Estate Planning Blog Articles

Estate & Business Planning Law Firm Serving the Providence & Cranston, RI Areas

What’s the Best Way to Simplify an Estate?

Yes, you need to create your estate plan and decide how you want your money and real estate property to be distributed upon your death. However, there’s more. A recent article from Morningstar, “Your family will love you even more if you simplify your estate,” says you should also simplify your assets to simplify your estate.

How you have your financial life arranged now may seem simple enough to you as you navigate it regularly. You know where your accounts are, how much is in each account and who the beneficiaries are of any account, having the option of naming a beneficiary. If you don’t know who the beneficiaries are, take care of this right away.

However, for your executor and your heirs, those same accounts are a series of unknowns. If a single financial advisor doesn’t handle your investments, can you bring them under one person’s management? If you have accounts in more than one bank, can you consolidate them into one bank?

A record number of boomers will turn 65 in 2024. The “great wealth transfer” of a generation owning $72.6 trillion and passing this along to younger generations has led many to prepare accounts and heirs for what will come in the next twenty years. This includes creating a comprehensive estate plan with a will and trusts. Most experienced estate planning attorneys advise their clients to create a revocable living trust to avoid probate, which can be costly, stressful and time-consuming.

Probate is considered one of the most complex parts of inheritance. Distribution will be far simpler if you can remove most of your assets from being part of your probate estate. Trusts can also protect assets in a way wills cannot. It’s far more challenging to contest a trust than it is a will. If your family is prone to infighting, you want to place assets into trusts!

Talk with your estate planning attorney about a “pour-over will.” This is a will directing any assets not already in your trust to be “poured over” into the trust upon your death. You’ll also want to have a financial power of attorney, healthcare power of attorney, living will and HIPAA release. These documents allow the people you designate to take care of your financial, legal and health if you should become incapacitated.

Once your estate plan is in place, start consolidating accounts. If you have multiple IRAs or 401(k)s from various employers, combine them. You’ve set your heirs up for trouble if you have individual stock certificates in your bank’s safe deposit box. First, the safe deposit box will be sealed upon your death, unless someone else owns the box. Second, stock certificates must be settled through a stock-transfer company, which requires proof of the owner’s passing and proof of their being legitimate heirs. New accounts need to be opened up for the stocks to be transferred to, and only then can they be retrieved the money from the sale of the stocks.

It can also be difficult for heirs if they have annuities, government-issued bonds, or bank CDs. They all must be found, and distribution rules must be uncovered and processed.

After having your estate plan created and consolidating accounts, create an inventory of all accounts, including digital assets (usernames and passwords will be needed), and place them in a file with keys to your safe deposit box, life insurance policies and estate planning documents in one place. Make copies of your credit cards, front and back as well.

Having this information in one place will make managing your estate far easier. Your loved ones can focus on their memories and not be overwhelmed by the details.

Reference: Morningstar (June 18, 2024) “Your family will love you even more if you simplify your estate”

What Questions Should You Ask an Estate Planning Attorney?

To protect assets and health during life and facilitate a smooth transition of assets to loved ones after your death, an estate plan needs to address many different issues. This includes the laws of asset distribution in your state of residence, potential transfer taxes and costs and strategies required to expedite and simplify succession issues. A recent article from mondaq, “Four Questions To Ask Your Estate Planning Attorney,” explains key points to cover with your estate planning attorney.

How do assets pass after death? Some assets pass through the will, but not all. It depends upon where you live, where your assets are situated, what kind of assets they are and how they are titled. State law governs how assets are conveyed after death, so consulting with an estate planning attorney in your estate is critical to creating a successful plan.

If you live in a community property state, your property will pass to the surviving spouse, who is deemed to own one-half of the community property. In these states, one cannot leave more than half of their property through a will, as you only own half.

There may be rules in your area restricting asset transfers. Some states have forced heirship rules, which require a certain percentage of assets to be distributed to a spouse or children, while others have “elective share” rights for surviving spouses. This allows the spouse to elect to take a sizable portion of their deceased spouse’s assets.

What legal documents make up an estate plan? There are two categories of estate planning documents: those used during your lifetime and those used after you die. During your lifetime, you’ll need a healthcare proxy to permit another person to make medical decisions for you. A Power of Attorney allows an agent to make financial and legal decisions on your behalf. Without these documents, your family may need to apply to the court for guardianship, which is an arduous process.

