration is completed. Instead, you’ll have to count on the moral commitment of the caregiver to take care of your pet.

Planning for your protection shows why a pet trust is a good idea. For example, your Power of Attorney names an agent to act on your behalf in the event of your own physical or mental incapacity. It is possible to include specific funds in a Power of Attorney to maintain and support companion animals. However, this terminates on your death. A trust remains in effect for as long as the terms dictate, whether you are incapacitated or deceased.

Another option is to make arrangements with a humane society or animal rescue group to take possession and care of your pet. This may require making a specific donation to the group and having confidence that the organization will be operational as long as your pet lives.

Speak with your estate planning attorney about your state’s rules on pet trusts and plan for yourself and your beloved animal companion. You’ll then rest easy knowing you are both protected.

Reference: Wealth Management (April 14, 2023) “Pet Trusts Are Worth the ‘Trouble’”

What Legal Documents are Needed in an Estate Plan?

If you plan to give away property or assets, you’ll need to create a will, trust document, or other estate planning document, advises KHTS’s recent article entitled “Common Documents An Estate Planning Attorney Can Draft.” Let’s take a look at these:

Trusts and Wills. An experienced estate planning attorney can draft documents, such as a will or trust, to ensure that your property is distributed the way you’d want it in the event of your death. A will can do this. An estate planning attorney can also assist you in keeping assets out of probate court. A trust is crucial if you have to keep the money you give away out of your estate. A trust also protects assets from possible creditors.

Living Trust. A living trust is set up while you’re alive rather than waiting until your death, so that you can change it at any time without court administration. A living trust also doesn’t require probate or court approval. The way money passes through a trust is instead determined by the terms and the state in which you live.

Medical Powers of Attorney. This legal document lets a person delegate specific healthcare decisions, if incapacitated. This document doesn’t supersede a living will or any other advance directive but allows an individual to enjoy more flexibility. A medical power of attorney also allows the individual to appoint a healthcare proxy and someone to the power of attorney who can make medical decisions in their name while they are still capable.

Durable Power of Attorney. This legal document allows individuals to delegate specific authority over their financial and legal affairs. A durable power of attorney also permits the individual to appoint someone as guardian, who can make financial decisions for the individual when they cannot do so. Of course, a guardian can’t make decisions for the incapacitated person in all situations. For example, they may be unable to protect the individual’s assets from creditors. However, a guardian can make financial decisions and has the power to access your bank account, even if you’re incapacitated.

It’s never too early to start planning for your future and estate. However, without the proper legal documents, your property may not be distributed as you would like, or other necessary steps may not be taken. An experienced estate planning attorney will give you options that aren’t available to those who try to do it themselves.

Reference: KHTS (Dec. 15, 2022) “Common Documents An Estate Planning Attorney Can Draft”

Will Proposed Tax Hikes Have an Impact on My Estate Planning?

President Biden’s tax proposals are at the center of what the White House estimates is a $3 trillion deficit-reduction plan. They will be immediately rejected by Congressional Republicans. However, the ideas set up Democrats’ approach to the debt-ceiling fight later this year, as Republicans are gearing up to ask for spending cuts.

A major change would almost double the rate of the capital-gains tax, and applying an additional surcharge to fund Medicare, which would mean taxes on investments could rise to almost 45%.

Bloomberg’s recent article entitled, “In Biden’s Tax-the-Rich Budget, Capital-Gains Rates Near 45%,” examines the details of the tax proposals in the budget request that the White House released recently.

Capital Gains. The budget proposal would jump the capital-gains rate to 39.6% from 20% for those earning at least $1 million to equalize the taxation of investment and wage income. President Biden also wants to up the 3.8% Obamacare tax to 5% for those earning at least $400,000 to support the Medicare Trust Fund. As a result, the richest would pay a 44.6% federal rate on investment income and other earnings. The plan also calls for taxing assets when an owner dies. This would end a tax benefit that let the unrealized appreciation go untaxed when transferred to an heir.

Corporate Taxes. Trump’s 2017 corporate tax cut would get significantly rolled back, bringing the top rate to 28% from 21%. The proposal also calls for increasing the taxes US companies owe on their foreign earnings to 21%, doubling the 10.5% included in Trump’s tax law.

Carried Interest. The carried-interest tax break used by private equity fund managers to lower their tax bills would be struck under the Biden plan. Under current law, investment fund managers can pay the 20% capital-gains rate on a portion of their incomes that would otherwise be subjected to the 37% top individual-income rate.