Everyone needs a will and/or trust to transfer assets after death. Lacking a legally enforceable document directing the disposition of assets, they will pass according to the laws of your jurisdiction, which may not follow your wishes. Using a trust to distribute assets combined with a “pour over will” is another approach to minimize court involvement. A pour-over will provides direction for any assets not already in a living trust to be placed into the trust when you die, thus removing assets from your probate estate and allowing them to be distributed according to the terms of the will.

What tax planning needs to be done? Federal, state, inheritance and income taxes vary by state and are subject to change. Consult with an estate planning attorney about what the tax rules are for you and how to accomplish goals in a tax-minded manner. For instance, right now (for 2024), the federal exemption for estate and gift taxes is $13.610 million per person, but this will be cut in half on January 1, 2026, so it may be wise for you to make gifts now. Some states have their own estate taxes, and a few have inheritance taxes, which apply to heirs regardless of where they live.

Have there been any recent changes to the law impacting my estate plan? Changes occur frequently on federal and state levels, making regular updates to estate plans critical to their effectiveness. Your estate plan may not reflect recent tax changes if it is over three to five years old. In addition to tax laws, other laws may significantly impact an estate plan. Regular meetings to review your estate plan with an experienced estate planning attorney could also prevent your will from being declared invalid by the court, when your estate will be treated as if there was no will and the state’s laws will determine how your assets are distributed.

Reference: mondaq (Dec. 18, 2023) “Four Questions To Ask Your Estate Planning Attorney”

Taxes that Affect an Estate

Identifying the Taxes that Affect an Estate

Estate tax and inheritance tax significantly impact an estate’s value. Estate tax is levied on the estate’s total value at death before distribution to beneficiaries. In contrast, inheritance tax is imposed on the beneficiaries based on the value of assets received. Understanding these taxes is critical for effective estate planning.

What Is Inheritance Tax?

Inheritance tax varies by state and is paid by the recipient of the inheritance. States like Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey and Pennsylvania have specific exemptions and tax rates based on the beneficiary’s relationship with the deceased and the inheritance size.

Federal Estate Tax Explained

For 2024, the federal estate tax exemption is $13.61 million per individual, with estates exceeding this threshold taxed at up to 40%. Estates valued below this limit are exempt from federal estate taxes. High-net-worth individuals benefit significantly from these exemptions but must consider state-level estate taxes, which can vary.

Impact of Tax Rates on Estate Value

Estate tax rates range from 18% to 40%, meaning that taxes can diminish a substantial portion of an estate’s value. Effective estate planning, including trusts and lifetime gifting strategies, can minimize the estate’s taxable value.

Capital Gains Tax: An Important Consideration for Estates

Capital gains tax applies to profits made from selling inherited property or investments. If inherited assets appreciate and are then sold, the beneficiary may owe capital gains tax on the profits.

Minimizing Estate Taxes: Strategies and Tips

Strategies to minimize estate taxes include using both spouses’ estate tax exemptions, spending down assets, gifting and setting up trusts. These methods can reduce the estate’s taxable value, thus lowering the tax liability.

Estate Tax vs. Inheritance Tax: Understanding the Differences

The Estate pays estate tax based on its total value exceeding federal or state thresholds. Inheritance tax is paid by the beneficiary based on the inherited amount and their degree of kinship or lack thereof to the decedent. The key difference is who bears the tax burden – the estate or the inheritor.

How Estate Planning Can Mitigate Tax Impact

Proper estate planning can significantly mitigate the impact of taxes on an estate. An estate planning attorney can help explore various strategies, ensuring compliance with tax laws and maximizing available deductions and exemptions.

Conclusion: Navigating Taxes in Estate Planning

Navigating the complexities of taxes that affect an estate is essential for ensuring a smooth transfer of wealth. Individuals can effectively manage their estate’s tax burden by understanding and planning for both federal and state estate and inheritance taxes.

For personalized advice and to develop a comprehensive estate plan that navigates these tax considerations, schedule a consultation with our experienced estate planning attorneys today.

Ever Wonder How the Very, Very Rich Pass Wealth to Their Children?

When making plans to pass assets on to family members, it’s important to consider how estate planning can help manage the taxes associated with inheritances, says a recent article, “Here’s How the Ultra Rich Pass Wealth Tax Free to Their Heirs” from yahoo! finance. The very rich have used many strategies to pass on wealth with limited or no taxes owed, and some of these strategies can be used by regular people too.

The annual gift tax exclusion. Transferring wealth during your lifetime, rather than after your death, allows you to gift any number of people up to $17,000 each in a single year without incurring a taxable gift and having no impact on your estate and gift tax exemption. Married couples may give up to $34,000. People often use this annual exclusion for cash gifts and deposits into 529 education savings plans. These plans permit “frontloading” of up to five years’ worth of gifts into one year, which results in longer and more significant compounded growth.

Paying directly for medical care or tuition. If you wish to help a loved one pay for healthcare needs or education costs, the way to do this is to pay the institution directly. You may make unlimited payments to medical providers or educational institutions on behalf of others for qualified expenses without incurring a taxable gift or impacting your $17,000 individual gift exclusion. In addition, qualified medical expenses would be considered deductible for income tax purposes. Educational expenses are tuition, not living expenses or dorm fees. However, educational expenses aren’t limited to college and could be for a private school at the primary or high school level. Even certain daycare and afterschool activities might qualify.

Using the lifetime gift and estate tax exemption. One of the best estate planning tax strategies is to gift assets you expect to have significant appreciation in the future. For example, you have a $100,000 investment in a tech start-up you believe will appreciate ten times over the next five years. Of course, gifting the $100,000 investment today makes you eat slightly into your gift and estate tax exemption. All the future appreciation of the investment is still out of your taxable estate and into the hands of your heirs—estate and gift-tax free.

Converting IRAs to Roth IRAs. The SECURE Act’s 10-year rule eliminated the ability to ‘stretch’ inherited IRAs over most beneficiary’s lifetimes. A way to preclude the tax burden on your heirs from an inherited IRA is to convert it to a Roth IRA. You’ll pay the taxes at the time of conversion, but they won’t have to pay taxes upon inheriting the IRA or any future appreciation in the account.

Implementing discount strategies. This is a complex strategy used for transferring family businesses or real estate. Discount strategies reduce the value of an interest before its transfer to its value for gift tax purposes is reduced. You maintain some control or benefit from the asset after the transfer. Examples are FLPs (Family Limited Partnerships), Limited Liability Companies (LLPs) and Qualified Personal Residence Trusts (QPRTs).

Reference: yahoo! Finance (May 25, 2023) “Here’s How the Ultra Rich Pass Wealth Tax Free to Their Heirs”

Why Is ‘When’ the Big Question in Estate Planning?

When do you plan to retire? When will you take Social Security? When must you start withdrawing money from your retirement savings? In retirement, “when” is everything, says Kiplinger’s recent article entitled, “In Retirement, Many Crucial Questions Start With the Word ‘When’.” That’s because so many financial decisions related to retirement are much more dependent on timing than on the long-term performance of an investment.

Too many people approaching retirement — or are already there — don’t adjust how they think about investing to account for timing’s critical role. “When” plays a major role in the new strategy. Let’s look at a few reasons why:

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs). Many people use traditional IRAs or 401(k) accounts to save for retirement. These are tax-deferred accounts, meaning you don’t pay taxes on the income you put into the accounts each year. However, you’ll pay income tax when you begin withdrawing money in retirement. When you reach age 73, the federal government requires you to withdraw a certain percentage each year, whether you need the money or not. A way to avoid RMDs is to start converting your tax-deferred accounts to a Roth account way before you reach 73. You pay taxes when you make the conversion. However, your money then grows tax-free, and there is no requirement about how much you withdraw or when.

Using Different Types of Assets. In retirement, your focus needs to be on how to best use your assets, not just how they’re invested. For example, one option might be to save the Roth for last, so that it has more time to grow tax-free money for you. However, in determining what order you should tap your retirement funds, much of your decision depends on your situation.

Claiming Social Security. On average, Social Security makes up 30% of a retiree’s income. When you claim your Social Security affects how big those monthly checks are. You can start drawing Social Security as early as age 62. However, your rate is reduced for the rest of your life. If you delay until your full retirement age, there’s no limit to how much you can make. If you wait to claim your benefit past your full retirement age, your benefit will continue to grow until you hit 70.

Wealth Transfer. If you plan to leave something to your heirs and want to limit their taxes on that inheritance as much as possible, then “when” can come into play again. For instance, using the annual gift tax exclusion, you could give your beneficiaries some of their inheritance before you die. In 2023, you can give up to $17,000 to each individual without the gift being taxable. A married couple can give $17,000 each.

Reference: Kiplinger (March 15, 2023) “In Retirement, Many Crucial Questions Start With the Word ‘When’”

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