Rich Retirement Accounts. The plan would close a loophole that allows the wealthy to accumulate savings in tax-favored retirement accounts intended for middle earners. In addition, Biden would limit the amount taxpayers with incomes over $400,000 can hold in Roth individual retirement accounts.

Estate, Gift Taxes. Bolstering the tax rules on estate and gift taxes would make the system harder for the wealthy and trusts to avoid taxes.

Reference: Bloomberg (March 9, 2023) “In Biden’s Tax-the-Rich Budget, Capital-Gains Rates Near 45%”

What are Five Keys to Estate Planning?

If your family has to sort out your affairs while also dealing with the emotional fallout from losing you, they will soon realize the importance of having an estate plan, whether you are wealthy or not. They’ll also feel the pain of your failing to create one for them.

CNBC’s recent article entitled “5 key things to know when you create a will and make other end-of-life plans” explains that your estate plan spells out whom you want to make decisions and who will inherit what you own. “Estate” refers to possessions and other assets. With that in mind, here are five key things to know if you start thinking about how you’d craft an estate plan.

  1. A will may not cover all your bases. A will is a core component of an estate plan. A will states whom you want to have your assets and whom you want as a guardian for minor children. Without a will in place when you die, a judge will decide who gets what or who is appointed guardian.
  2. Use care when naming an executor. When you create a will, you name an executor to carry out your wishes and handle your estate. This includes liquidating or closing accounts, ensuring your assets go to the proper beneficiaries and paying any liabilities. An estate plan should also include other end-of-life documents, like a living will that details the health care you want and don’t want if you become unable to communicate those desires yourself. You also can sign a power of attorney to an agent to make decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated.
  3. Some assets get a step-up in basis. If you have assets, such as the family home, and are thinking about giving them to your children while you’re alive, it might make more sense to wait. When these assets are sold, any increase from the so-called cost basis (the value when the asset was acquired), and the sale price is subject to capital gains taxes. However, at your death, your heirs who inherit receive a “step-up in basis.” This means that the market value of the asset at your death becomes the cost basis for the heir. As a result, any appreciation prior to that is untaxed. Therefore, when the heir sells the asset, any gains (or losses) are based on the new cost basis. In comparison, if you were to gift such appreciated assets to heirs before your death, they’d assume your original cost basis — which could translate into a large tax bill when the assets are sold.
  4. You may want to consider a trust. If you want your children to receive money but don’t want to give a young adult or one with poor money management total access to a sudden windfall, consider creating a trust to be the beneficiary of a particular asset. A trust holds assets on behalf of your beneficiary. The assets are left to the trust instead of directly to your heirs. They can only receive money according to how (or when) you’ve stipulated in the trust documents. Ask an experienced estate planning attorney to help you with this.
  5. You’ll need to review your estate plan. When you have a major life change, like the birth of a child or divorce, you need to review your estate plan. If you move to a new state, check to see if you need to update any part of your plan, so it follows that state’s laws.

Reference: CNBC (March 19, 2023) “5 key things to know when you create a will and make other end-of-life plans”

What Strategies Minimize Estate Taxes?

The gift and estate tax benefits from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) are still in effect. However, many provisions will sunset at the end of 2025, according to a recent article “Trust and estate planning strategies” from Crain’s New York Business.

The most important aspect for estate planning was the doubling of the estate, gift and generation-skipping transfer tax exemptions. Adjusted for inflation, the current federal estate, gift and GST exclusion is $12.92 million in 2023. This is more than double the pre-TCJA amount, which will return in 2026, unless Congress makes any changes.

While these levels are in effect, there are strategies to consider.

  • Maximize gifting up to the 2023 annual exclusion of $17,000 per taxpayer, or $34,000 for married couples.
  • Depending on the value of the entire estate, consider strategies to keep it below the current exemption among of $12.92 million or $25.84 (married). If the estate is less than the exemption amount, no federal estate tax will need to be paid.
  • Plan charitable giving, including charitable IRA rollovers to make the most of the deduction on 2023 income tax returns. Qualified charitable distributions made directly from an IRA could be used to satisfy Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) and exclude them from taxable income.
  • Set up 529 Plan accounts for children and/or grandchildren and consider making five years of annual exclusion gifts. Take into account any gifts made during the year to children and/or grandchildren when doing this.
  • Submit tuition or any non-reimbursable medical expenses directly to the school or medical provider to avoid having these amounts count towards the annual or lifetime gift tax exemption.
  • Discuss the use of a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT), an irrevocable trust created for a certain period of time. Assets are placed in the trust and an annuity is paid out every year. When the trust expires and the last annuity payment is made, assets pass to beneficiaries outright or remain in a trust for beneficiaries.
  • Ask your estate planning attorney if a Qualified Personal Residence Trust is a good fit for you. This is an irrevocable trust allowing homeowners to transfer their home at a significantly discounted rate.
  • Explore intrafamily lending, which is used to transfer partial earnings to family members without lowering the lifetime estate tax exemption or triggering gift taxes.
  • Re-evaluate insurance coverage, which can provide opportunities to defer or avoid income taxes, or both, and provide assets to pay estate taxes or replace assets used to pay estate taxes.

Not all of these steps will be appropriate for everyone. However, understanding the options and discussing with your estate planning attorney will ensure that you are using the most effective strategies to achieve wealth preservation.

Reference: Crain’s New York Business (Feb. 13, 2023) “Trust and estate planning strategies”

What Recourse Is Available if Inheritance Is Stolen?

State inheritance theft laws typically cover four distinct aspects, says Yahoo’s recent article entitled “Someone Stole My Inheritance. What Are My Options?”

The four are:

  • Who committed the inheritance theft,
  • When the theft happened,
  • What was taken, and
  • How the theft happened.

As far as the “how” goes, note that inheritance theft can take many different forms. One of the most common examples involves elder financial abuse where someone takes advantage of an elderly person’s weakened physical or mental state to steal from them.

If you think someone’s stolen your inheritance, it’s important to review inheritance theft laws in your state. Again, each state has different guidelines regarding:

  • What constitutes inheritance theft,
  • Who has the standing to bring a civil claim or file a criminal complaint concerning a stolen inheritance,
  • The legal grounds for successfully pursuing an inheritance theft claim, and
  • Penalties and remedies for inheritance theft.

Speaking with an experienced estate planning attorney can help you see if you have standing and grounds to file a claim for inheritance theft. Your attorney may advise you to take certain steps to develop a case, including:

  • Taking an inventory of the estate’s assets,
  • Reviewing estate documents, such as wills or trusts, to look for any potential signs of fraud or forgery, and
  • Verifying the validity of will or trust documents.

With a larger estate, you may need to hire a forensic accountant. They specialize in examining financial documents, which may be helpful if you’re struggling to create a paper trail to support a claim of inheritance theft.

Inheritance theft laws can help to protect your rights to an estate if you think your inheritance was stolen. You can also take actions to preserve your own estate for your heirs by drafting a valid will, creating a trust and choosing trustworthy individuals to act as your executor, trustee and power of attorney.

Reference: Yahoo (Jan. 18, 2023) “Someone Stole My Inheritance. What Are My Options?”

Beneficiary Battle over Presley Estate Reveals Possible Problems in Estate Planning

This is the situation facing the estate of Lisa Marie Presley, whose estate is being challenged by her mother, Priscilla Presley, as described in a recent article, “Presley beneficiary battle sets example of poor estate planning practices” from Insurance NewsNet. These situations are not uncommon, especially when there’s a lot of money involved. They serve as a teachable moment of things to avoid and things to absolutely insist upon in estate planning.

Lisa Marie’s estate is being challenged because of an amendment to the trust, which surfaced after she died. The amendment cut out two trustees and named Lisa Marie’s children as executors and trustees.

At stake is as much as $35 million from three life insurance policies, with at least $4 million needed to settle Lisa Marie’s debts, including $2.5 million owed to the IRS.

When this type of wealth is involved, it makes sense to have professional trustees hired, rather than appointing family members who may not have the skills needed to navigate family dynamics or manage significant assets.

A request to change a will by codicil or a trust by amendment happens fairly often. However, some estate planning attorneys reject their use and insist clients sign a new will or restate a trust to make sure their interests are protected. In the case of Lisa Marie, the amendment might be the result of someone trying to make changes without benefit of an estate planning attorney to make the change correctly.

The origins of the estate issues here may go back to Elvis’ estate plan. His estate was worth $5 million at the time of this death, $20 million if adjusted for inflation. His father was appointed as the executor and a trustee of the estate. His grandmother, father and Lisa Marie were beneficiaries of the trust. Lisa Marie was just nine when her famous father died, and her inheritance was held until she turned 25.

When his father died, Priscilla was named as one of three trustees. When his grandmother died, Lisa Marie was the only surviving beneficiary. She inherited the entire amount on her 25th birthday—worth about $100 million largely at the time because of Priscilla’s skilled management.

Terminating such a large trust and handing $100 million to a 25 year old is seen by many estate planning attorneys as a big mistake. Distribution at an older age or over the course of the beneficiary’s lifetime could have been a smarter move. Lisa Marie reportedly blew through $100 million as an adult and was millions of dollars in debt, despite the estate having plenty of cash because of two large life insurance policies.

In 1993, Lisa Marie established a trust naming her mother and former business manager as trustees. The amendment in question seems to have been written in 2016, removing Priscilla and business manager Siegel as trustees, appointing Lisa Marie’s daughter and son as trustees, and naming her son and her fourteen year old twin sons as beneficiaries.

Priscilla’s attorneys say they had no prior knowledge of the change. Certain changes in estate plans require written notification of people with interest in the estate, which did not occur. They are also challenging the amendment’s authenticity, saying it was neither witnessed nor notarized. Priscilla’s name is misspelled and Lisa Marie’s signature is not consistent with other signatures of hers.

The estate is being contested, with a preliminary hearing on the matter scheduled for April 13.

Any changes to an estate plan, particularly those involving changes to the will, trusts or beneficiaries, should be done with the help of an experienced estate planning attorney. When large changes are made, or large assets are involved, a simple codicil or amendment could lead to complicated problems.

Reference: Insurance NewsNet (Feb. 17, 2023) “Presley beneficiary battle sets example of poor estate planning practices”

What You Need to Know About Inheritance

Receiving an inheritance is a mixed blessing. It usually comes after a loved one has passed, while you are grieving and trying to figure out how to navigate finances. If you have received or anticipate receiving an inheritance, a recent article titled “Getting an Inheritance? Here are 4 Things to Consider” from Kiplinger, has some helpful information.

It takes time to settle an estate and distribute assets. When a decedent’s affairs weren’t prepared properly in advance, it takes even longer. A recent Gallup poll found less than half of all Americans have a will.

The probate process can be avoided if assets are held in trust. However, even trust distributions may have time-consuming complexities. It can take several months to a year or more to settle an estate.

Being aware of this will help manage heirs’ expectations. Plans for a big purchase should never be keyed to an inheritance, until after the assets are received.

The executor, the person named to administer the estate, must notify beneficiaries and interested parties, pay outstanding bills, close accounts, make an inventory of assets and discern how many of the assets must pass through probate.

They also have to file tax returns with the IRS for the estate and for the decedent’s last year of life. Only after all of this is completed can assets be distributed.

Getting an inheritance often leads to spending the money, not always wisely. Factors such as where the money came from and its intended use influence how it’s spent. However, every dollar inherited should be valued as much as every dollar you earn. Many people treat their inheritances like “fun money” and spend it without careful consideration. Consider using it to bolster your emergency fund, pay off high-interest debt and put some towards long-term savings goals. If there’s still money left over after you’ve covered the basics, then it may be time to spend it on a family trip or support a cause you believe in.

Seek professional advice. Inheritances often come with complications. For instance, there are times when an heir may have a step-up-in-basis provision for taxes. This allows heirs to have the valuation of their inheritance property be equal to its fair market value at the date of death, instead of the lower price at which it was first purchased. This helps minimize capital gains taxes on inherited assets that have appreciated over time. An estate planning attorney will be able to confirm whether this potential benefit applies to you, and what you’ll need to do to navigate any tax issues.

Take time to review your own estate plan. As an heir, or as an executor, you’re likely to be learning a lot about the estate planning process. This should motivate you to address your own estate planning and make it as easy as possible for your own heirs.

This includes keeping clear records of all accounts, along with creating any necessary estate planning documents, including wills, trusts, powers of attorney and advance health care directives. Keeping documents in a place accessible to those administering your estate will help your heirs, as will talking with your family while you are living about your finances, your estate plan and your wishes. The best inheritance of all is one that results from proper planning with an experienced estate planning attorney.

Reference: Kiplinger (Jan. 3, 2023) “Getting an Inheritance? Here are 4 Things to Consider”